Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
i dont think ther is anything out there that is bettern this
maybe if i was a pimp wit a 18 inch dick about 10 inches around maybe
but im not so dat brings me back to

the fact that
i dont think there is anything bettern this hobby
what better can a poor man do wit 3 to 5 months
if you got a cake in the oven
in 45 minuets you got a cake to enjoy

if you dont put a cke in da oven in 45 minuets you aint got shit
do you feel me

what better can you do wit yo side time
all you mauhfukas dat know dat you know more den me
here is yo time

an da question on da floor is what more can you do wit yo time to be more benificial
cause dats whut i want to do wit my time

cause i aint got a lot left

true dat


Well-Known Member
yah know i dont know whaut da next life is gona do for you
its bassed on how you lived this one
but for me gona be a party ova here
wooat woot


Well-Known Member
if you just looked out for self all while you were here on dis earth

yo next life might not be so rewarding
for wht you put in or take away from dis life
you pay for or wrep da benefits for
in da next life

good luck


Well-Known Member
why dankyou bruda
we still learnin
had to start late
cause of her personality
an i did not want to break her spirit
but she was very stubborn an quite a chalenge
an if her feelings get hurt forget it
you get nada

a real beotch
dis gal

but i luv ha


Well-Known Member
naw i like da way day do afta flower even thou you go through the re veg stage
dnt matter case im runnin da doner
i buy time wit the re veg
an that whole re thing i like
more growth
more shoots
more plant after reveg
then without
try it
they got a name for it i cant think of at da moment
good luck to ya

blessings on yu