Fumble's First Grow

Way to go gal!! couple pounders out the gate is good for sure. I wouldn't ever make it on 3 grams a day though with my intake......I wish haha. All you need, is what ya need though. Great job !! I'll see ya at BBQ

fumble, I had a chance to try some of the Cotton Candy you grew, outstanding! You will have no trouble 'vending' that!:clap:
I haven't tried the PK yet, but it looks & smells fab
Rock on girl!

Way to go gal!! couple pounders out the gate is good for sure. I wouldn't ever make it on 3 grams a day though with my intake......I wish haha. All you need, is what ya need though. Great job !! I'll see ya at BBQ

Thanks Wheezer. I am pretty happy with what I got. I wish the GR would have turned out, but I have a clone from her, so not a total loss. And I will be doing the dry ice method on the whole GR plant. Gonna make some "get up and go" muffins with it!
omg you ppl have your own clan or something, fumble u needs to send me these goods, i love edibles but unfortunately while in the kitchen my Iq drops significantly, i want party muffins :(
Hahaha! You're so funny Mugan. We can work on that for you. I effed myself up with edibles the other day. Hella funny now - not so much then. I ate 3 of my cookies for breakfast with a glass of milk. I wanted to know if they were effective or not! Then, about an hour later, just when they were starting to kick in, I was in the kitchen making the fudge (I taste everything I make - and if it tastes good, well, you probably know how that goes lol) and before I was finished making it, I felt the need to lie down. I was high as a kite. So I guess they are good. But I should follow my own label and start with just ONE cookie. hehehe
lol i miss being that high, i don't have any trim till late dec or early jan , am also gonna be quitting for 20 days so when i start up again al get reall high.
i still have a bunch of trimm from my last. i want to make some BHO and use the rest for medibles:) what do u use to make yours? canabutter or like the canaoil stuff.<like veg oil to cook with...
i still have a bunch of trimm from my last. i want to make some BHO and use the rest for medibles:) what do u use to make yours? canabutter or like the canaoil stuff.<like veg oil to cook with...

Hey NorCal! I have made mostly butter. Except for one batch of canna canola oil. It really depends on what you are going to be making. Like, I made the cannola oil because brownies call for oil, not butter. Most of the things I make use butter, like cookies, candy, fudge, etc. I am going to be making the coconut oil recipes (badkittysmiles) soon too. Look in the cooking forum, first or second sticky, BadKat Pharms, I think it's called. Killer recipes and pic tutorials. Let me know how it turns out.
lol i miss being that high, i don't have any trim till late dec or early jan , am also gonna be quitting for 20 days so when i start up again al get reall high.

More power to you man. 20 days?! Holy carp! How you gonna handle it man?
Hey NorCal! I have made mostly butter. Except for one batch of canna canola oil. It really depends on what you are going to be making. Like, I made the cannola oil because brownies call for oil, not butter. Most of the things I make use butter, like cookies, candy, fudge, etc. I am going to be making the coconut oil recipes (badkittysmiles) soon too. Look in the cooking forum, first or second sticky, BadKat Pharms, I think it's called. Killer recipes and pic tutorials. Let me know how it turns out.

sweet balls! cools fumble, good lookin. i was thinkin maybe some brownies. some realy potent ones hopfully cuz my last batch of cookies i needed to munch like 3 oh them bitches..
See, I wouldn't need to, but I probably would anyway! lol. My last batch of butter I did 130 grams of good trim to 8 sticks (4cups) butter. But only ended up with 3 cups after squeezing. My next batch, I will extract with H20 after it cooks, so I don't have to squeeze and hopefully, I will get close to the full 8 sticks back. For your brownies, you could do the same ratio with oil. That's an asssssssload of brownies! Most recipes call for 1/3 cup (for an 8x8 square batch) or so. Good luck, let me know how it goes.
See, I wouldn't need to, but I probably would anyway! lol. My last batch of butter I did 130 grams of good trim to 8 sticks (4cups) butter. But only ended up with 3 cups after squeezing. My next batch, I will extract with H20 after it cooks, so I don't have to squeeze and hopefully, I will get close to the full 8 sticks back. For your brownies, you could do the same ratio with oil. That's an asssssssload of brownies! Most recipes call for 1/3 cup (for an 8x8 square batch) or so. Good luck, let me know how it goes.

i usually end up 'losing' about a cup of oil every time. i usually wash it with spiced rum afterwards and give it to my friend's granny for her hot toddies - hardcore granny likes a wee tipple before bed.
bwaahaaaa! That'll be me in 30 years. Hey, I was wondering for your oven jar method, is it just a regular canning jar? I have the ball jars with 2 piece lids. Would they be oven safe? And what do you think of doing a water extraction after the jar/crock pot method to get out of having to squeeze?
bwaahaaaa! That'll be me in 30 years. Hey, I was wondering for your oven jar method, is it just a regular canning jar? I have the ball jars with 2 piece lids. Would they be oven safe? And what do you think of doing a water extraction after the jar/crock pot method to get out of having to squeeze?

yup, as long as it's a mason jar, you're laffing. (ball, kerr, bernardin, consumer's glass, golden harvest, etc. etc.) you just don't want to re-use most "packaging"-type jars. mayo jars especially. 'classico' brand pasta sauce uses a proper mason jar but they're the only ones i've found so far. cottage industry products ('homemade' jams, pickles, etc. usually from the farm market) usually come in proper mason jars too.

hm. never added water before, but come to think of it, i can see how it would minimise the squeezing, at any rate. good food for thought, thanks for that. +rep.
maybe mr kitty doesn't have to get me that centrifugal press for xmas after all. i should go tell him that rocks are good too :lol:
lol....I am so getting a ricer if this water thing doesn't do the trick. A centrifugal press?!!! OMG! that would sooo work.
i got mine at ikea for $8-ish. i didn't even know what it was actually FOR until months after i got it.

i was also thinking... what about just using the 'spin' part of a braun juicer? (ie. bypassing the whole mulching and juicing bit and dumping it right in the spin chamber)
i got mine at ikea for $8-ish. i didn't even know what it was actually FOR until months after i got it.

i was also thinking... what about just using the 'spin' part of a braun juicer? (ie. bypassing the whole mulching and juicing bit and dumping it right in the spin chamber)

hey miss kitty.....i was lookin for your thread....it must be buried deep.....just wanted to wave at ya!! hey fumble too!!!