The Republicans Presidential Candidate


Well-Known Member
libtards cant think they are only repeating their masters bull shit rhetoric talking points its quite entertaining seeing the pathetic retards try to converse with one another.


Well-Known Member
libtards cant think they are only repeating their masters bull shit rhetoric talking points its quite entertaining seeing the pathetic retards try to converse with one another.
*missing a comma after 'think'
*missing connector between 'rhetoric' and 'talking'
*missing period after 'points'

i grade this a D- and give you the angry troll award.


Well-Known Member
*missing a comma after 'think'
*missing connector between 'rhetoric' and 'talking'
*missing period after 'points'

i grade this a D- and give you the angry troll award.
that about what was expected, also your puntuation is subjective to the contex , have fun making an ass out of yourself


Well-Known Member
further more i am not on a pc so puntuation is of the least bit of concern isnt that too bad buckie
what's to bad is the fantasy world you live in. a world where:

*the founding fathers did not own slaves
*slaves had an equal opportunity in life as their masters
*blacks were better off as slaves
*fluoride is a conspiracy to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we turn into nazi germany

and my personal favorite:

*ron paul will win

it's too bad that you don't join us in the real world.


Well-Known Member
what's to bad is the fantasy world you live in. a world where:

*the founding fathers did not own slaves
*slaves had an equal opportunity in life as their masters
*blacks were better off as slaves
*fluoride is a conspiracy to give us chemical lobotomies and make us passive so we turn into nazi germany

and my personal favorite:

*ron paul will win

it's too bad that you don't join us in the real world.
*More correct than saying they did, we've been over this and you got schooled hard son.
*You twisting shit with your collectivism sensationalistic bull. Your own mental psychosis, not mine.
* the same as that ^^
* Fluoride is toxic and is a main ingredient in Xanax, this isn't up for debate, but i know you rode the short bus so i will let it slide.

Its too bad your mom dropped you on your head several dozen times when you were an infant, but that's only because she was always fucked up on drugs and alcohol, even when you were still in the womb and that's gotta be where this horrific irreversible brain damage came from.


Well-Known Member
what is "puntuation"?

does that have to do with football or something?
Keep trying, it is quite pathetic, i know you lack comprehension skills. So even when you see my "c" did not get entered, you show your desperate grasping at trying anything you can, even typos, wow just... wow, pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Keep trying, it is quite pathetic, i know you lack comprehension skills. So even when you see my "c" did not get entered, you show your desperate grasping at trying anything you can, even typos, wow just... wow, pathetic.
same typo, twice in a row, in two separate posts?

that's not a typo, that's a pattern.


Well-Known Member
*More correct than saying they did, we've been over this and you got schooled hard son.
actually, i was the one that gave you actual schooling in how statement logic works, you were the one too feeble to understand what a "for all" and a "for some" claim is.

*You twisting shit with your collectivism sensationalistic bull. Your own mental psychosis, not mine.
ummm, what?

you made that statement. it is plain to see in your posting history.

* the same as that ^^
maybe the answer is to put blacks back into slavery then?

* Fluoride is toxic and is a main ingredient in Xanax, this isn't up for debate, but i know you rode the short bus so i will let it slide.
fluoride is not dangerous in the miniscule amounts you find in your drinking water.

just because you don't understand how chemistry works does not a conspiracy make.

Its too bad your mom dropped you on your head several dozen times when you were an infant, but that's only because she was always fucked up on drugs and alcohol, even when you were still in the womb and that's gotta be where this horrific irreversible brain damage came from.
see what you did there?

by stooping to the most juvenile level of insults possible, you just admitted that you have no ammo left.

i could end this all by comparing your intellect to that of a mentally-handicapped wombat, but i think i will do one better:



Well-Known Member
yet somehow people are living longer than ever, despite all this "poison".


don't you have some alex jones to watch or something?
I watched Ron Paul School all those who don't already know this morning on fox news- He was on his A game.
I was just watching alex jones he had someone on talking about the aborigonal genocide in Canada,


Well-Known Member
I watched Ron Paul School all those who don't already know this morning on fox news- He was on his A game.
I was just watching alex jones he had someone on talking about the aborigonal genocide in Canada,
that's excellent.

do you masturbate to ron paul?


Well-Known Member
where did i disrespect the old man?

i simply asked if you ejaculated while dreaming about ron paul, and if there were turtles involved.
I would sleep more soundly knowing Ron Paul was representing our country as its president.