Fucking Snow


Well-Known Member
how much does kero run per / gallon oh?? we just got a new boiler and shit only a few years ago.. we were thinking of changing to maybe like forced hot air or idk, anything other then oil, lol...
our house is super old, we've got damn steam radiators for heat here, lol... the nice thing about them though is that the heat they put out is very moist, so it's a plus for my plants during the winter instead of being that damn hot dry air that a lot of other types of heating create..
they raped me bad on the price last year. all most 5 a gal and i burned over two, 275 gallon tanks full,all most 3 full tanks. this year I have a 100 gallon transfer tank with pump that I am going to go get my self and try to save 1.00 a gal... hot air. wish the weather would have held out so i could have put a wood stove in


Well-Known Member
must suck for the people that have to snow blow there drive way.As i sit in nice warm plow truck


Well-Known Member
Kids around me would laugh and say they do not need money because mommy and daddy have all they will ever need lol


Well-Known Member
So far we have about 18" ...I think we'll end up with about 2 feet when it's over...they are saying a good chance we could lose power too..Hope not I got Beaut growin'...vegged fer for 45 days and she is almost at the 3rd week of flowering...

And OP, yes the weather has screwed me BIG time with projects....It put some business moves I had on hold, now I may end up paying for it by losing my home.


Well-Known Member
So far we have about 18" ...I think we'll end up with about 2 feet when it's over...they are saying a good chance we could lose power too..Hope not I got Beaut growin'...vegged fer for 45 days and she is almost at the 3rd week of flowering...

And OP, yes the weather has screwed me BIG time with projects....It put some business moves I had on hold, now I may end up paying for it by losing my home.
I have over foot on ground now. I feel your pain and hope things work out that you do not lose your house.Things are tough as hell in my area,sounds like your not to far away....I am on 5 weeks of veg and going to flower after 6 weeks. just bag seed first and pineapple,northern light auto and some kush that are going on two weeks veg that will be put to flower at same time and pull some clones off for round 2


Well-Known Member
i think we really need to rename my country, cause its nowhere near as cold as that yet.

and i live in iceland lol

guess ya can say now "how cold is it where im at?"

"its colder than fucking iceland!"

Total Head

Well-Known Member
8 inches of heavy snow on top of 2 inches of slush. my yard is full of trees, my power was out for 4 hours, and the roof on the abandoned house behind me caved in even worse than last year and now there's a tree in it. the city plowed like a bunch of monkeys and i spent 2 hours shoveling to where the rest will melt. there's a fucking lake in front of my house and RIGHT after my final shovel full some 15 year old stick boy comes up and asks if i need any help. yeah, about 2 hours ago you lazy little shit. this shit cannot be for real in october. leaves on trees are fucking heavy.


Sector 5 Moderator
perfect. they said 3 to 5 inches and i got about 14 inchs
I see you have the same weatherman as we have here, LOL. I swear, the chances of them actually getting it right are less than winning the lottery. We woke up to about an inch this morning - FINALLY! I mean, this is Alaska for crying out loud!

@ sso: I'm sure you know why Iceland and Greenland were named thus. Those wacky Danes; gotta love 'em.


Well-Known Member
@ sso: I'm sure you know why Iceland and Greenland were named thus. Those wacky Danes; gotta love 'em.
:D to be fair they arrived (oddly enough) in summertime in greenland (2 months of summer), but landed in iceland in the wintertime and the harshest wintertime with a glacier in view to boot :)

its actually quite mild here, apart from about 2 months around january and february (24th december has often had no snow in memory, nor even 1st january)
there are some winters, decades apart, where snow piles up in meterdrifts (remember 2 meters at most (maybe 3 in some piles))
and lots more up north, but many winters in memory were just cold, no snow.
(though i remember snow and much of it from 0-20 years of my age)
it gets bitingly cold though around october, windy and cold, though lately with warmer periods in between. but no snow and real frost til at least january (normally, though around 15 years back, there was snow in october) (and even saw hail once in june (sunny hot, then hail, then sunny hot with a small tornado or 2 (3 meter tall) then icecold rain (really weird weather)

it had gotten much warmer though around 2000 and up, though the last two winters its starting to get colder again and more snow.

but never gets that cold here, was at most -15c during the coldest winters i remember,but usually -5c dipping to -10c with the occasional 0c, but during the warm period of 2000+ it never got lower than -5c. and often was at 0c or even 5c.

in the mountains it gets as low as -24c


Sector 5 Moderator
Dang, that ruins it for me. I was told that when the Vikings sailed to and discovered a beautiful, green, lush land and to keep others from even thinking about coming there they named it Iceland. They did the same thing with Greenland. Basically, flip-flopping the names for misinformation. I would love to go to Iceland; I hear you have some of the most beautiful women in the world over there. :)


Well-Known Member
Its 73 and sunny here in the high desert. I use a woodstove and about three cords (700.00) to keep the basement toasty warm and the upstairs above 58 throughout winter. We get plenty of snow and cold but nothing like you northerners. Brrrrrrrr!!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's 61 here and sunny. I can hear the Mourning Doves and Magpies outside my window and a slightly sage scented breeze is gently caressing the curtains. Ahh... life is good. :D


bud bootlegger
It's 61 here and sunny. I can hear the Mourning Doves and Magpies outside my window and a slightly sage scented breeze is gently caressing the curtains. Ahh... life is good. :D
it does get chilly in parts of nm though carne.. my girl used to live in edgewood i think it was, and she was pretty much snowed in for almost the whole winter a few years back..


Well-Known Member
I think i need to move where I can grow trees and be around water all year that does not freeze so i can enjoy my boat.With the messed up summer we had my poor boat has been covered up since August


Well-Known Member
hit 64 F here today and sunny, good goddamn thing, I had to finish painting the house, then of course the all the fallen limbs from the snow storm we got a couple days ago had to be cut up and hauled, made for a busy goddamn "day of rest " for me.