1000w hps H.I.D lamp and 1 tiny closet MUWAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!

james gordon

Active Member
well 25 days minus say 2-3 weeks for initial stretch say 2 weeks, then its only really been in flowering for just under 2 weeks, you still feeding n though? you can try this also, turn the lights of for 24hours, then back on, this will flip the plant completly and trick it. i read this in my scrog research i think the same applies for any grow

james gordon

Active Member
i have also decided to scrog barneys farm utopia haze it looks intriguing but i have to wait until next week still cos mum has not got house organised yet :(


Well-Known Member
A little update of the girls guys first the

African free over 2 ft tall now and I have completed my super cropping of the four nappy head bitches I did this over the last 3 weeks and can say I reduced the size of each plant by half only leaving the tops which were getting at least some light so there is an average of 9 tops shooting up with buds inch and a half long half inch thick now and for all the plants it's virtually the same sizes all over and since the cropping all the buds get light compared to the start where mabe 30% of them where cause I over lst'd them and vegged them 4 weeks longer so I could throw my white rhino and black widow in and flower at the same time.

White Rhino is now over 14 inches tall now the stem is as thick as my middle finger and has in around 20 tops shooting up and budding like MADD the buds and nodes remain very tight not any stretching at all and they are about half inch wide and one inch long and getting very frosty already looks amazing under the 60x jewelers scope and looks absolutely crazy with the black light function I'll try to get photos and save them for when my comp is fixed or replaced.

Black widow has been difficult and temperamental but today I am pleased to say after all the problems with flowering she has lifted her skirt again and showed some hairs so looks like she is back into flowering again good thing cause I was pulling her out today lol also the black widow is very short only mabe ten inches tall but she is very wide over 20 inches wide and the leaves are hudge also the stem is quite thick even thicker than my white rhino I believe and very tight nodes.

I may add if your curious I am feeding the ladies with advanced nutrients jungle juice micro and bloom Lucas formula with the additives big bud , GH's Floralicious , b-52 , overdrive. Now currently I just fed the girls a 2nd week feeding with proper nutrient ratios as directed by them through their feed chart I am currently waiting for a new TDS OR PPM METER to arrive so I can record what the ppms are going in and when I give then there straight ph'd water feeding I can record how much they have taken up and dial it in for better feeding

Thank for staying with me even with no pics in this shity time


Well-Known Member
Black widow has been difficult and temperamental but today I am pleased to say after all the problems with flowering she has lifted her skirt again and showed some hairs so looks like she is back into flowering again good thing cause I was pulling her out today lol also the black widow is very short only mabe ten inches tall but she is very wide over 20 inches wide and the leaves are hudge also the stem is quite thick even thicker than my white rhino I believe and very tight nodes.

I may add if your curious I am feeding the ladies with advanced nutrients jungle juice micro and bloom Lucas formula with the additives big bud , GH's Floralicious , b-52 , overdrive. Now currently I just fed the girls a 2nd week feeding with proper nutrient ratios as directed by them through their feed chart I am currently waiting for a new TDS OR PPM METER to arrive so I can record what the ppms are going in and when I give then there straight ph'd water feeding I can record how much they have taken up and dial it in for better feeding
Thanks for the update! It is very nice to hear your black widow made her come back.

I see you are using overdrive, I saw it at the shop but I never just buy something with out looking into it hehe

Does the overdrive make a noticeable difference you say?


Well-Known Member
Well if I go by my last grow since adding co2 and the new nutes with boosters and the 1000w for the full grow yes deff a hudge difference in the plants health and size I'm only two weeks and the buds are nicely growing gonna be big ones for sure and the stems are hudge do good uptake and spreading of nutes


Well-Known Member
Well if I go by my last grow since adding co2 and the new nutes with boosters and the 1000w for the full grow yes deff a hudge difference in the plants health and size I'm only two weeks and the buds are nicely growing gonna be big ones for sure and the stems are hudge do good uptake and spreading of nutes
Ya I saw your co2 setup, very nice. With all your upgrades it would be hard to judge if just the overdrive is doing tons for ya.


Well-Known Member
Plus I haven't started it yet the overdrive but instead of voodoo juice I used general hydroponics Floralicious kelp extract cause one it's one third the price and I've mixed the two with great results the size of my leafs and the color of the stems show that the Floralicious is working by building big roots and lush foliage growth deff worth a buy


Well-Known Member
I can't my daughter poured Pepsi all over my laptop got to wait for a bit mabe before Christmas or boxing day in going to buy a new one

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI Ocali, i hope your doing well today.
I have all the stuff i need to do my Diy co2 generator, like you did.
SHould i have a concern with white mildew powder on my leafs?


Well-Known Member
yep, its called powdery mildew.... remove the leaf... be prepared to do a fair amount of work because if its ON the leaf, its IN the plant... and its gonna show up in other spots shortly


Well-Known Member
Deff check out the powdery situation but I would suggest adding I more cup of sugar and half a table spoon of yeast (activated)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
sorry, i didnt make myself clear about the co2 generator.
I have all the stuff to make it.
But i have not made it yet.
Is it worth it, will i see a lot of extra buddage?
Will it cause white powedery mildew build up?