The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Im sitting at my mums place cattery sitting and they have plenty of room here ffs, shame ill not get this place when they go, the bank willl have it and the counmcil will have whatevers left

I'm trying to understand. The bank for a mortgage, where does the council come in?

I'm getting a good chuckle watching 'Kinky Boots'

My folks. I wont be able to afford to look after them if they get infermed. I have no room to put them its sad but inevitable.
Perhaps your folks could put the house into trust under little H's name, with the prior agreement that you guys look after them (possibly, or they go into care) and you live in the place, which you either continue to use for the breeding your mother does as present, (perhaps you can learn the trade there) or think of another home cottage business that you can be involved in...hold on, you are involved in one, lol. My old man and his wife done something like that with their kid and the mother of the wife. It was in Australia, but I imagine the laws will not be too different.

People, imho cottage industries are the future of our worlds economy, money power needs to be spread, people need to actually boycott the supermarkets!! Forget camping out at the fukking banks, that will do no good.

Fred, would you be so kind as to put the bubble bag link up mate?
There's gotta be a way around it. I'm with D... you gotta look into ways around it. Hold on to that shit. There's always around things... loopholes and such.
Hmm maybe if i could continue to pay the mortgage and pay for the care but thats a heck of a lot of money each week to find evey week
Maybe you could let a caregiver live at the house, and trade them living there for them taking care of your parents. Some out the box thinking will be in order to work it out... but there is usually a way if you are creative enough.
At that time you could sell your flat and take up care for them at their residence making the payment there instead. Obviously it has it's hiccups but that's how families have done it in the past, thanks to the shite world economy it's likely again aye. Amongst my sibs I have been designated the caretaker and I suspect that this is the way I will have it too.
Many years out, this potential arrangement? I am sure you have time to sort it out eh!
I don't even know why I was compelled to enter that fray, have a good night there westy!
At that time you could sell your flat and take up care for them at their residence making the payment there instead. Obviously it has it's hiccups but that's how families have done it in the past, thanks to the shite world economy it's likely again aye. Amongst my sibs I have been designated the caretaker and I suspect that this is the way I will have it too.
Many years out, this potential arrangement? I am sure you have time to sort it out eh!
I don't even know why I was compelled to enter that fray, have a good night there westy!
unfortunalty there is no flat to sell lol im in social housing lol. I do have an older sister and brother whoo will prolly take the shit for me
I had the good fortune to hang two deep blues from Breeders Boutique, for dry earlier today, such lovely ladies, in appearence and smoke...everyone should have the pleasure.

Well man, you and your lady seem like good people to me and you pay your dues so your bound for more. That's the role, try to be decent and work hard and things tend to gain steam. Definitely not born with a silver spoon myself, generations of farmers and laborers before me. I put my self through college and raised my two sons by my self during that time so I can honestly say I know a bit about hard work and adversity. I can tell you got a good head on your shoulders, you'll catch your break yet I am sure. Current enterprises could turn to be lucrative. Shit man, I wish you the very best!
This ones for you bud!
puff, puff, pass....
cheers for the link Fred.

Theres a great joke by Billy Connolly (better when told by the Big Man himself) where he is having a chat at his local bar up near Loch Lomand with one of the middle class locals who is always going on about how his house has increased 10k in the last 5 years, blah blah blah, and Tam, one of the locals from a more working class area of the town. The middle Class guys ask the Tam how much he thinks he would get if he sold his house. Tam qucikly replies, "probably about 5 year in Saughton" (a prison in Glasgow). As I said, funnier if you hear it live, lol.