1800 watts Sealed and CO2 Enriched."A Teachers Learning Process"

cool man. finishing or not i bet you got alot of knowledge. i dont believe a college degree is going to be worth as much in a few years anyway. So uhh you a Tebow fan?
Ha, I feel you. I'm from Minnesota. Big Vikings fan. I'd like to see the Donkies do well but
I'm not so specific on any players here, especially some god-loving virgin from Gator country ;)
That's cool man. I only used it 4 times within a 2 week period and bugs were gone. Haven't needed it since.

I see ur from boulder.

That's where I grew up. My dad was a proffesor at CU. He's a quantam physicist.

Im plannin on moving back out there in the next few years. I miss the mountains so much. Snowboarding is my passion.

I postted a bncha harvest pics in grow thread if u wanna check em out. Links in my sig. Pics are on few last pages. Gonna post more tonight

Im a denver fan by the way, but not much of a teebow fan. He did pretty good this weekend and couple weeks ago when they came back in last 3 min. I went to john elways last game at there 2nd consecutive superbowl. Man that was a great game.
Was there a problem, or was that just routine?

Yea, my first feeding was a 1.15 EC, the plants didn't seem to mind it, but they didn't explode like they
usually do from my first feeding. So my 2nd feeding i lowered to .7 EC, but didn't really give any runoff
so I think I just added the .7 to the 1.1 for the most part. Their toxicity began to spread and was showing
in more places than just the margins of the leaves, the leaves began to hook and curl down and were
showing some real toxicity, so I leached with .3 yesterday and gave to the point of some serious run off.
Tomorrow they should really be picking back up and their roots better be exploding.
ahhh ok i see. im having some small ph issues myself. but this might because. i was doing fine in my old house, but now it ain't working as well. im going to start testing ph through my whole next grow. i remember when i first started growin i used to leach and feed with every problem i saw. do you use any leaching/flushing agents.
ahhh ok i see. im having some small ph issues myself. but this might because. i was doing fine in my old house, but now it ain't working as well. im going to start testing ph through my whole next grow. i remember when i first started growin i used to leach and feed with every problem i saw. do you use any leaching/flushing agents.
Those agents are pretty useless IMO, they are typically sugar based (Clearex). Your best off flushing with a very mild nutrient solution. This will actually draw more nutes from the medium then flushing with pure water.

Too bad about the toxicity. That's my gripe with hand watering, I feel like I'm always making stupid decisions looking at the pots like well can't take it out now haha
Thx, and Ditto on the 2nd part. i hated adjustin ph so much i just gave up on it. the effects weren't that much different. i get leaf curling and some lite nute lockiut. but like i said i plan on using the organization of my first grow with the knowledge i have now.
Those agents are pretty useless IMO, they are typically sugar based (Clearex). Your best off flushing with a very mild nutrient solution. This will actually draw more nutes from the medium then flushing with pure water.

Too bad about the toxicity. That's my gripe with hand watering, I feel like I'm always making stupid decisions looking at the pots like well can't take it out now haha

Can't add much to that, SG! Pretty spot on.

No argument from me. but why a mild nutrient solution rather than plain water? aren't we trying to leach the nutes out?

Here's a group for growers growing qith 600w's most people have more than one like you. there's a lack of good threads around here and i think the best group of growers on riu. i figured since your rockin 3 600's you'd like to check it out.

In coco leaching with pure water can cause problems by messing up the
natural anion and cation relationship within the coco. Canna recommends never
to leach with pure water and to always have at least some A+B to keep the coco
balanced. This keeps the pH and EC stable in the coco.
Hey shrubs, I was wondering if you've ever tried the air-pots before? I'm currently using the smart pots in the f&d, but looking at cost, throwing them away each cycle is costing me some big bucks each year. I was thinking of ordering 30 12.5 Liter pots but I just can't seem to find anyone using them, so I'm turning to you lol Think they will work just as effectively? Medium will still be hydroton/rw cubes 50/50. Thanks in advance for any reassurance.
Hey shrubs, I was wondering if you've ever tried the air-pots before? I'm currently using the smart pots in the f&d, but looking at cost, throwing them away each cycle is costing me some big bucks each year. I was thinking of ordering 30 12.5 Liter pots but I just can't seem to find anyone using them, so I'm turning to you lol Think they will work just as effectively? Medium will still be hydroton/rw cubes 50/50. Thanks in advance for any reassurance.

Bro! You throw em away? I just empty the coco in to trash bags, turn them inside out and
beat the hell out of the remaining coco outside and run em through the laundry with no detergent.
They come out looking brand new!

But no, I havent tried air pots, and I was skeptical to smart pots in the beginning so would love to experiment.

I can't believe you've been throwing them away lol. mail em this way!
dude, my roots come out lookin like...


Am I suppose to let them dry out or what, because I've tried to get these out with minimal luck. h2o2, and oxyclean in the wash...still too dirty for my liking.