Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
what is the ppm of your tap water .. im kinda shocked at how the hydroton pebbles have upped my ppms to 150 with no nutes..
i cant remember its been so long since i have tested it :lol:
i had the same problem except mine rAISED UPTO 400+, nothing you can do about it imo as its just plain water, but saying that ph up/down affects ppm so that might have made it go up??

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
nice one wimb.. i didnt realize ph up/down changed the ppm.. hope your day went well.. its a beautiful morning here with a picture perfect sunrise over the mountains. I hope you have a nice evening.


New Member
nice one wimb.. i didnt realize ph up/down changed the ppm.. hope your day went well.. its a beautiful morning here with a picture perfect sunrise over the mountains. I hope you have a nice evening.
yer its not been to bad, my evening wont be all tha grand as i have to go work in 30mins :(
but a man has to do what a man needs to do!


New Member
thats fuckin crazy dude! thats as long as my hair!! it looks like my hair! i love these root shots.. everthink about doing a thread dedicated to roots.. lol.. my new fav ..........rootPorn!!:hump::joint::hump:
that also your color down below ??? fck what did i just say wondering if your a female now lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
ahahahah, very funny dr fever.. are we going to have the pussy convo again.??
. lol....this ones for you DR FEVER!!!LOLOOLOOOLOLOLOLOL:leaf::-P:leaf:


New Member
lol i love hairy pie matter of fact i am one dam pie eatting maniac


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