Pickle Queen
LOL dude i should have taken her pic and FB that shit!!! I never even thought of doing such a thing .i'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet, although i'm glad because i don't agree with the gov telling people what to do with their bodies, even if they are stupid selfish whores. it's a tough one and i don't like it but i'm big on personal freedom and responsibility. if someone is on free care that i pay for, i'd shed fewer tears for their personal liberties, but i still wouldn't cheer a law like that. i think it would be a lot more effective to shame them publicly with a video of their pregnant ass smoking on facebook. ironically, THAT could possibly get one in trouble.
Ya it is hard, i also feel the only poeple that can decide what i do with my own body is me, but i'm not a retard that would do such a dumb thing , lmfao oh i just realized the irony in my own words, cause i do smoke