Attitude Seeds and Customs.

Clint Torres

New Member
If I were a customs agent searching packages and opened one up and saw a t shirt that said high life or something similar I would inspect that package harder...that is not stealth, that's just stupid! At least put some kind of other shirt in there that's not related to illegal substances...
the shirts do not say anything about pot.


Well-Known Member
I do a lot of international mailing of small valuable packages as part of my rare coin business. Occasionally I will get a
small padded envelope with 2 small 1/8-inch holes drilled all the way through the package. After I "lost" 2 valuable
packages in the mail I was interviewed by a postal inspector. She told me postal authorities will drill small packages
that fit the profile for smugglers. She told me that if they drill a package and find contraband they will send a letter to the
person addressed on the package and tell them a package was confiscated. They do not pursue the person receiving the contraband.

The reason we all use the T-shirt scam is that postal authorities are much less likely to drill a larger package like one holding a shirt.
I usually order some extra pipes, etc. from the 'Tude as well as a shirt to bulk up the package and discourage the governmental drillers.
I have received drilled packages in the past that luckily missed the rare coins inside. So I know the inspector lady was telling the truth
about that.



Well-Known Member
the last seeds i got from attitude went to my safe address. he called up and said that customs must have gotten the seeds because there were no seeds. i told him to check closer, a minute later he laughed and said it was pretty good stealth. i'd tell you what it was but i'm not an ASSHOLE!


Well-Known Member
I do a lot of international mailing of small valuable packages as part of my rare coin business. Occasionally I will get a
small padded envelope with 2 small 1/8-inch holes drilled all the way through the package. After I "lost" 2 valuable
packages in the mail I was interviewed by a postal inspector. She told me postal authorities will drill small packages
that fit the profile for smugglers. She told me that if they drill a package and find contraband they will send a letter to the
person addressed on the package and tell them a package was confiscated. They do not pursue the person receiving the contraband.

The reason we all use the T-shirt scam is that postal authorities are much less likely to drill a larger package like one holding a shirt.
I usually order some extra pipes, etc. from the 'Tude as well as a shirt to bulk up the package and discourage the governmental drillers.
I have received drilled packages in the past that luckily missed the rare coins inside. So I know the inspector lady was telling the truth
about that.

that adds to what i know about customs! thanks!

i've seen some letters from customs that people posted.

it's pretty funny: hello, we have some contraband. if you want to claim it, contact us! if not, it will be destroyed! :lol:


bud bootlegger
that adds to what i know about customs! thanks!

i've seen some letters from customs that people posted.

it's pretty funny: hello, we have some contraband. if you want to claim it, contact us! if not, it will be destroyed! :lol:
i've gotten one letter from customs, and it is pretty good.. they go on to list what are some forms of contraband, amyl nitrates, fire works, steroids, then of course they have the drug box.. mine was checked off at the drug box then hand written in it said "seeds" ... lol..

but that's one letter in 100 plus orders from various banks.. pretty good odds.. and now that the xmas season is soon to be upon us, less and less packages will be getting checked ime.. :)


Well-Known Member
marijuana is not marijuana until the flowers of the hemp plant are prepared and cured. Then it is MJ, but then again try using that defense right?
In a botantical/pharmaceutical sense, that would be correct. The term "marijuana" specifically refers to dried flowers of the cannabis plant. But in a legal sense, this is dead wrong.

To correct this, and several other inaccuracies in this thread:

-With the single exception of explicitly licensed hemp seeds, it is against Federal law to possess viable cannabis seeds anywhere in the USA.

The State of CA may be hunky-dory with you having a bagful of seeds in your pocket and 10 Skunkadelic plants in your cupboard, but Uncle Sam is not, and mere possession of viable seeds is a Federal felony.

-Customs is a branch of the Federal gov't (see above).

-In practice, prosecuting cases takes time and money, and proving intent can be difficult. Lets say a bunch of seeds arrived at your home. With the shippers outside American jurisdiction, it might not be so easy to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you ordered them. For example, maybe someone else ordered them in your name. Now lets say they arrived in someone else's name. Even harder. . .

So customs policy is generally just to confiscate intercepted contraband (including seeds), rather than turn the issue over to local or Federal law enforcement for investigation/prosecution. But *could* customs do that? Yes absolutely they could, and they probably would do it if the contraband in question were offensive enough, or if you were under investigation for some reason.

-In England (where the Attitude seed bank is located) you're legally allowed to possess ungerminated hemp cannabis seeds, but NOT in the USA.

-Again, by American Federal law, viable cannabis seeds are explicitly defined as marijuana. That may not make botanical/pharmaceutical sense but that's what the law says. So you do NOT need to have flowers or even any product containing THC to fall afoul of Federal possession laws. In theory you could go to Federal prison over one viable marijuana seed.

-State laws on this vary. Some States may permit viable seeds under certain circumstances; some definitely do not under any circumstance. But again, since every State is part of the USA, and since Federal law trumps State law, seeds are illegal everywhere in the USA.

-Now should the Federal gov't try to actually prosecute anyone over mere seeds possession, the burden would be on it to show that said seed(s) were actually viable. The only real way to do that would be to try and germinate them. But assuming an agent of the prosecutor planted them, and the seeds were viable (and that would be the whole point of ordering them, no?), that defense would evaporate.


Well-Known Member
i've gotten one letter from customs, and it is pretty good.. they go on to list what are some forms of contraband, amyl nitrates, fire works, steroids, then of course they have the drug box.. mine was checked off at the drug box then hand written in it said "seeds" ... lol..

but that's one letter in 100 plus orders from various banks.. pretty good odds.. and now that the xmas season is soon to be upon us, less and less packages will be getting checked ime.. :)
people say i'm paranoid but i always buy at christmas time! it's a holiday tradition! :)

i'm trying to decide if i want to buy any new genetics. i have so many crosses that i haven't tried yet but new genetics always call to me... BASTARDS!


bud bootlegger
people say i'm paranoid but i always buy at christmas time! it's a holiday tradition! :)

i'm trying to decide if i want to buy any new genetics. i have so many crosses that i haven't tried yet but new genetics always call to me... BASTARDS!
you and me both.. i've probably already got more seeds than i could ever grow out in a life time, but yet i keep buying more and more.. it's addictive for sure..
i hate knowing that if i see something i want, and have the money for it, if i don't get it now, it may never be available again, and that just burns me up, lol..


Well-Known Member
I placed an order with Attitude a couple of weeks ago with the T-Shirt option, and they arrived a week later.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Here's a question.... In one of the delivery options it said they are open to different shipping methods... So does that mean u could tell them how to stealth ship ur package? Maybe We could send them what we want it shipped in... I'm jus sayin... A friend of mine said his friend ordered some seeds from Canada that came in a hockey puck... He opened it up n seeds where confiscated.... But there's gotta be something.... I mean a Case Has worked what else there are others better


Well-Known Member
you and me both.. i've probably already got more seeds than i could ever grow out in a life time, but yet i keep buying more and more.. it's addictive for sure..
i hate knowing that if i see something i want, and have the money for it, if i don't get it now, it may never be available again, and that just burns me up, lol..
i bought cinderella 88 back in the 90s from the bros grimm. i would post for a couple years, learn everything i needed, get bored seeing the same questions hundreds of times and stop posting for years at a time. sometimes i'd miss out on things. while i was on one of my vacations, cinderella 99 came out. i missed out on it. i'm still pissed! i got 5 of them from a friend but they were all fem and i didn't get to make F2s. i crossed the fems with something or other but still...

a few times over the years, 10 seeds have gotten me 10 fems. this is why i typically buy 20 of something. i'll get at least a couple males that way. back in the day we'd get 12 to 15 seeds. GREEDY FUCKS only give us 10. ohhhhh, we only made 20,000 seeds, we can only sell 10 at a time or there's no profit! :fuckoff: