Hawaii Growers


Active Member
pepper was probably drunk when he made that statement. lol
i think so , i need a breathlizer on my pc sometimes ..lol ..i call people out enough when im sober let alone when i got a buzz...but yeah i think , i mean i thought they were talking abt the avatar ..she had .. lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
no what does come correct mean??? what did i do????
pepper was drunk. he has made similar posts in the past that don't make sense, we've come to look past that and take it as him having one of those days. I'm almost positive he meant nothing by it and probably doesn't even remember posting it


Well-Known Member
Didn't you accidentally post a shot of your plants where we could see your underwear clad reflection in the mirror??..... I remember cause somebody like Cooter or Pepper was getting a microchubby over the ordeal ;)

Watch all the pervs go back and look for that picture!
It was her mom in the back ground in her chonies if my memory severs me correctly.....mircochub all the way….booooing!…lmao


Active Member
pepper was drunk. he has made similar posts in the past that don't make sense, we've come to look past that and take it as him having one of those days. I'm almost positive he meant nothing by it and probably doesn't even remember posting it
thanks for the clarification Doc .... it was one of those days ... i hope kG can find it in her heart to forgive .


Well-Known Member
Whatever I have already had enough problems with Hawaii.........don't appreciate anyone acting like they know me, especially to say something that your friends obvioulsy thought was rude and needed the drunk explaination lol!!!!