Just found two seedlings that were inside a single seed.


Well-Known Member
I just had the same experience. I'm doing a grow now in which the Critical+ seed germinated 2 seed-roots, one normal size
and one smaller. Both have been in dirt at 20/4 for 26 days now. The normal seedling is 21 inches and junior is just 9 inches.
This part is interesting -- as the normal-size seedling put on leaves it did so as most strains do, lower leaves had 3 then 5 then 7
fingers per leaf. Junior had full 5-finger leaves from the start. It's like the smaller guy has more advanced genetics or something.

If I can get my camera to work I will post pix.



Well-Known Member
i had that last week left em grow a little then split them there doing good now fukin twins init :-) lol
Okay guys here's a pic of the twins, plus for the hell of it I included a couple pics of my two big plants that'll be ready to harvest pretty soon (they're my second ever grow).
