Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
dont you just luv to experiment
wit things an people

when you experimen you will find
sum times you win sum times you loose
but gotta keep experimenting
an even a loose you gain sumtin
sum you keep around sum drop um like its hot


Well-Known Member
Dank you sir PB
its just time my ceator would never forsake me but sumtime im tested an sum times i have to wait
im on his good side cause i do his work spredin da luve
to those worthy an thos that are not regretfuly im told to do both


Well-Known Member
yep yep i might even get aotha bottle

"i only get high to balance out my lows"

get superman high an fly into the sunst dats what im doin


Well-Known Member
Nice update D. That spray is putting in work over at your pad
yep yep i might have to get anotha bottle ofit

im takin off again second time for da day
get superman high an fly off into the clouds

i only get high to balnce out my lows -LOL


Well-Known Member
blinded by the light
when i gave you wings to take flight

you two creeps can not see
because of me - you be

so talk it over work it out convince each other
welcome-each game had its whors - member the crack whores
they wold do anything -suck a dirty wet mop
do what yo do dont stop


Well-Known Member
these creeps must be getting under your skin. i'd let em know, or like you said "build a bridge..." if they are that bad they aren't worth your time.


Well-Known Member
i got nutin but time bruh

nosorry not under my skin they are not worthy
i have flashes were it crosses my mind i vent out an move on

just like this game we all different

dats why i vent sum just mumble an pm each other
me i say it loud like james brown


Well-Known Member
for those wit a small wattage light like myself
you would benefit from a uvb in trich production
even though not to many use such small lights

i have seen sum cfl peeps otgrow sum large light peeps


Well-Known Member
ant real life ant real peeps aint rael men

when i look in da mirror i ow no man for how i got to where i am -no one- not even a crumb

my life in order
sum livin like roaches
prepertratin wit big lights


Well-Known Member
ant real life ant real peeps aint rael men

when i look in da mirror i ow no man for how i got to where i am -no one- not even a crumb

my life in order
sum livin like roaches
prepertratin wit big lights
glad im in the same position. bills paid, fam good, grow is good. and my teams are winnin!


Well-Known Member
im glad yo team is winnin
sumtimes a good coach have to change his lineup as to who is playin for his team
sum pink slips sum new players

but the game is still played on
a strong team dont fall from one player especially if not a quarterback not even a good runnin back


Well-Known Member

i talked myself into openin my tres star dawg pollen package alittle to early oh well im learnin
next time i do it right

but looks like i should have left on plant another week i cut it off today
here is what it looks like -sorry haters -even for the haters they need sumbody to lead the way for them -poor things -im here for you -just copy me
i like haters allows you to look at the other side

-hay creeps you peepin- can you spell femanized seeds
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Well-Known Member
it is funny top to middle of my branch loded wit male bottm wit female parts i hope you all learnin from teach thats what its here for to show da way
i put da wire in my pol bag to keep it open

i guess my course of actin now will be to try the glass of water thingy till balls ripen

good luck to me