Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Gotta check in with this update. Kush Organics Vapor Lounge on the 101 in Hopland officially opened the dabs bar. You can sit and watch the 101 traffic crawl thru Hopland as you dab out, so sick. They have all sort of erl gear, from extraction tubes to Hitman percolators and all sorts of accessories. The best part is they have 4 kinds of Phillips Rx bho, made with a Tami. And they have 4 kinds of my Ice Wax. I don't even remember driving home lol.

You lucky muh phucka...
New dabbers

the little one is a pendant dabber.
So I was in the shop and had to complete my collection with a ti nail. Now I am just working on picking out a perfect oil rig. For now im using to big of a piece but whatever bongsmilie

So finshaggy instead of a dabber you use a knife and heat the oil off the knife on top of weed in a glass pipe?


His dabber would be serving the same purpose as my knife, but glass is better most likely...
OR you put the dabber on a hot coal, and catch your smoke with a hose or something ,and smoke that way.

His dabber would be serving the same purpose as my knife, but glass is better most likely...
OR you put the dabber on a hot coal, and catch your smoke with a hose or something ,and smoke that way.

Were using the dabber to take oil from our dish or vial and dab it onto a heated up nail and globe or a curve. You heat it up with a torch.. Like these..

So what are choices available for BHO tubes? turkey basters and what else. can you post some links?
So what are choices available for BHO tubes? turkey basters and what else. can you post some links?

Glass and Steel tubes are the two most often chosen choices......... Glass links a few posts back for mine, for steel tubes there's a WIDE variety of choices all over ebay/the-internet......... You can make your own steel one, or even go really ghetto and make it from pvc tube and caps with the holes drilled. Each system has its own pros and cons, teh pvc ones are mini pipe bombs if you stuff em too much and "rumors" say that pvc can get in your oil (not for what you buy at home depot). Steel tubes I have no experience with, but I really like how they have legs and can stand in your pyrex pan while working the material, although you *should* be shaking and spinning the tube while your dumping butane down it for the best results.

--> Glass Tubes
--> Steel Tubes
--> Turkey Baster (LOL, dont do this)
--> PVC tubes with drilled plastic caps (Works)

That's about it with respect to butane honey oil for the extraction device