Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
im not sure m8 i aint looked yet, she might of sprouted today fingers crossed, cant find no grows or information on this strain at all


New Member
just been in wiimb's garden and the panama hasn't sprouted yer and no more cuttings of ww x bb rooted yet, except the one that rooted yesterday has exploded with roots.

The big girls are looking awesome :mrgreen: I counted the top bud sites that i could see and i counted 35, and thats just one plant. :)-:)

Things to do tonight;
1. set 3 site dwc up for cuttings
2. Res change and up there nutes :mrgreen: NEW NUTES COME TODAY! :mrgreen:
3. Lollipop and a trim :)


New Member
Just the one m8, waiting on her to sprout :)
do you know were any grows of panama is??
amber told me that Donginton grow it this year, but its not recognizing him hear..

kevin murphy

New Member
sounds good mate real good..looking forward to seein how they turn oput looks like u gunna be the only one on riu thats grown and done journal on it...


New Member
In the grow room gettin ya'll them updates :)
I had a problem getting sorted with smoke, sorted now:mrgreen:

Sit tight ! :lol:


New Member
Hiya all!

Been busy changing res's and lollipop-ping theses bushy bitches, well not so bushy now :lol:
I think I'll give them a post each.... so enjoy and tell me what you think???

Do the 3 site dwc 2moro too late now :sleep::sleep::sleep:



Active Member
Wow wiimb plants look great pal. These are my kind of bush/trees. They look like freaking bonsai's, LOL!!! I can see you harvesting a pound from both of those girls easiliy with my experience. I cant wait till they start putting out fat nuggz. Our plants will be ready more or less around the same time. Happy growing.


New Member
Wow wiimb plants look great pal. These are my kind of bush/trees. They look like freaking bonsai's, LOL!!! I can see you harvesting a pound from both of those girls easiliy with my experience. I cant wait till they start putting out fat nuggz. Our plants will be ready more or less around the same time. Happy growing.


fucking hope so :):):):):)


Active Member
No id say about 8 - 10 oz's each plant easily and watch out you dont yield more. The math at 1.0 gram per watt which I think you will be able to achieve the way things are going for ya and your skills in the DWC 1.0 GPW = 600 grams. I have yielded 1.2 - 1.3 GPW in coco/perlite so I know you will do well in the DWC. Great job. BTW I hope you do get 1lb per plant.
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