Muslim prayer room wanted for Catholic University.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I have to hand it to Carne, the best troll and thread jacking I've ever seen. lol. Somehow this thread turned into a muslim vs christian thing.

I've had 5 Bloody Mary's and 2 brownies and 1 joint since the Lions game started so I catch you tomorrow.

Which Shariah law? Like the one trying to be introduced in Mississippi that would deny women the right to an abortion regardless of the circumstance? If a woman is raped, too bad. If she is the victim of incest, so fucking what. If her life is in danger, tough luck. Not to mention that in vitro fertilization will be against the law. Birth control methods would be outlawed as well. Or how about the abortion and anti-gay laws being implemented throughout the country? We have more to worry about from Christian fundamentalists than we ever will with Muslims.


Sector 5 Moderator
I have to hand it to Carne, the best troll and thread jacking I've ever seen. lol. Somehow this thread turned into a muslim vs christian thing.

I've had 5 Bloody Mary's and 2 brownies and 1 joint since the Lions game started so I catch you tomorrow.
Actually UB and I are both Jewish but I guess he's from the reformed, LOL. You have to admit, for being the biggest brainiacs in the world, Jews are not the smartest sometimes, especially when it comes to politics. UB, as a Jew, you know I enjoy debating; I've always respected you but we have to agree to disagree on Muslims. There are 109 verses in the Qur'an about murdering "infidels" (that includes you and me chaver).

Padawan, nothing could be further from the truth. The last thing I am afraid of is Muslims; it is the principals of Islam that I am afraid of. They are firing rockets every week into the heart of Israel, a country the size of Atlanta and yet they want to take more land from them. Why? Because Muslims want every single Jew dead, for no reason, just because they exist. That my friend is pure hatred.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I have to hand it to Carne, the best troll and thread jacking I've ever seen. lol. Somehow this thread turned into a muslim vs christian thing.

I've had 5 Bloody Mary's and 2 brownies and 1 joint since the Lions game started so I catch you tomorrow.
Isn't that what this is all about?


Sector 5 Moderator
Isn't that what this is all about?
I have yet to see a thread on here that has not been hijacked and probably 25% of them are trolled. But hey, it's the internet. Everyone has an opinion. Anyone that posts here can expect to have someone voice a contrary opinion, no matter what it is. Personally, I think we grow from seeing each others opinions, so it's a positive thing to me. I know I've benefited from others thoughts here even though I may not have originally agreed with them. With Padawan, my goal was only to make him truly see his own heart.


Well-Known Member
Actually UB and I are both Jewish but I guess he's from the reformed, LOL. You have to admit, for being the biggest brainiacs in the world, Jews are not the smartest sometimes, especially when it comes to politics. UB, as a Jew, you know I enjoy debating; I've always respected you but we have to agree to disagree on Muslims. There are 109 verses in the Qur'an about murdering "infidels" (that includes you and me chaver).
i am a self-described agnostic humanistic jew.

and if you think the violence in the qu'ran is bad, don't you dare read the old testament. you'll have a conniption.


Well-Known Member
"worthy" being the operative word here.
That's correct.

However, you are most definitely unworthy; as I have stated previously in other threads.

And proved time and time again.

i am a self-described agnostic humanistic jew.

and if you think the violence in the qu'ran is bad, don't you dare read the old testament. you'll have a conniption.
But Christianity has had a Zombie Messiah, the fall of Christian Rome, the rise of the Catholic Church, the Dark Ages, and a Protestant Reformation since then.

Christianity operates just fine under the governance of a secular, Constitutional government based on the rule of law.

Ask the Coptic Christians in Egypt how accepting Islam is now that the pro-Western, secular, Mubarak government has been overthrown.

Christianity became civilized right along with Western Civilization.

When I see hordes of outraged Muslims take to the streets demanding the execution of a schoolteacher for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Mohammed," I am reminded that Islam is not civilized.

Demanding tolerance of your own beliefs while offering intolerance (to the point of violence) of other faiths in return is not civilized. It is barbaric.

Aside: You are worthy.


Well-Known Member
Yes in that little world in your head where you rule supreme.
Not to mention RIU.

Very little is deleted here.

As such, the posting record is abundantly clear.

You are unworthy.

But the folks at home already know that.

Don't let us keep you from Twilight. :lol:


Sector 5 Moderator
i don't you dare read the old testament. you'll have a conniption.
Too late; I done did. Actually yesterday was simchat torah, so we start again. But killing people who burn their babies alive as an offering to molech does not bother me.


Well-Known Member
I'm just about sloshed myself! Lol

Out of green though :(

How bout this question...

How is requiring belief based on faith better than on evidence?


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm just about sloshed myself! Lol

Out of green though :(

How bout this question...

How is requiring belief based on faith better than on evidence?
It's not "better"; it just is what it is. Faith is an intangible; if we could see it then it would not be faith. If it were easy, reasonable, or logical, everyone would be doing it. I believe that God chose to hide himself and his ways. "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honor of kings is to search it out." (Pr. 25:2). By doing it this way, he weeds out those that are not serious because they will not seek it out. The ways of the spirit man are totally opposite of the flesh.


Well-Known Member
So then according to your analysis, you not only need to accept Jesus as your lord and savior, you need to be 'serious' (whatever that means) about it?


Well-Known Member