Watch Judge Hand Down Life Sentence - Messed UP!

Fuck them and their hysterics. Where was that emotion when they were doing this?

...Doctors and nurses at the hospital saw cuts and bruises on Serenity's chest, abdomen, legs, arms, feet and back.

The police report states there was a golf-ball-size bruise on her head and a large burn mark on her right leg.

An autopsy by a Medical University of South Carolina forensic
pathologist determined that the cause of death was "full body blunt
force trauma," the warrant states.

Butts had told police she had whipped the girl and that Serenity had hit her head several times, court records said.
She was beaten to death with a belt and coat hangers. She suffered a horrible death. The coroner said they couldn't find anywhere on that child's body that did not have trauma from the beating except the soles of her feet. Their defense? "We didn't know what we did would kill her."

It's at times like this I almost believe people need a license to raise children. A license that requires you to pass a psychological test. Almost believe.
Smoke a bowl then watch this with your headphones on or the volume up...the way the judge hands down the sentence is SO unemotional and robotic it makes me sick. Then all Hell breaks loose and everybody is screaming. SCARY shit though man...that's like my worst fear in the world.
Make sure you smoke before you watch it - it's like so serious it will blow your mind
[video][/video]edit: I can NOT get this thing to embed videos!

So the judge reading the sentence makes you sick, not the terrible crime these women committed? THAT is what is sickening, they can scream and cry about it all they want and no one should care. They didn't care about the child's screams while being tortured, then finally killed
So the judge reading the sentence makes you sick, not the terrible crime these women committed? THAT is what is sickening, they can scream and cry about it all they want and no one should care. They didn't care about the child's screams while being tortured, then finally killed

no way not at all! I'm just talking about the sentence itself and not the itself it's pretty scary. When you consider what they did to that kid, they should have gotten lethal injection. But I'm guessing there's no death penalty there. This is one of the few instances where I'd support the death penalty.
You judge people by how they look? For shame.

Well it just seems strange to me that someone that would purposefully pick out cat in the hat chuck taylors would be so cruel. Personally I don't give a fuck what you say or who you're speaking to. The attitude + apparel is boggling my brain. You created a mental picture for me and it stuck.