Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Active Member
Its getting late over here and I gotta be up at 4:00 am for work good night RUI. Wiimb I will be posting pics and an update tomorrow plants are a week into flowering with pistills everywhere, got pics of ac unit and new CO2 tank and equip. See ya then!


New Member
No id say about 8 - 10 oz's each plant easily and watch out you dont yield more. The math at 1.0 gram per watt which I think you will be able to achieve the way things are going for ya and your skills in the DWC 1.0 GPW = 600 grams. I have yielded 1.2 - 1.3 GPW in coco/perlite so I know you will do well in the DWC. Great job. BTW I hope you do get 1lb per plant.
Well mega ill take your word for it and hope you are right :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looks good my man ,

keep it up , you could easily get 1 gr per watt by the time its done


Well-Known Member
"Named the #2 most pot smoking city in the United States,thousands observe 4/20 in Tallahassee"

I can believe it, I can't remember how many times I've been to that city, lol. You'd swear every pot head there has a grow room.
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