Res change today... Smoke break.. I'm pretty much done just gonna check the PH in a few and have a bowl or two.
I sense your sarcasm ..![]()
NO you reminded me I have gone 3 days past rez change.... And it is shit work...
SO I AM GOING TO COURT! Not for anything significantly bad but this new ATF law has me quite pissed. Yesterday I went to go purchase an ar15. On top of that I was getting a combo set of pistols. Anyways when I went to go do my background check I went to pull out my ID and underneath it was my green card. As disappointed as the gunsmith sounded, he informed me that being a MMJ patient not only can I not purchased ANY firearm in the U.S. but can't have or own one. Thank GOD I have some very good medicine that couldn't get me in a bad mood if I tried. But now that I woke up today I feel pissed. I really wanted to shoot that ar15 today on my day off. Because of this I made a call to my lawyer. He stated that it will be a LONG process and ALOT of money and I might not ever win but that is besides the point. Who in the hell does our government think they are trying to take my second amendment away?? I've already talked to two of my patients that were vietnam vets. They said that is ridiculous and goes back in everything they stood for and fought for. Sorry for rambling....wrong place kinda too but I was wondering what your guys thoughts were....
one of my by buddies has his green card too. he also has Lots of weapons including a few class 3 weapons. so is he supposed to do get rid of them...? cuz he wont he loves them.
and what im supposed to get rid of my pistols and riffle...i dont think so... The Right To Bear Arms is very important , WTF there starting to tread on me, an i don't like it !!!
Bird, they cannot check the ADHS website to see if you are cardholder. There is a question that you have to answer when buying the gun or applying for a permit according the Brady Bill which asks you if you are addicted to any drugs - i forget exactly how it is worded. Just answer NO - you are not addicted.
Call me, i have put a lot of thought into this and done some research.
this is a good legal argument and obviously holds some merit if the ATF needed to put out that memo to try and clarify the statute even though they do not really have that power. i would not be surprised if this case is eventually decided by the supreme court. i know this has already created quite a stir in Montana and would not be surprised if the case originates from there.Being "addicted" to drugs is VERY subjective - so I am not Addicted to MMJ - so I would answer, honestly and say NO.
Do I used illegal drugs, absolutely not, everything i do is 100% legal as reccomended by my physician - so again, I would answer NO to that as well.
The onus of understanding that clarifying letter from the ATF does not fall on me - it was not even SENT to me. I would never lie in an attempt to violate Federal Law, on the other hand i will only provide information on a need-to-know basis.
this is a good legal argument and obviously holds some merit if the ATF needed to put out that memo to try and clarify the statute even though they do not really have that power. i would not be surprised if this case is eventually decided by the supreme court. i know this has already created quite a stir in Montana and would not be surprised if the case originates from there.
yeah people feel very strongly about their guns here. Montana's legislature has already come out publicly against this ATF memo.It will be just like Montana, you cant take fire arms away from gun owners in red states AZ is a big time gun state, where's Charleston Heston when you need him!