The Epic Concentrate and Extract Porn Thread!

Matt Rize

Pretty self explanatory. Let's see the porn y'all. I'll go first. Everything pictured is "ice wax", my version of ice water extraction (bubble hash).

Chernobyl from my vegan organic garden:





Sour Diesel:


Keep it going... ice wax = ice water extracted wax = the best bubble hash in the world.
OG Kush




Plushberry from my vegan organic garden:

Some random GDP or something purp lol
This thread will cause me to wash a few extra pairs of panties ;) Ur naughty in all the right ways Matt ;) Well done sweety lol
Everything was made from shitty, cheap trim, and buds meant for cooking and stuff.
Better materials from harvest, so will have better pictures soon.
View attachment 1882159Keif Filled Candy (Home Made)View attachment 1882160 Keif and BHO caviarView attachment 1882161 Bubble Hash, 90 MicronView attachment 1882162 Keif Caviar, Keif/BHOView attachment 1882164 Acetone "Solvent extraction" OilView attachment 1882165 220 Micron KeifView attachment 1882166 2 coffee filter BHOView attachment 1882167 150 micron (pre bubbled buds) BHOView attachment 1882168 90 Micron Bubble HashView attachment 1882169 Solvent Oil, 90 Micron BubbleHash, 220 micron keif, mix.View attachment 1882170 150 Micron BHOView attachment 1882163 2 Coffee filter BHO
Yes. Definitely killer stuff. What do you do differently from making regular bubble hash??? Some of those pics almost look like BHO
Yes. Definitely killer stuff. What do you do differently from making regular bubble hash??? Some of those pics almost look like BHO

Bubble hash refers to bubbleman, and I am not bubbleman. He got his name from wet ice water extract, because he made wet ice water extract, and he taught the world to do the same. Wet hash bubbles violently. Dry hash bubbles a little and mostly melts, like bho. Does good bho bubble? Good ice water extract doesn't either.

So I try to not perpetuate the term bubble, it means wet hash. "Ice wax" is short for "ice water extracted wax", which describes both the process and the product texture accurately. Solventless wax is another term, used by hashmaster Nikka T, but water plays a minor role as a solvent in the ice water extraction process, so I used the most accurate term I could.

Small bubbles form during decarboxylation, from heating, but not like the big bubbles that gave bubbleman his name. A couple years ago I posted my how to on line and he had to admit that he has been teaching bad form all these years. The hash in my pics are those pure colors because the extracts are actually dry. I use sunlight, so no camera tricks either. Check out my giant how to thread in this very sub-forum. Making pure ice water extract is easy if you don't follow bad tutorials, of which there are many.

I see you are in norcal. My ice wax is at Kushorganic Vapor Lounge in Hopland right now. Check them out, they have the illest hash bar in the world. Have you ever even seen a "borch" before? That is one of Hitman's bong/torch pieces, a serious piece of art/engineering. Its for sure the most expensive piece I've ever dabbed off, like 10K.

Borch! and the dab mistress!
that stuff looks fire bro, i really like the dry ice extraction method for how easy it is, this was one of my best dry ice runs [youtube]boTb-PKEUaQ[/youtube]

I can't wait for my first good grow, so I can make a bunch of good good. I only got like 1g maybe 1.5g from ALL the trim in this past grow. It was like a $50 dollar grow though.

Maybe when I start glass blowing I can make money to just buy medical buds to use :)
So what size micron is that bag? Can you layer bags for different qualities like with ice water extraction?
So what size micron is that bag? Can you layer bags for different qualities like with ice water extraction?
I try to keep the Q/A on the big tutorial thread. Yes, different bags give different qualities. Most of these pics are either 73 or 90 bags.

Agent Orange ice wax
So what size micron is that bag? Can you layer bags for different qualities like with ice water extraction?
90 micron
You can, but it's not just 1 run.
gotta shake it into one bag, then the next, then the next


Just realized you may not have been talking to me
^^^^Nothin Else Matters - Metallica
seems like you grow alot of TGA genetics, any reason in particular ?

Sub breeds for recessive genetics, meaning most of his lines are actually pretty unstable and tend to go hermaphroditic... but the flip side to that is one out of every 20 seeds or so is a killer pheno that produces extreme resin with unique flavors. I support Sub as a person and his role in this industry, although I know he rushes seeds to the market. Can't blame him really, the fans want new lines, they don't care about stability.

The thing I love about TGA and Sub is that they refuse to make feminized seeds. That, in my opinion, puts them on top of basically all the other American breeders. Look at Swerve and Cali Connect, they went fem and are banking off selling bunk fem genetics. I don't respect that. I literally threw my freebie Swerve seeds out. DNA is starting a Cali branch, and I also threw out my freebie DNA genetics seeds, because DNA went herm. I'm popping some Flav seeds from TGA that I bought at the dispensary today :)
ok, i actually had a bad herm experience with TGA Querkle, thats why i have somewhat of a bitter taste in my mouth bout them...actually, it wasent even the 100% hermi rate, but when i hit him up on youtube (i know he seen my messages too), just kinda askin, what happend, and anything i did to make them all hermi, or any tips for preventing it from happening responce... seemd like he got my $, and didnt give a fuck about the 4 + months i waisted on the seeds...but, i dont doubt that with enough searching, youll find a keeper