12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

Also yes i do think a diminishing light schedule could be good as this is what nature provides too.
lol .. well i guess it doesnt lol but you know .. try new things .. dont really worry what others think lol

happy growin
because to me it just makes sense, where im from the sun doesnt shine for 18 hours a day for 365 days of the year,
I posted this back on page 30 but i think it was over looked

i have herd of the 18 hour light schedule 6 on 12 off and that basically takes advantage of the plant producing and using light best in the first 6 hours of the day.......... it saves 6 hours a day they say finishes 2 weeks sooner with only a slight decrease in yield............and it makes sence

No it doesn't make "sence" or so "they say". It's more of the same noobie fact-less anecdotal evidence.

What is the impact on photosynthesis and hormonal responses?

Come on fellas, someone here must have a clue.
Come on fellas, someone here must have a clue.
I swear you can add another 4 pages to this thread of them eluding your botanical questions.

They proved themselves clueless and emotionally attached to this technique already. And I'm pretty sure we've just anchored them into it even deeper, because they want to save face.
as stated earler on many many times this is a trial and error experiment, im sorry you canot get your heads round that.
can you grasp that? its something that is being tried and tested, the veg side worked flawlessly for me, keeping nice short spaced nodes, even taking a week off my usual veg time.
so the veg side will be used from now on.
because to me it just makes sense, where im from the sun doesnt shine for 18 hours a day for 365 days of the year,

Thats why your growing indoors to optimize growing conditions.............you dont have clouds rain and ohh yeah you can give the plant light 24 hours i bet if me and you each start a skunk and they take the same amount of time to grow grow the same size and all, my indoor plant will blow yours away in terms of weight probably potency as well
Thats why your growing indoors to optimize growing conditions.............you dont have clouds rain and ohh yeah you can give the plant light 24 hours i bet if me and you each start a skunk and they take the same amount of time to grow grow the same size and all my indoor plant will blow yours away in terms of weight probably potency as well
and how would you deem this a fair side by side?
and also why is it outdoors then yield significantly more than indoors if you can make up the lower light source with more light hours?
like i said .. doesnt matter what you clowns say .. or how many cut and pastes you make .. or how many quotes you can make .. im still going to grow the way i grow lol if you dont like it .. well tuff lol all the poop you guys are spouting wont sway me lol i dont have a problem with me using the lighting schedule .. it works for what i want .. why do you ?
they should go back to the general growing forum, as all they know they read from books, nothing actually been pushed to the limits or bending the rules of indoor growing with these guys.
and how would you deem this a fair side by side?
and also why is it outdoors then yield significantly more than indoors if you can make up the lower light source with more light hours?

well you would have to start late in in the season im not gonna go into a play by play its a hypothetical situation
because they grow wayyyyyyyy bigger hps's are not that much of a lower light source nothing beats the sun dont get me wrong i still take my vegging plants and put them on my balcony every once in awhile they love it
like i said .. doesnt matter what you clowns say .. or how many cut and pastes you make .. or how many quotes you can make .. im still going to grow the way i grow lol if you dont like it .. well tuff lol all the poop you guys are spouting wont sway me lol i dont have a problem with me using the lighting schedule .. it works for what i want .. why do you ?

no one is holding a gun to your head get off the thread were trying to have an educated conversation

i haven cut and pasted shit but fuck it this is for you

The Theory
The theory behind the 18 hour Day/Night cycle is that during a normal 24 hour light cycle plants will usually achieve high growth rates peaking at 100% capacity during the first 50 - 60% of the day. The growth rates will then diminish rapidly and the last 20 - 30% of the day achieves minimal growth. So by reducing the length of the day we are triggering an increased growth mode where the growth rates are at their peak for the majority of the day. This effectively achieves a very fast growth cycle with full yield potential.

NOTE: To achieve these incredible growth rates it is important to provide maximum light intensities and CO2 enriched conditions. The recommended lighting is 600W per square meter.

The Cycles
Vegetative Cycle - Lights ON 14 hours, Lights OFF 4 hours
Flowering Cycle - Lights ON 6 hours, Lights OFF 12 hours

The Benefits
The growth achieved during an 18 hour cycle can be the equivalent to that achieved during a 24 hour cycle. So by running 18 hour cycles the same growth and yield can be achieved in 75% of the time.

Reduced day lengths also mean reduced power consumption. Grow more and use less power. Who can argue with that?

For example, an average crop grown from seed using a 24 hour day/night cycle will have a 4 weeks grow cycle and an 8 weeks flower cycle. This equates to 28 days @ 18 hours a day and 56 days @ 12 hours a day = 1176 hours of light over 12 weeks.

An accelerated crop using an 18 hour day/night cycle will achieve the same yields using a 3 week grow cycle and a 6 week flower cycle. This equates to 21 days @ 14 hours a day and 42 day
Not me!! hahaha I'm no scientist, and I had seen this and read about it, and not being a scientist it made a liitle sense to my little pea brain. I have the time and space to "waste on trying it, and instead of going from what someone says, or the "books" say, I decided to try it. I'm not emationally attached to the idea at all, I just want to see what happens. It's on my thread 4x4 Grape Ape xxx grow in organic sectyion if you wan tto check it out. I don't think I'm gonna prove anything scientifically speaking, but I will see what it does, or doesn't do. And if I don't prove anything to anyone, even myself, I don't really care cause I'm having fun doing it!
In nature, the lit hours recede as the year goes, so it is more "natural" than 12/12 in flower. It's not more "natural in veg, doing the crazy light break thing, but it does work, as far as saving power during veg, and it doesn't seem to slow em' down much, if at all, with no stress, or hermies or anything like that. Now in flower, the receding light hours, even though it's natural, may not be better, I don't know. It makes sens to me really, that the most light you can give them and still keep them blooming, would help your yield. Whether or not the savings in flower, is more than any loss in yield, I will not find out, without a side by side, which I'm not doing, so I'm not gonna help that question at all. My plants "seem" to be right in line with what they usually do as far as size, but honestly, I think it's delaying the flower tiome some too, so that's another question that comes to mind in all this. If the receding liot hours cause flowering times to be longer, then your losing more on that end too. Lots of variables and subjectivity in all this to just draw a line in the sand.
and if you think about it it makes sense i turn one of my lights off in my box after the first 6 hours of the day and have no loss in average yield..............cant find a timer for that lighting schedual tho and i dont wanna try it on my official crop i might in my fishtank//////vegg box lol.......................and as far as this thread goes 18-6 is the only plausible light schedule i have seen..............

it dosent mess with the fundamental 12 off period
notice the words the theory?
this was a has ony one tried it thread not,
well we are tying it and guess what so far its working.
go read some more theories.
and yes 18-6 probably is the only plausible light schedule to you as its all you have tried and tested for you.
like i said .. doesnt matter what you clowns say .. or how many cut and pastes you make .. or how many quotes you can make .. im still going to grow the way i grow lol if you dont like it .. well tuff lol all the poop you guys are spouting wont sway me lol i dont have a problem with me using the lighting schedule .. it works for what i want .. why do you ?

Let's be clear, I don't give a rats ass what you do. My argument is with the guy that wrote this garbage. The typical noob will fall for every gimmick and snake oil that comes along....that's just what they do.

Having said that, if you can poke the author, get him over here. I feel feisty..... feel like it's time to open up a can of whup-ass on that boy. (botanically speaking of course) ;)
