My pot movie

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You have to watch the videos closely. All of them from the beginning. Have you done that?

There's no guarentees in growing you know -- no matter how good you get. And you can blame that on prohibition. But I thought at least the point was clear from my film.

Right at the start .

"Had a few bad years ",i thought that said it all.

Its fucked up how fast shit can creep up on even the most finincally prepared person,i got hurt a few years back & thought "no sweat" ive got enough money,till 9 months later & $43,000 dollars worth of medical bills beat the shit out of my bank account,then all of a sudden i was worried about money for the first time in 20 years.

Its amazing how fast shit can turn bad with money,no matter how much you have,life goes on & shit needs to be paid.
Right at the start .

"Had a few bad years ",i thought that said it all.

Its fucked up how fast shit can creep up on even the most finincally prepared person,i got hurt a few years back & thought "no sweat" ive got enough money,till 9 months later & $43,000 dollars worth of medical bills beat the shit out of my bank account,then all of a sudden i was worried about money for the first time in 20 years.

Its amazing how fast shit can turn bad with money,no matter how much you have,life goes on & shit needs to be paid.
Your right! especially when your buisness is a unpredictable thing like pot growing.. There's so many factors involved... Unless you have a perfectly safe plot then theres no way to guarantee you will harvest your crop, half or none at all..:evil:then you still have to move it all :blsmoke:
Hey bros im going to use the black bags with the potting soil trick and i was wondering,will the root system pass the walls of the bag ?or if they wont then ill be using the bag as the container.:confused: do i have to seal the bag during large rains so that the plant does'nt drown and so that the soil doesnt wash into this clay ass shit on this hill....:peace:
Hey bros im going to use the black bags with the potting soil trick and i was wondering,will the root system pass the walls of the bag ?or if they wont then ill be using the bag as the container.:confused: do i have to seal the bag during large rains so that the plant does'nt drown and so that the soil doesnt wash into this clay ass shit on this hill....:peace:

Don't use soil. Use mix. puncture small drainage holes.
Right at the start .

"Had a few bad years ",i thought that said it all.

Its fucked up how fast shit can creep up on even the most finincally prepared person,i got hurt a few years back & thought "no sweat" ive got enough money,till 9 months later & $43,000 dollars worth of medical bills beat the shit out of my bank account,then all of a sudden i was worried about money for the first time in 20 years.

Its amazing how fast shit can turn bad with money,no matter how much you have,life goes on & shit needs to be paid.

school these youngsters will yuh? Obviously still on the teet.
great link bro...

i would like to offer this link...

YouTube - Toyota commercial - It's a trap

i love it. thank you. :mrgreen:

a few bad years huh? and you've been doing this for 20? wow, slow learner. lolol:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

since it's rolling off your back.........
I would first like to state that one of the truest measures of success is having people that worship the ground you walk on and having those that would love to see you crucified. BDW you have definitely achieved this status.

I would like to see you crucified (metaphorically speaking). This to me is a thinly veiled grab at fame and easy money. Reasons will follow but to me it is disgusting that you paint yourself as a revolutionary and a political leader.

Your description of your show is "What it takes to bring you 250,000 dollars of BC Bud." If you make 250,000 dollars canadian (untaxed) which is roughly a little less USD at the current exchange how the hell are you in such a massive amount of debt? What do you do the rest of the year with your time?

You must have been succesfull before and made tons of money did you or did you not? Doing the intense physical labor you do obviously means you currently don't have health problems. Yes I know jack about the real world I'm still on the tit but my father who has worked his ass off often being away from his family, having sleepless nights, and a heart murmer from the stress makes an honest LEGAL living making almost 150,000 a year and now loves his job. Just because you had some hardships along the way doesn't make you any better than people like him. My father was born in a fifth wheel trailer in a shit hole texas town and lived there for the first 8 years of his life. Don't bitch to me about social inequalities and the status quo you live in the god damn free world.

You love to grow? Move to cali, get your card and grow a personal crop and get a real job! Thats just bullshit you can grow but just not for tons of easy money.

Don't almost all helicopter's have IR, they can spot your crop but can't see your flannel masked completely un camoflauged ass running through the woods with a sack of weed slung over your shoulder. How much did you pay that pilot?

Your videos are more dramatic than a goddamned reality TV show. Dogs who are interested in something enough to bark will give chase when the object retreats. How did the elusive BDW get away from this? All that drama with your wife really does build the suspense doesn't it. Maybe you should give MTV a call.

It amazes me you put out this personal information, that I never did see. I'm now talking out my ass because I don't know what you posted but are you just asking to be a pot martyr or what? This reeks to me especially when you continually mention post count and views on youtube. This is all about money isn't it? You can't wait to dump those 20 dollar DVD's and get rich can't you?

Any idiot would realize your fucking up progress towards legalization as more and more are growing in the mountains now fueling this socialist system of law enforcement. The more weed there is to easily catch the more jobs there will be for those thinking they are helping society by acting like badasses with the burning piles of a natural plant.

I see the members of this forum as more of a revolutionary than you, increasing hard to catch indoor growing that is accesible to almost anyone will win the fight. The mass amount of product it will take to drop bud prices to what would be legal levels is going to take a wartime like grow by all americans, canadians and others who live in the free world. This is how the misinformed and lied to will be defeated or we will lose enough rights a revolt will be guaranteed.

What's hurting us more is those such as my idiotic roomate who are reduced to a pile of retarded garbage when they smoke. IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU DUMB PEOPLE! It does not make you hate bush, or make you quit being a productive member of society. Tell your friends how idiotic they act or look and usually it will make them realize its all placebo, or they need to learn how to not abuse everything in sight.

More so than that the idiocy of the American public who refuse to learn about statesmen such as Ron Paul and who will vote for idiots like obama because he is "charismatic." They buy into the "change for a better tommorow" what the hell does that mean its vague feel good bullshit.

Change is possible. The states can have their power back and quit buying into this socialist system that serves big corporations, agricultural monopolies, big pharm, welfare, soon to be socialized healthcare, pissing and moaning from those who "can't get ahead" and companies that can lie and leave thousands of people bankrupt.

It doesn't come from this hippy lets all love mentality, does anyone realize we are not that evolved and there are those that are cut throat and will take advantage of you. The general public is too dumb and sheepish to bring about change for the better. I know this sounds cheesy as hell but It is going to take violence and a leader such as George Washington that is an entirely unselfish man and can turn around and give the government right back to the idiot people who will screw it up in 200 years.

Thats my rant and if sound idiotic and completely wrong just please ignore this. If this however strikes a chord then please share with someone else. I am probably wrong and for those who have read this whole thing thank you.

BDW if I am just being a jealous jackass tell me, however I want to hear your "noble" explanation for the reason of this grow and DVD.
whats better digging holes or making rows
A hole ....and preferably one thats dug down as deep as possible... well you don't need a 4 foot hole:mrgreen: but dig and turn over the dirt about 2-3 feet down and about 2 feet wide will be fine and the roots will have plenty of room to grow and thats what you want. And another note if your not using bags and you going the pure soil way whole grow then make sure you mix in compost,check the PH and see what it needs to go up or down be sure it drains well but is soft and compact the roots will flourish that way..perlite helps with that ...worm castings are great too.:blsmoke:
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