Beware of Noob Answers!!!


Well-Known Member
People who don't have much knowledge need to learn to sit back and learn from the experienced growers or at least go off and research! It is so annoying when people who barely grow or never have grown buds, trying to give newbies answers to their grow problems. Why waste people's time when they are really trying to grow their own dank? I don't get people who do this just for the heck of it or is it pride? Stop acting like you know it all and be the person that learns or helps others grow better dank. Spread the love!

If you never grown or don't know what your doing.... do us a favor keep your opinions to yourself and allow the experienced ones to chime in.....

over grow the government!


Well-Known Member
Im one of those people. I just spout out random answers to questions. It's mostly for the mad cash I get for spreading dis-information for the government.


Active Member
I know the feeling. I really want to answer some of those silly questions about LED's. I Know this stuff, I can help.

No, I have never grown with LED's. I have done hours of research, looked at pictures of hundreds of grows, I can answer.
No, really, I do know more than the poster, I have grown for 13 years, just not with LED's. Common sense, it isn't tough, I can give good info.

It is a fight to not post, sometimes I push back the chair, stand up, and walk away to make coffee.

What gives me the resolve not to 'submit' is reading a later post by an experienced LED grower.

I don't know a single fracking thing about actual LED use and if I had posted everyone would know exactly how unknowing I really am.

THAT is what keeps me from posting, I hate waving my dumb sign around in public.

Others don't mind, to each their own.


Active Member
Ill just use this as a chance to get my post count up without being tooo obvious. But yes,i agree there is some crazy mis-information i read going around.


Well-Known Member
Another problem is people recommending products (like a line of nutrients) that they havnt even used yet.

Too many "book experts" on here, people who read a book and think it makes them instantly able to grow.

I studied Cervantes Indoor/Outdoor Grow Bible for months before I started growing, I mean cover to cover, thought I'd be able to do it no wrong I was. The only way you can grow/give advice is with ACTUAL experience.

Noobs should learn to stfu and just learn, many times Iv been contradicted trying to help someone by some idiot who read a book and think they know better.

Nice thread, it should be a sticky to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Another problem is people recommending products (like a line of nutrients) that they havnt even used yet.

Too many "book experts" on here, people who read a book and think it makes them instantly able to grow.

I studied Cervantes Indoor/Outdoor Grow Bible for months before I started growing, I mean cover to cover, thought I'd be able to do it no wrong I was. The only way you can grow/give advice is with ACTUAL experience.

Noobs should learn to stfu and just learn, many times Iv been contradicted trying to help someone by some idiot who read a book and think they know better.

Nice thread, it should be a sticky to be honest.
Pretty much the experience I had, having OCD I researched the topic for months and felt "able" when my first couple of grows went to shit, I found out nothing beats practical experience. So yeah, not growing, stfu!


Active Member
Sorry but if youre having problems growing this stuff, you must have serious issues. Its called WEED for a reason. It grows easily and can handle many conditions and still thrive. All of the "expert growers" out there need to hop off their high horse and reaize you are growing a fucking weed. You are not any more special than the rest of us, you just have more posts on a fucking website. Big deal.


Active Member
Still pulling for the lions, gotta hold on to my energy till footballs over then I can turn to hockey. They play till like fricken july now right? Absurd. God bless the NBA lockout, we wont have to watch the pistons lose at least. Lets High Jack this stoopid thread and make it a sports thread.


Well-Known Member
I happen to know a gentleman that grows buds big as my calf ! LOL, dude cant read or wright a F'in word! BUT can he grow,!!! if he was to have someone post for him, it would be post #1, but it would be good as gold!!!! so, I see ur point.... but, a person has to decifer what is, and is not good info for them self.

I see posts from low number peps, but some of that info is very good. so, If you do happen to know the answer, please post it!


Well-Known Member
i try to make a habit of keeping my mouth shut when i Know others know better. (or can say it better)

but if no one is answering i might hazard a guess (with the stipulations that its a guess)

(but only if the guy´s desperate lol)

but then again, i might talk out of my ass without knowing i am doing so

and maybe thats the general problem and little to do about that except keep on telling the truth.


Well-Known Member
Another problem is people recommending products (like a line of nutrients) that they havnt even used yet.

Too many "book experts" on here, people who read a book and think it makes them instantly able to grow.

I studied Cervantes Indoor/Outdoor Grow Bible for months before I started growing, I mean cover to cover, thought I'd be able to do it no wrong I was. The only way you can grow/give advice is with ACTUAL experience.

Noobs should learn to stfu and just learn, many times Iv been contradicted trying to help someone by some idiot who read a book and think they know better.

Nice thread, it should be a sticky to be honest.
I don't agree with you about the only way you can grow/give advice is with actual experience. Common sense will go a looong way when growing these plants and giving advice. People tend to listen to much to the myths they hear and try to make it more complicated than it needs to be.
People who don't have much knowledge need to learn to sit back and learn from the experienced growers or at least go off and research! It is so annoying when people who barely grow or never have grown buds, trying to give newbies answers to their grow problems. Why waste people's time when they are really trying to grow their own dank? I don't get people who do this just for the heck of it or is it pride? Stop acting like you know it all and be the person that learns or helps others grow better dank. Spread the love!

If you never grown or don't know what your doing.... do us a favor keep your opinions to yourself and allow the experienced ones to chime in.....

over grow the government!
You'll love this dude then!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but if youre having problems growing this stuff, you must have serious issues. Its called WEED for a reason. It grows easily and can handle many conditions and still thrive. All of the "expert growers" out there need to hop off their high horse and reaize you are growing a fucking weed. You are not any more special than the rest of us, you just have more posts on a fucking website. Big deal.
Yes, growing "a" plant is easy.

But there is a big difference between "not having problems" and growing a plant to its maximum potential, particularly with picky strains, indoors, under large scale commercial-type hydroponic farming in clandestine circumstances.

There is a lot to know just to get it to work at all. There is a lot more to know to turn the plants into top grade product at the end of the grow. No its not "rocket science" but there is a heck of a lot more to it than "put seeds in dirt, water, cut, dry, smoke".

There is still plenty to know with respect to obtaining and choosing strains, getting indoor light and ventilation setups right, making sure flowering goes right, cloning plants, avoiding and/or treating pests, assigning and delivering adequate nutrient mixes, then turning the stuff into cured product.

There are reasons why experienced growers will put out 2-3x as much bud per square foot as new growers, and put out stuff that's higher quality.


Sector 5 Moderator
Sorry but if youre having problems growing this stuff, you must have serious issues. Its called WEED for a reason. It grows easily and can handle many conditions and still thrive. All of the "expert growers" out there need to hop off their high horse and reaize you are growing a fucking weed. You are not any more special than the rest of us, you just have more posts on a fucking website. Big deal.
Advice from someone that's been here for 2 months.:wall: How many successful grows have you had? Where are the pix?

I agree 100% with the OP; ignore the info from noobs; they will have you growing autos under LEDs, driving rusty nails through the stems, pissing on them for fertilizer and drowning them with mole-asses. It's NOT a fucking weed; it's an herb; the term "weed" was coined by hippies, not horticulturalists or botanists. If all the "expert growers" here stopped posting, I can damn well assure you there would be a lot of people without pot to smoke. It's not a matter of being on a high horse; it's a matter of giving proper, useful information.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Advice from someone that's been here for 2 months.:wall: How many successful grows have you had? Where are the pix?

I agree 100% with the OP; ignore the info from noobs; they will have you growing autos under LEDs, driving rusty nails through the stems, pissing on them for fertilizer and drowning them with mole-asses. It's NOT a fucking weed; it's an herb; the term "weed" was coined by hippies, not horticulturalists or botanists. If all the "expert growers" here stopped posting, I can damn well assure you there would be a lot of people without pot to smoke. It's not a matter of being on a high horse; it's a matter of giving proper, useful information.
You got a good idea here brother...lets all go on strike and let Hazey Grapes run the show....after everyones grow crashes and burns Hazey will be lynched and we can take back the kingdom