HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Not a sealed room...but more like hidden in a corner of a a tub that the lid is open on lol.. will these insects hurt the buds though? I figure they "eat" the leaves therefore reducing the effectiveness of the photosynthesis period therefore decreasing energy for the flowering stage.. but its just so late in the process.. I just don't know how much damage they can do in that short amount of time..
So if anyone cares... I found out that Lady bugs are the shit and eat all sorts of bad bugs that mess up your plant. Introduced 3 the other day and voila! infestation almost completely eradicated in a day.
Yes. and unlimited amounts of ammo. and a bottomless pit of hunger. haha. its just a small grow anyways and thats all we could find..figured it couldn't hurt. I've been impressed so far.
Yes. and unlimited amounts of ammo. and a bottomless pit of hunger. haha. its just a small grow anyways and thats all we could find..figured it couldn't hurt. I've been impressed so far.

They do work , i was jesting at the amount you used , sorry buddy , was toked up last night when i typed that !
Ok so I made it 13 pages in and now I'm also sick of the BS. Sorry for not reading until the end before posting. I generally think it's rude to ask questions that could have been answered already. Plus I read slow :-(

Anyway. I noticed a small infestation a couple weeks ago and never had time to deal with it properly cause I was going on hol the next morning. I made a batch with scotch bonnets as I couldn't get the habanero on such short notice. Also didn't have gloves but thought the burning hands was worth saving my girls. Got back from my week away and the mites were still present but had not taken over so this stuff does work. Sprayed again when I got back but didn't seem to work as well the second time. I also think I maybe missed a few...

Now that I got the real deal peppers, I made a new batch today but still waiting for my gloves to arrive! Becaue I really burnt my hand badly last time, could I dip the entire plant upside down into a bucket? Growing dwc so shouldn't be too hard. Using dried peppers and made a batch with 50 of them weighing 50grams (I think). Would this be enough to make a strong enough 18ltr solution? I'm also going to add some garlic and tobacco juice to the mix, just in case they built up a small immune system after I used the scotch bonnets.

They becomming a problem and also considering predator mites or ladybugs.

What's your view on all this?

So after 18 pages of B.S can someone tell me how much water to how many habbies..... you know step by step instructions and maybe a list from what works best to least without all the opinions.

Thank You
So after 18 pages of B.S can someone tell me how much water to how many habbies..... you know step by step instructions and maybe a list from what works best to least without all the opinions.

Thank You

Uh I think you maybe only read all the comments and not the start of the thread? Point 1.) below should help you out. Pretty much everything you need to know is on 1st page, 1st comment.

Making the Calicleaner

1.) Get a sauce pan - fill with one pint of water - put on lowest flame possible (do not boil !!!).
2.) Chop 4 -5 Habanera peppers fine. Chop open seeds and central membranes, as the power lies there.
3.) Simmer chopped peppers for 20 minutes - making sure not to boil (you will destroy the active proteins).
4.) When you put your head over the pan and the wispy-steam stings your eyes, the Calicleaner is ready.
5.) Pour the Calicleaner through a fine mesh strainer - a little fine grit is OK - let cool in a clean bowl.
6.) Pour room temperature contents in a mister spray bottle. Your are ready to apply.
Ah man really hoping the OP hasn't abandoned his thread.... Decided against dipping the entire plant in a bath so fingers crossed my gloves arrive tomorrow. Otherwise it's another round of the burning hands!

Just another question. Are dried habs still as strong? Just doesn't seem to take my breath away as much as the scotch bonnets did.

Will post results once they been torched again.

OMG habs are way stronger than scotch bonnets. Just torched the little bastards now. My bedroom is like being at a protest that's just been tear gassed! Can't breathe anywhere near my cupboard and this shirt just sorted by blocked nose too.

I would suggest an actual gar mask for anyone else trying this. My home made face mask was useless...
Uh got some bad news... Less than an hour since I sprayed down my girls with the pepper juice, there's STILL mites crawling around munching away. So much for the hot mouth theory? It's possible that I missed a few but there's more than a few kicking about :wall:

Looks like I'm gonna need to order some predatory mites sooner rather than later. Wish ladybugs weren't so expensive in the UK cause I would rather have them as narkill advised...
Introduce predators! Also manual removal. It can get very tedious but you need to remove as much as possible everyday by hand. YES by hand. Gently with your clean washed fingers or better yet powder free latex glove. Those bastards will try to lay their eggs right along the leafs steam so make sure you get in there also. Its a very bad idea to spray anything on your flowers especially pesticides. These are intended to be used on fruits that can be RINSED before eating. Surely you dont rinse your flowers b4 indulging. lol. If you must use a pesticide put it in a tupperware container and dip only the infected leaves in there (can also be very difficult). But also remember predators will be sure to not eat all their food source because then their young wont have any. So between you and predators over probably a constant daily 2 week battle should probably be able to k/o those suckers. Either this or total removal of everything clean down and start again IMO.

PS lady bugs are on ebay ;-)
Introduce predators! Also manual removal. It can get very tedious but you need to remove as much as possible everyday by hand. YES by hand. Gently with your clean washed fingers or better yet powder free latex glove. Those bastards will try to lay their eggs right along the leafs steam so make sure you get in there also. Its a very bad idea to spray anything on your flowers especially pesticides. These are intended to be used on fruits that can be RINSED before eating. Surely you dont rinse your flowers b4 indulging. lol. If you must use a pesticide put it in a tupperware container and dip only the infected leaves in there (can also be very difficult). But also remember predators will be sure to not eat all their food source because then their young wont have any. So between you and predators over probably a constant daily 2 week battle should probably be able to k/o those suckers. Either this or total removal of everything clean down and start again IMO.

PS lady bugs are on ebay ;-)

That's some very usefull information dude! Never knew the predators would leave food for their young or thought to check ebay for the bugs... Got some preds in the mail tho so hoping they arrive in the next few hours.

Just another note. The spray doesn't seem to break down that fast or rinse off very well. For instance, I decided one of my plants was passed survival so chopped last night. Ended up getting hot face after I scratched my nose. Obviously tranferred from the leaves to my hands then face :shock: This was 10 hours after initial pepper spray and 4 hours after clean water spray.

Thanks for the info Green :peace:
Ive not long got rid of 2 different kinds of bugs, i aint got a clue what they were but they were eating me ladies.

i ordered habenero peppers dried online.

i also soaked some regular golden virginia rolling tobacco butt ends in water, by the time i got the peppers the nicotine cig butt juice had killed everything.

ive got the caliclean stored just incase though, ill be ready for them next time lol.
Uh got some bad news... Less than an hour since I sprayed down my girls with the pepper juice, there's STILL mites crawling around munching away. So much for the hot mouth theory? It's possible that I missed a few but there's more than a few kicking about :wall:

Looks like I'm gonna need to order some predatory mites sooner rather than later. Wish ladybugs weren't so expensive in the UK cause I would rather have them as narkill advised...

invest in some neem oil.............:weed:
Hey Calibuzz, So I'm new here, but I do have a spider mite problem :shock: My research led me to this thread and you seem rather knowledgeable, so I've made up my own batch of CALICLEAN. Applied it last night and those mother fuckers stopped moving. It seems so far so good :clap: I'll be checking the nooks and crannies again when its lights on. Thanks Calibuzz!!!
