Barney's F - Vanilla Kush / TGA Subcool - Ace of Spades = Waterfarm - 600w


Active Member
Hey Dayzt, everything looks like it is going awesome for you. I was wondering if you noticed much of a taste/quality difference in the buds that you have grown in soil (say the kandy kush) and the buds you have done in hydro (TD) when you taste the final product?
Looks pretty damn close if not ready to me. You look at the trics with a scope yet? Very frosty, gets me excited to see mine flower:mrgreen:
i think I'm gonna try to wait about 4or 5 more days, kinda inexperienced,but gonna sell some of this and go by me a scope so i can check trics,next time
these girl are frosty and smell unbelievably good


Well-Known Member
your not using a screen for the aos? or is it that its just that small it hasnt reached the screen yet??


Well-Known Member
30 hours of dark? Does that make a difference instead of straight up switching to 12/12? Less stressful? I'm not sure, this is my first grow..
As mentioned, the extra dark 'theoretically' initiates flowering faster and can help with stretch and such. I actually didn't end up doing this though. I just shortened my lights-on time by 6 hours on Friday, so they ended up going directly to 12/12. I did the extra dark time between cycles on the TD grow, so this will be another comparison to see if there's really any advantage to the extra dark time..

It just forces flower quicker is all. Less stretch and such...

I've got an OG 18 clone going right now! Heard nothing but good things about it.

Girls looks great, I can't wait to see that canopy explode in flowering!
Thanks! Both plants are looking REALLY strong and healthy. I may tuck tops for about another week yet now that flowering has begun, but we'll see how stretchy they get. =)

Hey Dayzt, everything looks like it is going awesome for you. I was wondering if you noticed much of a taste/quality difference in the buds that you have grown in soil (say the kandy kush) and the buds you have done in hydro (TD) when you taste the final product?
Well now that you mention it, we actually ended up with some fairly harsh tasting Tangerine Dream bud when smoked in joint form. (vaporizes really good though) Because of this, I've looked back and realized that I may not have flushed my TD properly, and the extensive root-rot you see in my harvest pics appears to have caused more problems with the finished product than I'd hoped. Because of that, I can't really compare soil to hydro yet as for as taste, since I didn't flush properly... hopefully this time I can keep that under control better! I've started adding H2O2 to my rez water and add-backs now because of that, and I've also started to monitor my rez temps more closely - I'll elaborate on those things more in another post...

i think I'm gonna try to wait about 4or 5 more days, kinda inexperienced,but gonna sell some of this and go by me a scope so i can check trics,next time
these girl are frosty and smell unbelievably good
Wow, that VK looks really good - I'd ge chopping it for sure within the week after done flushing... It looks alot like our VK looked at harvest time, if not better - I think we could have went another few weeks with ours as well - then it would have looked more like this... good job!! That's going to be some great smoke - guaranteed!

your not using a screen for the aos? or is it that its just that small it hasnt reached the screen yet??
I've decided to just train the AoS instead of putting down a screen. The plant is doing great as is, and has taken very well to the tie-downs. Now that flowering has started, I'll be trying to keep her wide and spread out so that the smaller ones can come up during the stretch and really fill out the canopy. As is, there's around 20 really nice thick tops, and she smells amazing! There's some HEAVY indica traits being displayed here - hopefully this girl will be heavier on the Black Cherry Soda


Well-Known Member
Hey there all - got some pics this evening before lights-on time. Some are fairly blurry, but overall not terrible.

Enjoy these pictures - updates in the next few weeks should be quite interesting as the stretch really begins. So here....we......GO!!!!

:leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

Th VK is really pouring it on right now and it appears there's going to be a real 'carpet' of tops in places...

The Ace of Spades is turning into a real 'looker'! She's super-healthy and is keeping nice thick branches all the way up making for some large tops, all around the perimeter of the plant. I plan to pry her open again here soon, to help her spread out even more! She's bursting with potential - I can't wait to see what she has in store over the next few months!! :weed:


Anyone ever see 12-bladed leaves? Count'em... =)



Well-Known Member
A few notes here....

- I had an interesting conversation with my hydro guy a few days ago - seems I need to lower my rez temperatures, as they are a bit warmer than they should be... I've been trying to lower my rez temps by keeping my add-back bucket on the cold basement floor so it keeps cooler. By adding cooler water each day, it helps keep those temps low enough. I'm also going to put some concrete flagstones under my waterfarms soon, to help transfer some cold from my basement floors to the waterfarm bottoms to help keep the temps low enough. The warmer water temps in there can promote root-rot and slow growth - hopefully these things will help!
- I've had a small amount of algae appearing in the AoS rez and have since added 2-2.5 tsp of H2O2 per gallon of my rez add-back water to help clear that up.
- A combination of the above 2 things appears to have made the girls quite a bit happier looking!
- Both waterfarms are still eating quite a lot. I try to bring the ppms up to 500 each day, but tests are continuously showing in the high 300s, regardless... I'm glad they keep eating though - I'm trying to be careful not to over-do it, and bey giving them about 50-100 ppms higher than what they test at each day appears to be providing what is needed.
- I've been throwing a handful of ice-cubes into my add-back RO water pails to bring down the temps a bit as well - it's good for the roots, and promotes oxygen which is easier for the roots to uptake.


Well-Known Member
They are lookin really nice and healthy. Just don't go too cold on the rez. Anything below 65 stunts growth imo. As long as the farms aren't breaking 75 I probably wouldn't cool them, but u have more experience with these then I.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
AWesome UPdate Dayzt! i love your new avitar.Beautiful Photos. What monsters already and you say another few months.. its going to be wild.. already your leaves are showing power house mutations . i will expect the budds to follow suite and multiply beyond belief as well.
DO i need to get the H202? is this a product designed to clean tubing and the root systemm.. hmmm i have Hygrozyme..wonder if its simialr..? Sounds important.
Thanks for the icecube tip,i will def do that. funny you mentioned the flagstones.. i ended up putting my waterfarm up on them too! thats so weird.. it was the only thing i could find around the house that was the correct hieght and sturdy enough..
What type of temp guage do you use to check your res temps?
Thanks ... have a wonderful work week.


Well-Known Member
They are lookin really nice and healthy. Just don't go too cold on the rez. Anything below 65 stunts growth imo. As long as the farms aren't breaking 75 I probably wouldn't cool them, but u have more experience with these then I.
Hmm...thanks man. They were as high as 80 degrees there for awhile, but I think it's come down now to the 69-73 range which I'm happier with - although that's just a guess... I had one of those stick-on aquarium thermometers and it's gone now as I peeled it I'll be getting some better thermometers soon here so I can keep a closer eye on it.

AWesome UPdate Dayzt! i love your new avitar.Beautiful Photos. What monsters already and you say another few months.. its going to be wild.. already your leaves are showing power house mutations . i will expect the budds to follow suite and multiply beyond belief as well.
DO i need to get the H202? is this a product designed to clean tubing and the root systemm.. hmmm i have Hygrozyme..wonder if its simialr..? Sounds important.
Thanks for the icecube tip,i will def do that. funny you mentioned the flagstones.. i ended up putting my waterfarm up on them too! thats so weird.. it was the only thing i could find around the house that was the correct hieght and sturdy enough..
What type of temp guage do you use to check your res temps?
Thanks ... have a wonderful work week.
Yep, Hygrozyme is good - but in my opinion, you can get pretty much the same results using straight 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - it's quite a bit cheaper. Large-scale hydro growers use the 30% H2O2 since they need to spread it across more plants. With just 2 plants, I'm using the weaker stuff so it's easier to control. 2.5 tsp per gallon in the rez water as well as in the add-back water, and it helps control the root problems. Even if you have heavy root-rot, H2O2 will eat away the dead roots so you can easily remove them... although with a waterfarm scrog, it would next to impossible since you can't access the inside of the rez once the screen is down...

I've thought about the idea of building some sort of 'extensions' that go from each corner of the screen (underneath) to each corner of the waterfarm so I can lift up the grow-chamber and the screen at the same time to get at the roots... possibly some sort of removable extensions may work...hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
- Just finished a rather extensive 'pinching' session on the VK. All of the tops I could reach have been pinched in 1 or 2 places near the top, between the nodes. This will both help slow the stretch and encourage the tops to start bunching up sooner as they repair themselves. My last 3-4 grows have benefited quite a lot from this technique, so I expect to see this girl really 'fight back' after this abuse... bring it on girl!
- Tied out the AoS quite a lot more this evening by moving my ties up the stems to pull them out further. The middle of the plant is looking to be appreciating this technique as it has a chance to develop the smaller bud sites sooner, and some even shoot up to match the other tops.. I'm thinking I'll wish I'd cloned this girl once things are said and done - oh well, I don't have the time to babysit clones right now, as these girls are taking up all the time I have to spend with the plants each day!


Well-Known Member
hey dayzt, im really loving the look of that ace of spades it looks sturdy as i bet your gonna see some dense buds on that girl. thanks again for your help the other day aswell the girls are pulling through ok.


Well-Known Member
Lookin really sexy under that screen :)

About the cloning, you could always moster crop it later in flowering! Takes a bit longer to root but its worth it imo!

I like the idea with pinching the tops to slow the stretch down a little. Might have to try that when I get my screen up!


Well-Known Member
Yeah - this is the best time to do the super-cropping (pinch and twisting), as it begins it's 2 week stretch. I'm bound and determined to keep the VK canopy as even as possible, but it's difficult to keep up with it's vigor! The AoS is just an all-around strong plant - massive tops are developing and have started to 'elbow' their way in, blocking parts of the canopy - so I'll continue to pull them out and back for another week or so yet, so the smaller ones can develop better through the stretch. Watch for some nice, thick bud sites on this girl - she's showing no signs of weakness at this point, but once the buds develop and thicken, I'm sure we'll be having to support her tops. Exciting times!!

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
- Just finished a rather extensive 'pinching' session on the VK. All of the tops I could reach have been pinched in 1 or 2 places near the top, between the nodes. This will both help slow the stretch and encourage the tops to start bunching up sooner as they repair themselves. My last 3-4 grows have benefited quite a lot from this technique, so I expect to see this girl really 'fight back' after this abuse... bring it on girl!
- Tied out the AoS quite a lot more this evening by moving my ties up the stems to pull them out further. The middle of the plant is looking to be appreciating this technique as it has a chance to develop the smaller bud sites sooner, and some even shoot up to match the other tops.. I'm thinking I'll wish I'd cloned this girl once things are said and done - oh well, I don't have the time to babysit clones right now, as these girls are taking up all the time I have to spend with the plants each day!
Nice Information To Know.I Tried To Rep You On This But I Was Informed That I Need To Spread It Around.:blsmoke:

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
I Just Finished looking Over Your Pic's And Didnt See Any Of The Pinching And Twisting You Mention.Could You Post A Pic Of Your Technique.Thanks the Dawg.Peace Out :peace:


Active Member
They don't need much support either due to thick strong stems. Mine has forearm long grapefruit wide buds I'm sure urs will if u get a cherry soda pheno it will purp up nice ESP where ur fan hits even in hot temps. I got one it's good too but the b I pheno mmm. Keep a cut it's a keeper