Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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kevin murphy

New Member
stunning mate...nice work as usual mate
Hiya all, loads of pics as usual lol:)
ph 5.8
ppm 750
temp 26C - 27C
Humidty 46
2ml per liter feed!!
3 homemade co2 bottles! :)
Nothing else to say really expect enjoy and let me know what ya think :)



Well-Known Member
thanks man, i thought you knew about my grow??? oh well you do now :)
I did but don't make it around to a lot of posts! My profile was set to not subscribe to threads even if I post in them, so I don't always follow them that closely! Kev even PM's for updates on his thread, and that's the one I check most often (next to the cali patients section)!
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