If you look back, you'll see I replied on page 3 or 4 when the thread was first posted.
edit: And you're right, going straight from a 16 or 18 hours photoperiod to 12 is stressing factor and the plants grow looking for the light. I gradually reduce photoperiod when heading towards 12/12 allowing the plant to accumulate more and more flowering hormones.
I just can't see why you'd keep lowering the photoperiod once the flowering response is well on and triggered. I'd rather have my plants producing more sugars, and I can't say this with absolutely certainty, as cannabis can fit in both C3 and C4 pathways depending on it's climatic conditions, but cannabis C3 grown in abundance (water/nutrients/CO2) can continue photosynthesis indefinitely compared to it's cousins who can gladly grow in desertic conditions. This can only be achieved by closing stomata during the hottest parts of the day and storing CO2 at night, because CO2 retention becomes the limiting factor to photosynthesis, not sunlight.
My edit was long and people posted, so I'm quoting myself.
edit: sorry for exploding your non-comprehensive brains. Your improvements are based on adding limiting factors. That's sound science there!