Watch Judge Hand Down Life Sentence - Messed UP!


Active Member
:D a fellow liveleaker.. crazy shyt on that site.
love it man! Craziest things you can possibly imagine...a lot of the stuff I can't even click on. Worst thing I saw was a Phillipino cop who had gotten run over by a truck and cut in half...and he was just torso from the belly button up and was talking and totally alert. So horrible man. Then there's the constant Russian car accidents coming in daily.


Well-Known Member
I saw that.. was not the worst by far.. Believe it or not. Its the freak accident surguries that get me & I don't like to watch. I can do beheadings, explosions, aftermaths.. but its the people who are alive, w/ face gone or split open. That is what I avoid with a passion.
love it man! Craziest things you can possibly imagine...a lot of the stuff I can't even click on. Worst thing I saw was a Phillipino cop who had gotten run over by a truck and cut in half...and he was just torso from the belly button up and was talking and totally alert. So horrible man. Then there's the constant Russian car accidents coming in daily.
that video you speak of is very bad. I did not watch the entire thing, but I do remember it o_O

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I saw that.. was not the worst by far.. Believe it or not. Its the freak accident surguries that get me & I don't like to watch. I can do beheadings, explosions, aftermaths.. but its the people who are alive, w/ face gone or split open. That is what I avoid with a passion.

that video you speak of is very bad. I did not watch the entire thing, but I do remember it o_O

Seems Filipino Police get cut in half all the time. I just pulled up half a dozen instances. lol


Well-Known Member
The court room should be unemotional.The worst is when you see lawyers and the D.A. sitting around laughing while your fucking future is on the line.


Well-Known Member
lol just watched the video and that shit was hilarious.I'd be the happiest guy on the planet if I caused the death of a child and only got life.


Well-Known Member
They'll be PC'd and that will cost the tax payer..
exactly why the CO's will get there ass lol.And does PC really cost people more?I didn't think so cause in PC they have less privileges then GP's.Probably cause they gotta be in single cells.