Spicy white devil


Active Member
Hello all fro down under! :0

This is my first attempt at growing some Spicy white Devil

Sex : Feminized
Location: indoor, outdoor Type: mostly sativa Flowering: 67 days; Only female seeds. Known Phenotypes: new » none up to now (homogenous??) Genetics: Jack Herer x Blueberry Indica/Sativa: 35/65 Flowering time indoor: 9-10 weeks

Yield indoor: 500-600 gr/m² Yield outdoor: up to 900 gr/plant


  • 3x CFL 28 W lights
  • 2 x 200mm pot (1.5 Gal)



  • 70% Yates Professional Potting Mix
  • 30% perlite/vermiculite


Proganics Growth Parts A+B

Left the seeds to germinate in a small bowl with mineral water. I placed it inside my propagator and covered it. Left it in complete darkness for 24 Hours.

Day Zero: (Sun 9/10/11)

Planted the germinated seed in small trays for now and placed it inside my propagator for 24 hours.

Day One:
(Mon 10/10/11)
Nothing yet. Sprinkle some water.

Day Two:
(Tue 11/10/11)
Small seed leaves start to appear sprinkle a tiny amount of water.

Day Three:
(Wed 12/10/11)
She has grown a bit in the past 24 hours and the main leaves are starting to emerge. Sprinkled a tiny amount of water.

Pictures from Day three:

View attachment 1832329

Day Eight:
(Mon 17/10/11)
Slowly growing, repotted her in a bigger pot..a 200mm pot in the mix she will grow up in. 70% Yates
30% perlite/vermiculite. Using CFL lights and Sun on a 20/4 light cycle.


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Day 14: (Mon 22/10/11)
She has grown a bit from last Monday and new leaves are appearing. I have given her the tiniest amount of nutes 1m in 500 ml and water her after 4 days without. I also left her out in the sun as we have had 3 days of perfect sun.


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Day 15: (Tue 25/10/11)

A massive growth spurt in the past day. I have fed her some nutes in small amounts.


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Day 17:
(Thus 27/10/11)

Growing pretty fast. I have fed her some nutes in small amounts and today i gave her a full watering and left her out in the sun all day.


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Day 20: (sun 30/10/11)

She has a grow bit more that last time. Leaves are thin and show signs of sativa. Up to 7 nodes at this stage. I water her 500 ml demineralised water and 3 ml of proganics growth. I dont want to over feed her because the soil has slow releasing nutriants already.


Is she showing signs of sexing already?

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hello bro and welcome. well you have to change to bigger lamp asap! cause i have a spicy white devil (under 600w HPS 20/4) germinated 9/oct and yours its half the size of mine. so check it cause u dont want to lose/fail this plant it looks so good, smells good, and i think the gens (herrer*blueburry) she must be a bomb :D


Lefter do you have any pictures of your plant. I can't find any pictures of spicy white any where.


Active Member
hello bro and welcome. well you have to change to bigger lamp asap! cause i have a spicy white devil (under 600w HPS 20/4) germinated 9/oct and yours its half the size of mine. so check it cause u dont want to lose/fail this plant it looks so good, smells good, and i think the gens (herrer*blueburry) she must be a bomb :D
Thanks for the welcome. I have added two more 28w CFLs so thats 4x28w CFLs and the lights are on 24. She has grown a bit since the last post as i fed her some nutes..she was hungry! Good news is we are going to have a full week of hot warm weather with heaps of sun! So they will be outside the full 12 hours and the rest under the lights.

Have u got any pics of your grow anywhere?


Active Member
Day 23: (wed 2/11/11)

Added two more CFLs to her (28w) and now have 4 28w cfls. I fed her tonight 3ml to 500ml prooganics growth nutes. Won't feed her until the weekend but will keep watering her but not as much.




Hello. I planted mine on 03/10/11. I'm using a 90 watt UFO led. Not the best light source. But hey it was free.

Don't know how to post a picture. I'm on my iPad. Should be a picture with this post. Any idea how to post a picture on from iPad.
Sorry about the size but it's the best I can do.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
ahh my first post too :) I just started germinating my Spicy White Devil today. Gona be doin mine in a DWC setup once sprouted. With 2 - T5 2ft 4tube for veg and hopefully a 240W blackstar LED for Flower.. I will be watching this thread closely.


Active Member
Howdy folks! :bigjoint:

Update on one of my girls. Thanks for all the comments so far and for following my first SWD growth. Hopefully i end up with a decent harvest and can share the knowledge of this particular strain.

Day 26: (sat 5/11/11)

She has been under lights for 24 a day. I want a bigger yeild but i should have put her in a bigger pot. I was thinking of transplanting her into a big pot, anybody think i should?

Gave her a feed today just 2ml of proganics growth with 600ml of mineral water. She seems to like the proganics as she has grown a bit in the last few days. I am feeding her small amounts every 2-3 days rather than once a week. She seems hungry.

Been out in the sun all day and loved it. 29Deg C with Very High UV factor.

Showing true sativa shade leaves now..they are pretty big. My only concern for now is the leaves are curling upwards. I have done some research and suggest it might either be a nute or heat problem. I don't have a fan installed in my room as the temp of the room at night is 10 deg c but i should purchase a small fan. Also the lights night be a bit to close.

Also will post some more profile pics to show her size. I haven't measured her yet.






Active Member
Day 30: (Wed 9/11/11)

Slow growth at this stage. Havent fed her at all except watering. She has grown a bit since sat but shitty weather has meant she has been under lights 24hours. No sun. :(
as i dont want to leave her outside during the day as i am at work and it has been terrible weather here. Don't want to take the risk. I will repot her to a larger pot on the weekend. Also have some burning on some tips from heat. I need to buy a small fan on the weekend.




I had the same problem with my leafs tip browning. I think mine was caused by heat stress. Yours might be the same with the lights on for 24 hours. She's looking great.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
She's lookin good though. Myself, i'm not crazy about giving them 24hrs of light, i'm a newbie at this stuff, so what do i know, . I'm gona be doin 16hrs on my little lady. I'll probably start my first grow journal in a couple weeks in the LED section. She's only 3" tall right now.

P.S. have any of you ever heard of the 12 and 1 light cycle? I read it in SKUNK magazine. suppose to go somethin like this..... 6hrs lights are on... 5.5hrs lights are Off... 1hr lights on.... 5.5hrs lights off..... 6hrs lights back on. From what I read this method gives the plants the least amount of light you can give to keep it in Veg. not only that but it will cut your electrical cost by 20-30%.. Since your not running your lights 18-24hrs a day.. Is there any truth behind this method? I suppose it would work since you have a longer light cycle than dark, plus it's always nice to find a way to save a buck or two each month in electrical costs. Especially if your running HID lighting.

But she looks fabulous Hughie. It will be nice to compare the two girls as we move along in our grow.


Active Member
Hello. I planted mine on 03/10/11. I'm using a 90 watt UFO led. Not the best light source. But hey it was free.

Don't know how to post a picture. I'm on my iPad. Should be a picture with this post. Any idea how to post a picture on from iPad.
Sorry about the size but it's the best I can do.
Hey she is looking nice mate. Would love an update.

Whats your grow methods?


Active Member
I had the same problem with my leafs tip browning. I think mine was caused by heat stress. Yours might be the same with the lights on for 24 hours. She's looking great.

Yeah def light stress..i have moved the lights further away to avoid more tips going brown.


Active Member
She's lookin good though. Myself, i'm not crazy about giving them 24hrs of light, i'm a newbie at this stuff, so what do i know, . I'm gona be doin 16hrs on my little lady. I'll probably start my first grow journal in a couple weeks in the LED section. She's only 3" tall right now.

P.S. have any of you ever heard of the 12 and 1 light cycle? I read it in SKUNK magazine. suppose to go somethin like this..... 6hrs lights are on... 5.5hrs lights are Off... 1hr lights on.... 5.5hrs lights off..... 6hrs lights back on. From what I read this method gives the plants the least amount of light you can give to keep it in Veg. not only that but it will cut your electrical cost by 20-30%.. Since your not running your lights 18-24hrs a day.. Is there any truth behind this method? I suppose it would work since you have a longer light cycle than dark, plus it's always nice to find a way to save a buck or two each month in electrical costs. Especially if your running HID lighting.

But she looks fabulous Hughie. It will be nice to compare the two girls as we move along in our grow.
Thanks mate.

I went the 24 hours option because I wanted a faster grow..but I been reading it's not always the case! Anyway she has been getting 12 hrs of sun then 12 hrs of cfl lights.

I haven't heard of the method you mentioned, but it seems like a bit too much work and i have a 9-5 job plus other commitments i have to attend to so it's not an option.




Active Member
Day 33: (Sat 12/11/11)

I re-potted her last night and she has seemed to be ok. I filled half a 3 gal pot with mix of yates pro mix with some perlite/vermiculite. I then inserted her in the middle after removing her from her smaller pot and just filled the top around her stem.. I sat her in my grow room with just a single daylight cfl on her. I also watered the sides where the new soil was with some proganics grow nutes.

Today i placed all day in the sun. At one stage she was leaning towards the sun which kinda worried me so i straightened her out. After that she didn't move and seem to like it. I also gave her a light water feed with some grow nutes. 600ml to 2ml proganics nutes.

She is now under CFL lights. She seems to be recovering the transplant well.




good work bro!!! i have one too from attitude for free. today its 36 days old!! i have her in a 37 liter pot and its about 60cm (2 ft) tall!! i topped her, and damned those two stems grow up so quickly!!
i cant w8 till harvest its gone be a good smoke if u think of genetics jack herer X blueberry!!
