I'm in your area. I am not from here, though, and I am still coming to terms with the retarded hillbilly, holier-than-thou, incarcerate-everyone-for-the-slightest-infraction culture.
That said, I grew a few plants this year, after being out of the weed culture for 30 years. In the countryside, you should be able to find suitable growing spaces. I understand the desirablity of not growing on your own land, but there's also the unknowable users of land that's not yours. I suggest a several plots with no more than a few plants each. I have heard that pine trees camoflage the plants from the air, and also provide cover in the fall when everything else turns brown. I like areas where the trees have been harvested 3 to 5 years earlier, so there is vegitation of similar size to the plants. I don't relish climbing through thorny brambles, but I prefer to plant there assuming that most people will avoid those areas. Having flown over my property in a small Cessna, it is pretty damn hard to distinguish weed from more than a few hundred feet up. I am surrounded by thousands of acres of timber land. I feel that the likelihood of being spotted from the air is negligable. My biggest worry is deer, rabbits and hunters. For the first two, I use chicken wire cut to 8 foot lengths and staked to the ground. For the latter, brambles and poison ivy.
Good luck.