Az Medical Marijuana Grow


Well-Known Member
WOW dude you are ON one.....

Do you just want to FIGHT.... If you took your own advise and READ... You would KNOW it is MY first time with this STRAIN...

How the Fuck am I suppose to know if it Popcorns or is dense?

Stop while you are ahead bro.... Now you are being ridiculous.... It was Funny 2 minutes ago but you are acting like my girl at that CERTAIN time of the month.....
popcorn nugs are not usually strain dependent. i know this because i have grown clones of the same strain with or without popcorn nugs. it is usually more of a reflection of the grower and the effort they fail to put into their grow. they usually form in the lower branches of the plant as there is less available sunlight. experienced growers know to lollipop larger plants or bring the lights closer for smaller plants. seeing that you grow in a perpetual SOG straight from clone, your plants are at different heights and therefore your plants do not receive even amounts of light. if there is one thing i have learned about growing perpetual is that canopy control will lead to lower yields and inconsistent bud development. this is what i have learned through my years of experience growing perpetually. now i am waiting for your illogical and incoherent argument which will not address any of my points. go on....


New Member
popcorn nugs are not usually strain dependent. i know this because i have grown clones of the same strain with or without popcorn nugs. it is usually more of a reflection of the grower and the effort they fail to put into their grow. they usually form in the lower branches of the plant as there is less available sunlight. experienced growers know to lollipop larger plants or bring the lights closer for smaller plants. seeing that you grow in a perpetual SOG straight from clone, your plants are at different heights and therefore your plants do not receive even amounts of light. if there is one thing i have learned about growing perpetual is that canopy control will lead to lower yields and inconsistent bud development. this is what i have learned through my years of experience growing perpetually. now i am waiting for your illogical and incoherent argument which will not address any of my points. go on....
YOU SAID - "popcorn nugs are not usually strain dependent" Your 1st sentence SAYS you do NOT know what you are SAYING is TRUE.....

What you LACK to know is my plants are at 4 different stages.....

Week 1-2 of flower - 6 plants
Week 2-4 of flower - 6 plants
Week 4-6 of flower - 6 plants
Week 6-8 of flower - 6 plants

UHHHHHHHHH MAYBE READ WAHT IS GOING ON....... There is the reason for the UNEVEN canopy..... WHAT ELSE????

And you are WRONG....

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
i dont know I didnt ask him. It's his own cut so I left it at that. It's the though, the guy knows what he is doing.
The world may never know ;) lets just say it came from a good friend in what I would call home.

your orange is in my top 10 dude no joke that shit scored a 9.5 -10 on everything bag appeal, potency , odor , everything. And it literally smells like you just peeled an orange and smelled yyour fingers.
Thanks bro. I'm glad you liked it. Next time I'll cure it a little longer to give you the real Stoney effects. I just wanted people to try the flavor.

I plucked off a nug a few days ago... Dried it out and smoked it last night... It tasted liike Lemons... crazy just like lemons...

I have been looking around alot and I have came to this question................
Is L.S.D. the same as Lemon Sour Diesel? I was told they are 2 different strains but I do NOT know...

You really hate hydro? Why?

I understand the WHOLE taste theory but I have grown in soil and YES the buds are bigger but that seemed to be it.... In hydro it will take the plants to their full potential.

If you hate hydro so bad and chemicals.... What kind of soil are you running? I bet you have as many if not more chemicals within the soil than in a hydro rez. I am not talking about PPM but the actual make up of the two.
For one I don't "hate" hydro, I just prefer soil. I am the opposite of you when it comes to hydro though. I out yielded my soil by almost double and IMO my nugs even looked better in hydro then in soil. It just lacked that taste. I don't care how it looks but if I can smell it before I even see it and then it taste like it smells....IMO what could be better? Yes bag appeal is goOd but you can make shitty bud look better with a good trim Job BUT you can never fake that true DANK smell. I can argue this all day hydro has its benefits just like soil does. Both have their pros and cons it's just preference. I am sure one day someone will blow my mind with hydro *cough* beaver *cough* one day but for now soil takes the cake.

As far as my soil goes I use roots organic. I Mix a few thing into my soil as well but I can assure you they are all 100% and 100% natural.

Lignite, coco fibers, Perlite, pumice, compost, Peat moss, bone meal, bat guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, oyster shells, leonardite, soybean meal and a couple others that I can remember.

Everything is natural man. No chemicals here. All extracted, processed, 100% organic and in its natural way.


New Member
The world may never know ;) lets just say it came from a good friend in what I would call home.

Thanks bro. I'm glad you liked it. Next time I'll cure it a little longer to give you the real Stoney effects. I just wanted people to try the flavor.

For one I don't "hate" hydro, I just prefer soil. I am the opposite of you when it comes to hydro though. I out yielded my soil by almost double and IMO my nugs even looked better in hydro then in soil. It just lacked that taste. I don't care how it looks but if I can smell it before I even see it and then it taste like it smells....IMO what could be better? Yes bag appeal is goOd but you can make shitty bud look better with a good trim Job BUT you can never fake that true DANK smell. I can argue this all day hydro has its benefits just like soil does. Both have their pros and cons it's just preference. I am sure one day someone will blow my mind with hydro *cough* beaver *cough* one day but for now soil takes the cake.

As far as my soil goes I use roots organic. I Mix a few thing into my soil as well but I can assure you they are all 100% and 100% natural.

Lignite, coco fibers, Perlite, pumice, compost, Peat moss, bone meal, bat guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, oyster shells, leonardite, soybean meal and a couple others that I can remember.

Everything is natural man. No chemicals here. All extracted, processed, 100% organic and in its natural way.

A lot of folks throw the term ORGANIC around loosely... But I heard you man.... you are organic...

As far as taste... If you are supplying the right nutrients at the right time it is ALL the same during veg and flower... But with hydro a lot of folks do not go throw the hoops of Flushing...... And that is where you get that bitter taste or fishy taste.... No skunk ass smell....

I have never done an ALL organic grow ever... have wanted to be just have not.


Well-Known Member
I'm like Bird I can easily break up a nug and tell if its an hydro synthetic nute grow or a organic. I have been smoking that long unfortunately lol.


New Member
I'm like Bird I can easily break up a nug and tell if its an hydro synthetic nute grow or a organic. I have been smoking that long unfortunately lol.
Yeah I know this stuff mate!!!

To tell you the truth I can tell how much time and effort a grower puts into the end product.....

Did you mean hydro to soil?

Or hydro synthetic to hydro organic?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know this stuff mate!!!

To tell you the truth I can tell how much time and effort a grower puts into the end product.....

Did you mean hydro to soil?

Or hydro synthetic to hydro organic?

I can taste the difference between hydro and indoor soil appearance wise they look the same.
I can definitely taste the difference between hydro synthetic and organic soil.. I dont think I have tasted too much, if any hydro organic I hear its hard to grow organic in hydro.


New Member
I can taste the difference between hydro and indoor soil appearance wise they look the same.
I can definitely taste the difference between hydro synthetic and organic soil.. I dont think I have tasted too much, if any hydro organic I hear its hard to grow organic in hydro.
Do you live in Tempe? I am just picturing what you look like....

I was on Mill Ave and some crazy ass dude was saying the same shit after I walked by smoking a spliff...
He stopped me and asked me how it was grown... I told him and he went on to tell me he can taste the radiance in the way buds are grown....

Just came to mind.....

But I can can really tell after taking a hit or 2


Well-Known Member
Do you live in Tempe? I am just picturing what you look like....

I was on Mill Ave and some crazy ass dude was saying the same shit after I walked by smoking a spliff...
He stopped me and asked me how it was grown... I told him and he went on to tell me he can taste the radiance in the way buds are grown....

Just came to mind.....

But I can can really tell after taking a hit or 2
Not me.. I'm a west sider!!! lol


Well-Known Member
YOU SAID - "popcorn nugs are not usually strain dependent" Your 1st sentence SAYS you do NOT know what you are SAYING is TRUE.....

What you LACK to know is my plants are at 4 different stages.....

Week 1-2 of flower - 6 plants
Week 2-4 of flower - 6 plants
Week 4-6 of flower - 6 plants
Week 6-8 of flower - 6 plants

UHHHHHHHHH MAYBE READ WAHT IS GOING ON....... There is the reason for the UNEVEN canopy..... WHAT ELSE????

And you are WRONG....
you have just proven my above statement true. of course there is a reason for uneven canopy. you obviously are not understanding anything i say maybe i should dumb it down for you or not use words with more than 2 sylables. i know your plants are all at different stages i referred to this above. that is why the canopy is uneven and you buds dont fill out and you call them popcorn. this is not a lesson you can read on the internet you must see it first hand from experience. and your lack of knowledge on this subject proves you lack of experience and skill. oh and on another note if you are yielding more in soil then in hydro then you really need to go back to the beginning where you should be right now anyway. one of the major reasons people grow in hydro is for the accelerated (faster) grow rate. which means more bud. more bud means more weight incase you are having trouble making the connections btw.

oh and i use the word usually because i know from experience that there are no 100% factual statements when it comes to growing this plant. you obviously are lacking in experience and have yet to learn this.


New Member
you have just proven my above statement true. of course there is a reason for uneven canopy. you obviously are not understanding anything i say maybe i should dumb it down for you or not use words with more than 2 sylables. i know your plants are all at different stages i referred to this above. that is why the canopy is uneven and you buds dont fill out and you call them popcorn. this is not a lesson you can read on the internet you must see it first hand from experience. and your lack of knowledge on this subject proves you lack of experience and skill. oh and on another note if you are yielding more in soil then in hydro then you really need to go back to the beginning where you should be right now anyway. one of the major reasons people grow in hydro is for the accelerated (faster) grow rate. which means more bud. more bud means more weight incase you are having trouble making the connections btw.

The furthest the light is from any one of my plants is 14 inches with 600 watter.....

SOOOO STOP DUDE.... Quiet trying to make yourself LOOK like you are right... When Clearly you are WRONG...


New Member
"accelerated (faster) grow rate = more bud" ??????

Explain Doctor......................

So plants that grow faster have MORE bud when finished?

Very broad statement my friend....


Well-Known Member

The furthest the light is from any one of my plants is 14 inches with 600 watter.....

SOOOO STOP DUDE.... Quiet trying to make yourself LOOK like you are right... When Clearly you are WRONG...
if 14 inches is the farthest then this must be the ones you first put into flower and this also must mean that the plants which have already stretched are touching your lights. unless of course you were wasting your time and growing small shit plants that only yield 7-10 grams......
"accelerated (faster) grow rate = more bud" ??????

Explain Doctor......................

So plants that grow faster have MORE bud when finished?

Very broad statement my friend....
i knew it you do have trouble making connections. i knew you must have some kind of mental disability. ok now that we got that out of the way we i can dumb it down for you to understand. how is this:

a marijuana plant that is grown hydroponically (in a nutrient rich solution( water based mixture)) will grow faster than a marijuana plant grown in soil (dirt). this means that the plant will make more budsites (places on the plant where the flower is formed (created)). further more (also) in flower the plant will grow bigger and the buds will develop larger. this is only true if everything is done correctly in the grow and the plant is provided (given) the proper nutrients at the proper levels at the proper stages of development.

anything else you need me to clarify for you?


New Member
if 14 inches is the farthest then this must be the ones you first put into flower and this also must mean that the plants which have already stretched are touching your lights. unless of course you were wasting your time and growing small shit plants that only yield 7-10 grams......

i knew it you do have trouble making connections. i knew you must have some kind of mental disability. ok now that we got that out of the way we i can dumb it down for you to understand. how is this:

a marijuana plant that is grown hydroponically (in a nutrient rich solution( water based mixture)) will grow faster than a marijuana plant grown in soil (dirt). this means that the plant will make more budsites (places on the plant where the flower is formed (created)). further more (also) in flower the plant will grow bigger and the buds will develop larger. this is only true if everything is done correctly in the grow and the plant is provided (given) the proper nutrients at the proper levels at the proper stages of development.

anything else you need me to clarify for you?
What you say means nothing to me now.... I understand YOU want to fight until I say YOU ARE RIGHT when you are NOT....
this is NOT my first picnic basket BRO

You have NOT seen my grow... Nor do you know what you are talking about..... I don't have 1 light boss...

I put the Scratch and Sniff at the bottom of the Pool... Tell me WHEN to take a sniff....