I don't even care if everyone quits smoking. I think it's a nasty habit and you should quit, just like if you said you drank bong water. It won't or bother me if you choose to drink bong water, but I still gotta say it's a nasty habit that you should stop, for your own benefit.
My problem with smokers is that I end up smoking and getting it all around me. You know how many times i've gone to an establishment and had people standing outside blowing weed smoke in my face? Never. With all the pot smokers out there I have never even once come across the situation of involuntarily having smoke forced into my lungs. I get it on an almost daily basis with tobacco. It's totally legal so why shouldn'y my coworker light up in my proximity?
i used to smoke 3 packs a day.
made me cough something fierce.
then i smoked a pack a day for years and was mostly fine.
now i smoke 2-3 cigs with me weed everyday (mixed, usually never solo)
cause it makes me feel good and i feel i have no lungproblems because of this.
i think its similar to brandy or cognac
drink too much of that and you grow a whole new nose, on top of your old one, though perhaps more resembling other things than noses.
but a bit of cognac is good for you. (if it makes ya feel good and is not hurting you, its good for you

is a strong drug, that needs to be respected, but it should definetly not be eradicated.
and basically, you are telling me that im an idiot that doesnt know any better.
and ive never ever blown smoke into someones face (well, 2 chicks, smokers and they liked it and smoked back (well actually the other started it lol)
and ive always taken care of being respectful to people that dont like it.
and im getting goddamned tired of having to suffer for idiots and assholes.
just because i share the same fucking liking.
i allready pay 10$ for 20grams of tobacco, because the fucking government thinks im an idiot that should be influenced into quitting
(same as us all, that smoke pot, we are considered fucking idiots that should be punished into quitting(the tobacco is only at the heavy price stage)