KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
hey kona...you know anything about hydrogen peroxide and using it during flush..? I have heard WAAAAY different opinions on this one...some say it helps break the bond between the soil and the nutes and others say no that is helps the nutes get taken up by the plant faster...what to you think..?
Peroxide shouldn't be necessary for a flush, but it could possibly help, but if you use enough water it shouldn't be necessary. I think where it helps is it supplies oxygen to the then waterlogged roots. The problem lies if you are growing organic, cuz the peroxide will wipe out the good colonies along with the bad. I love peroxide, and even bleach, but I use strictly chem nutes and don't need beneficials. If I was using organic nutes, and had a colony of good guys, I'd only use sterilizers as a last resort to save a plant if it ever came to that. My soil garden is strictly organic, and I never have used peroxide there.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Glass blowing is awesome I'm saving some money to get some good equipment and get set up proper. It's pricey though but for me it would be worth it in the $ on paying some artist for a sick piece u just have to get into your creative zone and learn how to do it and once your good at it really apply your imagination and blow some sick glass


Well-Known Member
nice peice girl!!

yo finshaggy, good luck with gettin into blowing!! its such a badass skill to have
Hell yeah, thanks.
I'm soooo fuckin ready. I already got an idea that will make my pieces original, and more of an art "piece", than a pipe. But definitely still working pipes.
(I say Art "Piece", because it will work like an "Art Gun" against the fuzz-lice)
Glass blowing is awesome I'm saving some money to get some good equipment and get set up proper. It's pricey though but for me it would be worth it in the $ on paying some artist for a sick piece u just have to get into your creative zone and learn how to do it and once your good at it really apply your imagination and blow some sick glass
I'm gonna start with like $500 equipment, and just "Ghetto rig" my own tools from a hardware store, as those ones break, or whatever. A lot of people make good tools that way anyways.
And I'm sure I can eventually get another torch, and gas gauges alone for cheap.


Well-Known Member
Me too...
Hey i got an idea ???
Lets pretend im kona....yeah?

I know im not as young and hot like koner is ...or a chick...lol

Okay maybe this is a bad idea.... or is it?