advice on clipping my plants


hey, my plants are 31 days into flowering. would it hert my babies if i cut the bottom buds off, cause they're3 not getting much light or should i just leave them be. thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
imo you should just leave them incase you stress them into hermie, you should really do all your trimmin in the first week of flower at the lastest, before the plant puts its energy into flowering ! i useualy trim all mine after a filp them ! give them 5 days to stretch a little them trim the bottoms and through the flower strage a take the odd few leafs off here and there but nothing dractic !!

dont get me wrong some plants can take any amount of abuse and wont hermie but unless your sure for me its not worth riskin it

hope this helps and forgive my spellings lol


Well-Known Member
Go ahead. You can try to make clones of the lower branches you remove, i usually do. clones from flowering plants have incredible branching and lower branches tend to root the best. Cutting off branches wont ever make it go hermie.


Well-Known Member
Yea you can... I prefer to let them be and add them little buds to the trim pile for butter and/or hash...

Grower's preference really.


Well-Known Member
its counter productive to remove them now its 30 days into flower !!

the plants already put effort into growin them pretty pointless removing them now really, like someone else said make hash outa them and save your plant the stress !

cuttings from flowered plants is just akin to reveging whats the point ! and try cutting some branchs off a blueberry and see if it dosnt hermie or another senstive plant , its all stress that is pointless imo


Well-Known Member
i dont think cutting branches off any strain would cause a plant to hermi. and dont cut your bottom buds off if you didnt lolipop your bad use all those small nugs to thro into the sack it adds up


Well-Known Member
i dont think cutting branches off any strain would cause a plant to hermi. and dont cut your bottom buds off if you didnt lolipop your bad use all those small nugs to thro into the sack it adds up
with all drew resepct your wrong ! stress during flower weather it be light related defoilage related can and will in some strains cause self polination !! its not just my opinion its a fact !

like i said if you know the plant in question then no probs at all but if you dont then you can cause problems


Well-Known Member
with all drew resepct your wrong ! stress during flower weather it be light related defoilage related can and will in some strains cause self polination !! its not just my opinion its a fact !

like i said if you know the plant in question then no probs at all but if you dont then you can cause problems
maybe there are. I have never come across them yet. only hermies iv got are from bad genetics. but you never know. like you said


Well-Known Member
maybe there are. I have never come across them yet. only hermies iv got are from bad genetics. but you never know. like you said
yeah iv had a few blueberry thats were like that , and they seem to always be the best specimens too lol i had a mother plant of blueberry whos cuttings were fine for me but hermieed for friends ! we narrowed it down to a few stress factors !! i think blueberry is the most sensitive plant i know !!

had a critical mass witch was the same to, hermied on the first run ! but lowered the feed and was fine on the second and so on its about knowin your plant really :)


Active Member
If you make cuttings they will grow out the bud, like a small flowering cutting will grow out the bud and if you lucky, after you pick the full grown bud, she'll reveg. My lone survivor is 6mo's old and growin a whole pile of small new buds. The bud is just as good as the mom.


bud bootlegger
yeah iv had a few blueberry thats were like that , and they seem to always be the best specimens too lol i had a mother plant of blueberry whos cuttings were fine for me but hermieed for friends ! we narrowed it down to a few stress factors !! i think blueberry is the most sensitive plant i know !!

had a critical mass witch was the same to, hermied on the first run ! but lowered the feed and was fine on the second and so on its about knowin your plant really :)
the thing i think that you're not realizing is that blueberry, the strain, is pretty infamous for being a rather fickle plant from the get go.. hermies, and other genetic issues are very very common when growing out any form of bb strains...
i don't really think it was the fact that you cut off the branches, but just the fact that it was a bb strain that gave you such troubles.. :)