And as far as Bret Saying that my buddy is a cop and had no bond, then would'nt he setup somebody. OR WOULD HE HAVE HIMSELF ARRESTED!
You can call the Twin Towers and ask if there was a bond posted
My Buddy (the OP) is also the Pres of ASA in Phoenix, you can look on there website to confirm, all he is trying to do is lookout for fellow MMJ activists and growers
Bret Be a MAN not a Mouse and admit your a snitch!
If I'm upset about anything (which I'm not), it's that you're criticizing some snitch for whatever reason, but yet you have my address for what?
We're obviously not friends. Just in case? In case what?
The fact you have my addy still just proves how sad and petty you are.
And that you're still mad about something that never had anything to do with you in the first place? Priceless. You makes me lolz.![]()
I deleted them because I don't want to involve the mod and the person who told me in this again. I deleted them because as much as dislike you, I wouldn't say something about you I couldn't you heard i posted your address..... WOW! not even 1 person saw me post it then. That must be because it didn't happen! hahaha!
I wish you could see my face. Cheesin pal! You're so petty it's great! Just wanted to take the opportunity to warn people not to give you their address, that's all. Cause 1; you'll keep it for whatever reason, and 2; if you get mad and you happen be on your man period, you'll post it online. That's all. As long as were watching out for snitches and NARCs, what out for NoGutsGrower.I make threads calling you a snitch months ago, I make another poke at you being a snitch on kevins thread 2 weeks ago then you make this up.... HAHAHAHA!!!! And you try to say your not mad..... AHAHAHAHA!
I deleted them because I don't want to involve the mod and the person who told me in this again. I deleted them because as much as dislike you, I wouldn't say something about you I couldn't prove.
I wish you could see my face. Cheesin pal! You're so petty it's great! Just wanted to take the opportunity to warn people not to give you their address, that's all. Cause 1; you'll keep it for whatever reason, and 2; if you get mad and you happen be on your man period, you'll post it online. That's all. As long as were watching out for snitches and NARCs, what out for NoGutsGrower.
Thread derailed.
I can fix that!
Lets take a look at a situation here.
A guy gets busted for the same crime twice. He's already on probation for that crime when he gets busted the second time. He gets 3 years of home monitoring probation.
Then he gets a job doing the same thing he's on probation for.
Then 13 days later this guy has a falling out with said employer which ends up with him getting fired. Then that employee demands payment for the work he's not yet done. The employer refuses.
Then 5 days later they magically decide to let him off probation more than 2 years early.
Then 12 days after that the place he's working gets busted for the same thing that got him busted in the first place.
The police end up with video evidence of the whole operation.
For some reason, the police do not suspect the guy who brought in the plants even though they had video evidence of the whole op. Even though that guy who brought in the plants was on probation for that same crime at the time and a registered narcotics offender, he's not even brought in.
The police do not suspect the guy who is a registered narcotics offender and was supposed to be on probation for cultivation even though he's the guy who supplied the plants even when they have video evidence? WTF?
Does anyone think that seems legit? Sure sounds like something was up there to me.
Well to me its all hear say no one has Physical evidence that will hold up in a court of law and people start rumors every day and 99% of the people belive beacuse they have no clue whats truely going on so I would just let this subject go cuz its not going to solve any thing nor fix it Thats all im sayin take the advice or not
This is the second time this has happened with him and the LA county sheriff. The last time it happened the people at the dispensary say they saw him open the door for the police over their surveillance cameras, then the cops busted the dispensary for possessing the bud that he brought in. Again, there were cameras on the whole thing and the cops didn't bust him for it even though he should have been on camera bringing in 25 pounds and the bust happened right after he left.
Why would the LA county sheriff allow him to do all this, bust everyone around him, and not even bring him in for questioning when they should have video evidence of him involved in both cases? It doesn't add up.
you have some bad information.
1) Craig Rubin accused him of being a CIA operative, not a snitch for la county sheriff. according to CRAIGS surveillance videos, the cops come in 3 hours and 15 minutes AFTER he leaves. If yo get a chance to see the surveillance footage, check the time stamps.
2) Craig was never busted with 25 pounds. He was busted for selling pot to an undercover police woman named Tracy Fields.
3)Bret's probation never ended early, he was sentenced in september 2008. Bret started probation september 2008, completed september 2011 - 3 years. Jail sentence was on hold because Bret filed an appeal, lost in November, and served his 6 months.
4) grape ape is not available in seeds. anyone telling you they have grape ape seeds is misinformed.