No. What happened is that someone made a thread, someone else replied to the thread in kind, you then quoted this post and gave a negative comment based purely on a misunderstanding. He made one use of one term, not two, he stated suspended. You're whole post was based on the idea that suspended somehow means soluble. I cheekily mentioned this, you went off the rails. Soluble does not mean suspended, your post was not correct. You then blew it way out or proportion when confronted and missed the point.Lets first say, that my post that started all this was towards a kid that posted two different terms, First saying that when smoke passes threw water it must leave something suspended...which i said no....which you all say yes, or atleast back him up...but then later you all say, whoa no wait we went talking about smoke we mean the buds and spent ash that gets pulled threw my bong head and into my water...Which is two different things.
You did no such thing, you stated that thc is not soluble in water. that has nothing to do with the science behind whether smoke can or cannot leave thc residue suspended in the water.but lets not get confued. I am debating that cannabis smoke does not leave any thc behind in water when it passes threw it. and you want me to explain why? I think i already did...
Umm, noone has said anything about ALL the THC but you. And even if it filtered just some of the thc out, that's like saying there;'s no point in smoking full stop as it's not 100% efficient.I wouldn't use a bong if the water filtered all my thc out , would be defeating the point of smoking the weed.
Okay I see your starting to piece this together somewhat reasonably.No. What happened is that someone made a thread, someone else replied to the thread in kind, you then quoted this post and gave a negative comment based purely on a misunderstanding.
No, YOU said that things MUST be left behind, he said it wasn't out of the realms of possibilty or something. Stop trying to put words in peoples mouths.guess we are not done.
I can do this all day brother.
once again......He said that when smoke PASSES THREW THE WATER THAT IT MUST LEAVE SOMETHING BEHIND SUSPENSDED?!!?! When have you ever seen smoke stay suspended in water? NOT EVER ON THIS PLANET DUDE! So for THC to stay in water it must be water soluble right? cause smoke dont stay in water ...right? Let me know if your following this, then once i feel you made it this far i will continue, seems i lose you real quick.
Lol, by negative i mean opposed, against, not agreeing with. You have yet to add a single piece of evidence that he was incorrect in his musings. All you've tried to do is spin words and claim he was stating something he wasn'tOkay I see your starting to piece this together somewhat reasonably.
How was saying that someone was off track negative? And was he not off track? Getting smoke suspension and water catching all your spent buds confused is a bit off track..And your right it was a misunderstanding, which when someone dont fully understand something he is thus off track. so once again how was that insulting? now calling you a fucktard was a bit out of line, but i apologized and replaced it with a few better words.which i am starting to think that fucktard was a understatement
no no no and NO! rinse your bong before each use. thc is not water soluble. the whole point of the water is to cool the hot smoke, and filter unwanted chemicals. you see when you take a hit, a lot of bullshit chemicals that you DONT want get absorbed in the water because they're water soluble. thc is not as just passes through the water. also keeping bong water can be hazardous to your health. it could promote black mold spores or any other kind of mold. keep your body healthy and clean so you can live a long time and get high for many years to come! my high school friend used to actually do this years ago. cant beleive he actually smoked that tar.Ok so its been a while since i have changed my bong water. its practically black. i did this because i was pondering about extracting the thc from the water. i read somewhere a while back that you can use alcohol to extract the thc and after it evaporates you are left with low quality hash. has anyone does this before? is there any other methods of using the bong water to get high? dont be cruel, its just a fun question.
can i smoke your house? walls might have some thc residue on them.How did you go from THC being left behind in water from smoke passing threw it, to now that THC residue must be everywhere cause when I smoke my house stinks?
he says they drank it and got high, which means THC would need to be water soluble. Then goes to say that it must work because smoke leaves thc residuals suspended in the water.... Then he goes to say that he wont have the balls to drink it, thus again leading to THC would need to be water soluble to drink it and get high. Now he goes to a totally different approach and then says or perhaps i can evaporate the water and keep whats left, which is the suspended material in the water. now one of those two statements is WAY OFF TRACK, are you not able to point out which one I was pointing out, or are you that fucking retarted you fucktard.I read a post a few years ago where someone said that in a fit of desperation he drank bong water and got stoned. Considering that thc enhanced smoke has passed through the water it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities that some residual amounts of thc are suspended in the water. I just don't think I would ever be brave enough to drink it. Or perhaps pour it into a shallow glass bowl/pan and let it evaporate, scrape up what ever is left. Sort of like ISO hash.
Woah, dude, relax.... you're harshing my mellow.There was no logic in his post....He didn't read what dude said, and spit off at his mouth. I understand fully where he is coming from, but he must not understand where I am coming from.....I quoted it encase he wants to look into it and maybe apologize...
So do you defend all your boyfriends or just this one?
Ill say sorry for throwing fucktard out there. Ill use something more polite.
I am so sorry. If you know me a tiny bit you would know that was not my objective. I hope your mellow can be recovered in a timely manner.Woah, dude, relax.... you're harshing my mellow.
Thanks for that, I was blinded by frustration and you stated everything that I initially wanted to say, before having to debate my first and was to be my only response. + repno no no and NO! rinse your bong before each use. thc is not water soluble. the whole point of the water is to cool the hot smoke, and filter unwanted chemicals. you see when you take a hit, a lot of bullshit chemicals that you DONT want get absorbed in the water because they're water soluble. thc is not as just passes through the water. also keeping bong water can be hazardous to your health. it could promote black mold spores or any other kind of mold. keep your body healthy and clean so you can live a long time and get high for many years to come! my high school friend used to actually do this years ago. cant beleive he actually smoked that tar.
also on a side note, dont use beer or any kind of alcohol as a water substitute. alcohol absorbs thc and your smoke will be less potent. never use liquor, high proof is flammable and you dont want to be the idiot on the news that went up in flames from taking a alcohol fueled bong hit.