My opinion

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The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Ok so your going to live your life demeaning people? to each their own.
We're all guilty of demeaning people. Most just don't own up to it. To each and to all.
You can try and make it seem like I'm the bad guy all you want. :) You're as guilty as I of this human folly.


Active Member
We're all guilty of demeaning people. Most just don't own up to it. To each and to all.
You can try and make it seem like I'm the bad guy all you want. :) You're as guilty as I of this human folly.
I am not making it seem like you are the bad guy, you are doing it all by yourself. Yes I agree that I am guilty, just to a different extent. I treat others the way I would like to be treated, unless they purposely attack me or my family, then I can be a raging bitch. LOL

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I am not making it seem like you are the bad guy, you are doing it all by yourself. Yes I agree that I am as guilty, just to a different extent. I treat others the way I would like to be treated, unless they purposely attack me or my family, then I can be a raging bitch. LOL
I didn't say you made it seem like I'm the bad guy. You TRIED. :) Quite the difference.


Well-Known Member
Ive had an account on grasscity since 2008, and ive finally decided to see what its like on the other side of forums(rollitup). I dont understand why anyone would stay on rollitup, grasscity is much quality, worlds largest online head shop so in all fuck this site! Goodbye
no no no not fuck this site FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU *bongs and middle fingers in the air* stevo says bye


Well-Known Member
Care to explain what 'fucken' is? Look at you getting in the middle of something that doesn't involve you. :) Yep. Just like every other little girl destined to get smacked in the mouth.
and you talking shit just like every nerdy virgin who all of a sudden gets a pair of balls when they're in back of a computer screen
uhh,wtf? My point proven.
lol, get outta here dude. Grasscity will kick you out for talking about DXM haha (that's what happened to me), fuck grasscity.


Well-Known Member
crypty, dude, you claim to be an older man (thats picking on a teenage girl?)

fucks sakes man.

im seriously considering following you around every bloody thread ridiculing you, just for fun ;)

and provoking everyone else into following suit.

i do like you, but this is mean, lowspirited and should be below you.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
crypty, dude, you claim to be an older man (thats picking on a teenage girl?)

fucks sakes man.

im seriously considering following you around every bloody thread ridiculing you, just for fun ;)

and provoking everyone else into following suit.

i do like you, but this is mean, lowspirited and should be below you.
I hardly follow her around I never post one thing towards her unless she initiates contact with me.

I never claimed anything about my age.

Matt Rize

Bwahahaha. Haters gonna hate! Someone needs a hug really bad!!! There isn't a FAIL image apt enough to post for this one.

He is obviously a biopolar sociopath, but thats just the start! Jadeey, Urca, Kuroi, April ect. Without you all this site would be so lame. Don't waste your breath or energy responding to that troll. Its just what he wants, the only way he has to get attention in his sad pathetic little world. Try leaving the house and making a friend dude... fail



New Member
Ive had an account on grasscity since 2008, and ive finally decided to see what its like on the other side of forums(rollitup). I dont understand why anyone would stay on rollitup, grasscity is much quality, worlds largest online head shop so in all fuck this site! Goodbye
nu uh riu up is better, take it back or i'm tellin'!!!
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