my widow


Active Member
stolen plants = BAD KARMA
As do false accuaations good sir! I have had a couple of opporunities to inherit half and almost fully grown plants due to circumstances like new girlfriends, one of my buddys got paranoid, unfortunately for me i was never in a position to accept the offers... if any of em had looked asgood as theae do i may have had a harder time saying no.


Active Member
after all the love and care the guy who grew this put in, it's hard to believe he just handed you this massive beautiful plant and didn't tell you a single thing about how to take care of it, let alone at the very least what kind of light cycle you should have :/ just my opinion..


Active Member
You betr get under some light fast the more stress u put under more chace of a hermie to long revert back to veg bad thing thir pleas say you dnt steal thim it u did thay will die pretty plants though


At least four more weeks my friend.....and just to note....good for you for rescuing the ladies.....hope they smoke as good as they look bro.....who ami kidding WIDOW of it will!!!!! hahahaha rotten thing to do if you stole them....tis hard to believe he handed over such a beautiful crop....