One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Like I said easy problems to solve but they take money. Its hot both outside and in... Buy a nice split AC unit. Problem solved. A Split AC is actually THE best way to manage heat..or shall I say the most precise. They are not THAT expensive... I got mine from minisplitwhareshouse for under a grand (18,000 btu).

yes i see your point still though its not just the money factor for me my grow is under my house so its virtually open air down there plus i rent so im not spending up for a split system for my landlords benefit plus my partner would never let me bring the grow upstairs. i do see your point though some people are blessed with a great climate and still cant get their head around how to get things running the way they should
I see the air pots working wonders for you!!! :grin:
Thats one of the biggest ones ive seen used in a grow. besides the ones they have on there websites
i usually do a SOG with the 3 liter ones. and bump up to 2 gallons about 3-5 days before they go into flowering.
pretty good combo because i can fit so many in such a small place because the lack of root circling/rot

i had some problems with the yellowing of leaves too. its most likely your PH
i had 2 plants in the same box (sharksbreath and sour cream) LSTd both and my sour cream started getting that.

its not the light because my other one was nice and green
so i tested my ph and out of the drain it was 8
i could only imagine what the ppm could be.
so after a RO investment and some ph up/down everything with the clones of them
stayed bright green and were all around better.

also ive never foliarly (probably not a real word) fed my plants so it might be the ph of that too. ive always heard not to in flower because it increases the chances of burning the plants leaves/pistols and greatly increases the humidity/chance of mold.

especially in your case where youve got bud on top of bud molds gonna be a real enemy. whats your RH???

but besides that everything youve got goin looks perfect!
Two chocolopes chopped yesterday and what's left under my screen. One super skunk, one critical+kali mist.

The chocolopes went nine weeks of 12/12.


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Two chocolopes chopped yesterday and what's left under my screen. One super skunk, one critical+kali mist.

The chocolopes went nine weeks of 12/12.
Yo check out the pruning guide in my signature, it will help you with those marble sized popcorn buds.
Hey man,

Just read through the whole thread.......MMmmm Enjoyed that...

Great looking grow... Brillant exsample of a diffrent method of SCROG..

Love the sound of the strain..

Your gonna have once nice carpet of bud there...

Pulled up a chair to watch this one out..



Cheers man, appreciate it! You should like todays update then! The strain description had me sold straight away, big fan of anything with blueberry genetics. Carpet is coming along real nice, tryin to get everything even as possible for that flat look.

I'm driving, and lazy... What week are you in now? I'm mid week 4. Buds fully formed a I'm still shucking them from the understory. I've got one plant of the bunch that is really sticky and triched up already. Going to clone her.

I suffered some stretch while out of town all week. Forgot to tell wife to exhaust the dehu into the room during lights off and into the Hvac when lights are on. Daytime 83 at canopy. Nighttime 69! FUCK. I can't stress enough how much temperature makes a difference in how the plant grows. Oh well, buds won't be massive dense clusters but at least the wont mold.

It's a freakinf jungle in there for sure. I've got about 8" of light moving space left.

Sorry for the late reply man, had a long ting week, lookin to have a slightly better one this time round. End of week 4, start of week 5 come tomorrow. Anyway ur post got my attention, 69F is what... 20C... my cab has been sitting at bang on 20C today during lights off but all week she's been sitting in 17C.... I've never grown this time of year before, normally seasonal i guess, so i've never grown in cold conditions, don't know what effects it will have on the roots, nute uptake, growth ect. If you can shed some light on these issues i'd appreciate it!

She really hasn't stretched that much at all man, if anything, i'd say she's stretched quite a comfortable amount so far, she's still growing but i can't say the low temps are showing to make a huge difference. Either way i'm gona invest in a 80W heater for when it gets real cold outside.

Ur buds aint gona grow another 8" if they're in week 4-5 surely.... anyway more stretch means a more open airy canopy, more light pen, cud be a blessing in disguise no?

Yep, my nite time temps hit 67-69 for a few nights... shocked them for sure and they never bulked up right. It looked like a million different deficiencies but it was really just cold roots not being able to uptake the nute's properly. Surprising how sensitive they are in a container considering outside they can withstand nearly freezing temps. Although I suppose it makes sense, at 3' under the surface of the earth it is suppose to be a pretty constant 55F, still seems cold tho.

I put my hand under the run-off last time i fed her and the water coming out the bottom of the pot from last watering was pretty damn cold! Much colder than the stuff i was feeding her with. My temps are dropping to 17C lights off but new growth is looking super sweet, old growth i had problems with but its sorted now, the leaves will never recover though so sad times! I fed her coldish water ONCE and straight after that i started getting severe yellowing. Was cold cos it was bottled water as appose to from my shower.

Pound, you can still take cuttings, it will just take longer for them to root and revert back to a fully vegetative stage. I've used both powder and gel root stuff, I prefer the powder. I take my cuttings and just stick them all in a glass of water as soon as I cut them. After taking my cuttings I get all my stuff ready. Clean razor blade, cutting board, powder sprinkled onto a piece of paper and the cuttings. I cut off any branches leaving the top two nodes of leaves. I lightly scrape the stem that will go into the soil and then take the cutting, make my final slanted cut and then dip it in the water again and roll the scraped stem and the bottom cut into the powder. I use a pencil to make a hole in the soil and in goes the cutting. I use party cups. After that's complete I water the cuttings in and put a humidity dome over them. I spray them twice a day, if needed, once in the morning and once in the evening. Otherwise I spray the inside of my humidity dome. Too much spray on the cuttings will give them leaf rot before they root.

Legally, I again agree with you about temps. I try to keep my room as constant a temp as possible. It generally stays around seventy eight. I have the luxury of having a spare bedroom to grow in that is dedicated to growing only, so it's basically isolated from the rest of my house. Next to genetics, environment in my humble opinion is the key to growing nice specimens.

Completely agree with you about environment, so many first time growers struggle due to poor environments, what they dont realise is if only they improved this one factor, it would make life for them SO much easier and drastically improve the end result. Then comes genetics... This is the reason i try not to cut any corners when buying equipment or working on my set-up.

Rep for that. I was just typing the other day that it seems strange that environmental parameters are one of the most important factors, easiest to control and yet, you see soo many growers saying things like "yeah it's 90 degrees in the tent and I don't know why, I have three computer fans in there".

It's easy but then again, it does take money.

It does take money i agree but i reckon its only worth really doing if u do it properly. I'm not saying everyone should have a full on air cooled system with separate ventilation so you can use a co2 system, i'm talking about covering the basics properly. If you live in an country with a relatively harsh environment (stupidly high/low temps) ..well...where there's a will there's a way, right?

rep spread around thread well deserved...

It wont let me! Gotta spread some around before i can hit u up, all in good time kev

any pic updates?

Comin to a screen near you, sit tight

I see the air pots working wonders for you!!! :grin:
Thats one of the biggest ones ive seen used in a grow. besides the ones they have on there websites
i usually do a SOG with the 3 liter ones. and bump up to 2 gallons about 3-5 days before they go into flowering.
pretty good combo because i can fit so many in such a small place because the lack of root circling/rot

i had some problems with the yellowing of leaves too. its most likely your PH
i had 2 plants in the same box (sharksbreath and sour cream) LSTd both and my sour cream started getting that.

its not the light because my other one was nice and green
so i tested my ph and out of the drain it was 8
i could only imagine what the ppm could be.
so after a RO investment and some ph up/down everything with the clones of them
stayed bright green and were all around better.

also ive never foliarly (probably not a real word) fed my plants so it might be the ph of that too. ive always heard not to in flower because it increases the chances of burning the plants leaves/pistols and greatly increases the humidity/chance of mold.

especially in your case where youve got bud on top of bud molds gonna be a real enemy. whats your RH???

but besides that everything youve got goin looks perfect!

Yes indeed it is, was a special order, don't think shops stock em. Roots have settled in nicely and have reached the air holes around the side of the pot, they are now self pruning themselves i next grow no matter what the set up i'll def use these from the start and stick with them!

Ur spot on, wasn't the lights at all, although the top pistils on buds in the middle of the canopy have been scorched slightly, they have retreated back towards the bud and the buds have white tips, minor minor bleaching/burning. The leaves were all fine but yellowed due to PH problems, first lockout then deficiency! Had it all this week. New growth is the darkest healthiest i've ever seen, so i'm not touching her now until she really needs a good watering, and when she does she's getting exactly the same as last time!

I've stopped foilar feeding this week due to the thickness of the canopy and size of the buds. I'll be very surprised and extremely disappointed if my three 6" fans and insane air exchange don't combat all potential mould issues. Have no idea what my RH is, i'll find out today and get back to u on that one. My hygrometer currently sits outside my cab and gives just a temp reading of the inside. I'll stick in there today when the lights come on.

I've said it before and i'll say it again, fucking beautiful man, all about the shape of ur lady

Two chocolopes chopped yesterday and what's left under my screen. One super skunk, one critical+kali mist.

The chocolopes went nine weeks of 12/12.

Damn man i want! I'm so very very nearly sold on chocolope, u've done well. All i need now is a weigh in and smoke report and i'll make my decision! Ur other 2 look super super tastey man, looks insanely frosty! U only running HPS's? Or you got a dual spec going on somehow
Yo check out the pruning guide in my signature, it will help you with those marble sized popcorn buds.

Just read through that thread, good read for sure. Thats pretty much exactly what i did before i stuck her into flower, went with a scalpel and literally popped off all the baby branches/leaves that were emerging from the nodes. Now the branching is exposed you can see everything clearly, and how what i've done has effected the branching. Theory behind this is the plant will put all the energy of each branch into the top of each branch for bigger plumper buds nearest the light source. All bud sites that would've got completely shaded out by the canopy were removed as early as possible (dont want a single popcorn bud). I didn't stick to certain generation of branching as i wanted a dense a bush as possible, but growing this plant out has tought me SO SO much about how these plants grow, and how to train them, and how training effects them ect ect. Wish i found that thread earlier, i wouldn't have felt like i was diving into the deep end the day i took a scalpel to her and cut off over 100 future bud sights!
  • Starting tomorrow i'm gona cut back to weekly updates, but, i'll also upload really good resolution pics so u can properly see the canopy and buds ect.

  • Todays foilar was with Florigen and Organic B. I think the plant is starting to smell a little bit, hardly anything though. Any minor scents are masked by the Foilar feed which stinks big time. Still she looks like she likes it so i'm gona keep it up for as long as possible. Foilar feeding with bottled water also so should be no PH issues, she should be getting the best.

Looks good.
That's a fat ass single plant.
  • Right so i've named this plant "Big Suze", she's my big suze...


  • Anyway, big suze had quite a bad week really, she's been through a lot, starting the week with a lockout, which made me flush her with approx 80L of water, more than enough as organic nutes wash out easier. The leaves were yellowing quite a lot, and as i hadn't checked up on her before the lights came on for a few days in a row, the HPS hid the problem for a couple days. The last flush was more of a really really light feed of calmag (half strength) and supervit.

    The next day i checked up on her to find the yellowing had slowed down but was still spreading slightly, starting off in the middle of the canopy and working its way to the edges (ends of main branches). So i concluded as a flush had helped but not solved the problem, maybe its now a deficiency. Anyway i fed her full strength flower nutes + Topmax + Organic B + Silicon + and low and behold the next day she's pushing out some of the healthiest leaves i've ever grown! So so dark and cool and generally super healthy. I've seen plants with leaves like this on the forum but always thought it was the camera making them look so deep dark green but its not... Anyway I'll probably give her another good feed today of exactly the same stuff.

    The yellowed leaves that weren't gona recover and were shading super green healthy leaves below were removed, thats why the branches in the middle of the canopy look thinner and less plump than ones near the edge of the canopy that the yellowing didn't have a chance to reach before i figured out what was going on.

    ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF WHY I SHOULD INVEST IN A PH METER! All week i've been guessing whats up with suze, i'm just fortunate enough to have guessed right.

    Anyway the damage is done now and she's well on the road to recovery. Plenty of overly healthy new growth. I'll continue to trim off yellow leaves when i see them, today i didn't have time but yeh.

    Only the tips of smaller leaves are the real noticeable bits of yellowing, with the odd fan leaf here or there. Everyday she gets a little greener as new growth gets bigger and i cut a few more tips off.


  • This week i also untied a lot of the branches and/or pulled them up and off their ties in an effort to flatten the canopy up a bit and get rid of the hump in the middle. As i did this i noticed just how little of the canopy is actually tied down to the screen, and how much of the screen was being wasted. For this reason i chose to systematically dismantle as much of the screen as i could in an effort to improve air flow under/through the canopy, and to make space for the fan i've now placed there.

  • Removing big chunks of my screen also enabled me for the first time gain proper access to the top of my pot and the main stalk. I'm struggling to illustrate just how thick this stalk is...... I'm hoping when u can see the whole plant and all the other branches it puts it into perspective just what a BEAST this stalk is..... its a trunk, i'd say easily an inch in diameter...

  • Gaining access to the top of the soil also helped me clear out any old decaying leaves that had fallen through the screen and up till now were either extremely hard to access or had gone under a layer of soil after numerous waterings. Anyway i removed a lot of shit from the top of the soil, lots of dead leaves with little white dots on them... mould maybe? Either way they've all been removed and everythin now looks super clean and neat. Watering will be a walk in the park now, no more sticking hoses through the canopy.


  • SO i decided to stick another 125W CFL in there to bring up the total wattage i'm running to 850W. In the pics it kinda looks like they're blocking quite a lot of the HPS light from reaching the branches behind the bulb, but once the doors are shut and the cab has that reflective face to it again, those branches receive PLENTY of red and blue light.

  • After a week of trying to get hold of a stupid Mega-Ray 60W bulb + external ballast, i've had no luck. It seems 1 person in the whole of the UK stock these things, and they're almost impossible to get a hold of, so ive given up for the time being. I'm still dead set on introducing some UVB light in my cab as i'm completely sold on it, its just a case of getting the money together to buy a 26" tube (26W i think) + reflector and set it up on the back-side of my cab, shining down. Will be purchased in the next few weeks hopefully.

  • The sputnik reflector i'd been using all the way up till now has been removed and swapped for a cool tube. Why? Because i believe in a space as small as mine, a cool tube would offer a much better light spread than a big reflector that has to be angled. Also in a cool-tube, my inline fan blowing over the bulb will be miles more effective as its blowing air directly over and past the bulb, instead of over the bulb and around the inside of the reflector. This should mean less heat coming from the reflector and therefore i can sit the light lower = more lumens for all the tops.

    Using this cool-tube has also created a lot more space in my cab, useful for all my extra additional lighting. For example, now its actually quite easily feasible to put a tubed UV light/reflector behind the cool tube. Before there was no way a tube + reflector would fit in there.


  • Cab temps: Lights on 24-27C Lights off 17-20C

  • Under canopy fan has been moved to blow through the canopy from left to right as apose to just straight up. Much more effective here, there is good breeze felt at soil level.

  • Come this time next week if all goes well, there should be plenty of thick dark green foliage, bigger buds, and nothing yellow in sight! This update is a good one, but next weeks should be killer!

  • Nearly forgot to mention, she's getting sticky and smelly! Smells DELICIOUS, quite minty yet sweet. Trichs are popping up everywhere, and maintenance is now resulting in sticky hands!

  • The buds growing around the edges of the canopy i.e. a certain generation of branching, the buds are SO much bigger than the ones in the middle of the canopy. I'm sure this is partially down to the yellowing/trimming off of leaves (plants can't photosynthesise as much therefore put as much energy into growing) and partially due to the generation of branching.

    Again, something this grow has opened my eyes to. Slowly i'm learning how to train to achieve exactly what i want. Next grow will be a immense now i know what i'm doing.

Hope you enjoyed!

I barely even care about the buds, look at the fucking tree trunk!
I don't even understand how you grew that in a 5g bucket in one growth season.
jgkrkghdrkghdkfjlg what the fuck I bow to you master.

When you harvest that, leave a bud or two and plant the rootball in a forest.
That fucker deserves to LIVE:leaf:
Man definitely loving life there, aside from all the hurdles you had, she's definitely going to start getting fat quick. :-) Can't wait to see some buds swell and get even stickier. :weed:

I barely even care about the buds, look at the fucking tree trunk!
I don't even understand how you grew that in a 5g bucket in one growth season.
jgkrkghdrkghdkfjlg what the fuck I bow to you master.

When you harvest that, leave a bud or two and plant the rootball in a forest.
That fucker deserves to LIVE:leaf:

Guess i've got ur seal of approval then! haha its insane how thick this stalk is.... its already at least 3-4 times bigger than the stalks on my Blue Cheese and Sour Diesel, and at the time i though those were prettty beefy! I guess this is just what a 14 week veg will do to a plant, turn it into a tree! Do stalks continue to get thicker through flowering? i dont even know!

ANYWAY, big thanks for the comments! Glad the update didn't disappoint. I fully realise this sounds stupid, but i actually keep the skeletons of my old plants, for no good reason really. Anyway if i've kept my super lemons skeletons, there's NO chance i'm chucking this one away..... That was the whole idea behind this crazy grow, to end up with a spaghetti junction skeleton after harvest! Should succeed with the added bonus of tons of bud!
Great update!

Glad u liked it!

Man definitely loving life there, aside from all the hurdles you had, she's definitely going to start getting fat quick. :-) Can't wait to see some buds swell and get even stickier. :weed:

Yeh she's a relatively happy girl now a days, as i said, give her a week and once she's fully up and running once again with nice big fan leaves ect, swelling and general growth will go into overdrive. With a root system like she's got a 850W above her i can't see anything else happening!
Guess i've got ur seal of approval then! haha its insane how thick this stalk is.... its already at least 3-4 times bigger than the stalks on my Blue Cheese and Sour Diesel, and at the time i though those were prettty beefy! I guess this is just what a 14 week veg will do to a plant, turn it into a tree! Do stalks continue to get thicker through flowering? i dont even know!

ANYWAY, big thanks for the comments! Glad the update didn't disappoint. I fully realise this sounds stupid, but i actually keep the skeletons of my old plants, for no good reason really. Anyway if i've kept my super lemons skeletons, there's NO chance i'm chucking this one away..... That was the whole idea behind this crazy grow, to end up with a spaghetti junction skeleton after harvest! Should succeed with the added bonus of tons of bud!

Yes, you did this right.
I didn't realize she had a 14 week veg, that explains it.

Don't worry, I keep skeletons too!
Annnnd, to be even mroe coincidental, I just did the same thing!
That was the motivation behind the crazy LST in my signature journal.

I'll get a shot of her skeleton while I update the little clone tonight.