Critical autoflowering grow (single plant)


Well-Known Member
just do regular 6.5 ph water for awhile. or you can buy a flushing solution to clear up any salt buildup to get her back on track. with the soil you probably dont need nutes for like three or four weeks.
The plant looks ok to me. I had some seedlings do that too. It was too hot in my grow room for them and that is why mine did that. As far as Ph is concerned, get some aluminum sulfate from teh garden center at your local hardware store. I was sitting at a steady 8 for along time and now am in the 6's consecutively. We have hard water, as the reason.
Hi Iamaaror,

Are you sure it's photoperiod? I'm doing a grow of Auto Snow Ryder from justfeminised (I can't seem to find what seed bank they're from) and they looked just like that at about that stage and now they are blowing up the place!


Well-Known Member
Hi Iamaaror,

Are you sure it's photoperiod? I'm doing a grow of Auto Snow Ryder from justfeminised (I can't seem to find what seed bank they're from) and they looked just like that at about that stage and now they are blowing up the place!
Yeah 100% they are photoperiod. When did you flower yours? Where they much bigger than mine right now?


Well-Known Member
Hi Iamaaror,

Are you sure it's photoperiod? I'm doing a grow of Auto Snow Ryder from justfeminised (I can't seem to find what seed bank they're from) and they looked just like that at about that stage and now they are blowing up the place!
i think those are from Short Stuff seeds


Well-Known Member
Pretty OK day for the plant, going to get some ph down in her soon and hopefully it will recover, only the bottom set of leaves are nuteburned so it's ok I guess. Also moved it about 3 inches away from the CFL and it seems to be loving it. Will wait until tomorrow night to water it. Sorry for shitty pic but I can't get a great shot as the light is in my way, and the plant is so close to the light.



Well-Known Member
It's recovering well, soil was a little dry so I gave it some water, I should have the thermometer tomorrow so I will know what environment I'm dealing with in the grow case. The original fan leaves will probably die off but there is a lot of new growth emerging from them so I'm not too worried, still not much vertical growth, this is by far the thickest plant I have ever seen growing and it won't leave much room for buds when I start flowering so I hope she starts stretching soon, anyway pics



Well-Known Member
Started flowering today, going to turn off the lights at 9 and start the cycle :d I can't seem to get a decent pic with the 2700k light in there, I don't know why but all my pics are coming out quite blurry. Anyway heres today



Well-Known Member
I finally got my thermometer, I measured where the plant was and it was 30 degrees so I lowered the plant to the bottom and it is 27.1 degrees with 59% humidity, not bad I guess. As you can see in the pics the bottom fan leaves are starting to get pretty yellowey patches on them The PH is at 7.5> Could the PH be the problem? I haven't given it any nutes in about a week now. Anyway pics



Well-Known Member
I got some PH down and some biobizz biobloom, I threw the PH down in with a small amount of water and hopefully that should bring the PH down to a respectable level, will measure it tomorrow. The plant has stretched a lot in the past day, gotten about an inch taller and about 2 inches wider on the fan leaves. Can't upload photo right now as imgur is being a cunt so I will have to do it later. Anyway peace, gonna vape a trench of AK-47.


Well-Known Member
The plant is responding well to the PH change i gave her yesterday, she's starting to smell slightly. I gave it a 1/4 strength feeding of some biobloom today so hopefully that kick starts it into flowering. Only bad thing with the plant is that she is overwatered quite a bit at the moment, I won't water her until at least monday or tuesday and hope she perks up a bit as she is dragging a few leaves on the ground at the moment. Also my power supply stopped working for me today for about an hour and the plant grow centre got very hot so I have that sorted now :)



Well-Known Member
Measured the soil's PH today, it's at exactly 6.5 so that's good I guess. Plant is looking a lot healthier and some of the damaged leaves are starting to repair themselves, I think the plant likes the nutes :d. Still not switched into flowering mode, I was considering switching it over to 11/13 until she switches and then do 12/12 again. A bit of vertical growth as well, it's grown about another 1/2 inch in the last 24 hours so that's good.



Well-Known Member
i finally got a chance to smoke a little test bud from my critical + auto and i must say the taste is amazing and the high is very relaxing. ur in for a treat buddy