New Member

What the hell is "Amreica"? Dunno but it sounds like shit, but I love living in "America". You should go see the world and then you'll appreciate what this nation is about.
Well you are entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is.YOU should go see the world, and appreciate why the REST of the world laughs at us.
Seriously though, I've been to many places in my relatively short life, The middle east is/was beautiful until...we fucked it up.... Spain is very free, very clean, and the people are friendly, even France, no I wouldn't want to live there but it is pretty lax, Canada...do i really need to say anything? we already know Canada is a great place, Russia, no- they don't define freedom, but it would be pig headed to think that the united states does either, how free are we in this country? I was born here and am therefore a citizen, when i attempted to get my dual citizenship for Lebanon, the government in the USA(where I've lived my whole life) told me I would need to place my name on their "watch list"...yay America!
it is foolish to believe our country is great, the concept of America's Freedom is great, the policy which is anything but free is not.
The End
**purely my opinion of course**
LMAO...funny how zenmaster didnt even come back with a response...i never said we have it bad, you're correct that some places the gov does choose what you will do, however-
I'm not sure where in the mid east you were, but most countries are pretty well civilized(at least the ones we aren't bombing) hell, even iraq was coming along pretty decent until we bombed them back to the stone age, Look at places like Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, they have structured Life, never heard of any government there telling people what to be, if you're talking about places like Iran, please note that everyone knows Iran is fuct. Afghanistan isn't the middle east, and Palestine Is under constant attack from Israel and never able to rebuild, as far as Europe goes I can tell you that some places i stayed while there were less attractive than others, but it all depends where you are, you can't possibly say it's all messed up when you haven't seen it all, it's like trying to say All Americans are rich...its just not true. If this touring you did was a military tour, i can see why you'd think that but again, you can't judge a book by it's cover, Beirut In Lebanon is known as the "Paris of the Middle East" for a reason, huge nightlife, malls, clubs, bars, great beaches, and good times.
If you want me to bitch, i'll tell you about how the US dollar is worth Shit thanks to all the bullshit going on, YES we are being laughed at, by poor goat herders in afghanistan, by rich business men in saudi arabia, we got into everyone elses shit for what? if you can tell me something we're fighting for besides all that freedom bullshit they try to dump on us i'm game, but did hussein have the ability or man power to attack us? and pose a threat to US DIRECTLY???? no. are the iraqi people free now? no. and if you start listening to what's really going on you'll see not everything is as it seems, I am proud to be an American, but I am not proud of how our country is being run, thats all.
Cause I've answered these questions about 10 million fucking times across every thread on the Politics section. And he agreed with me his first sentence, and the rest of his rant had nothing to do with what I originally said, so quit being a douche bag.LMAO...funny how zenmaster didnt even come back with a response...
2nded... pretty good sum upOUCH America...
1.Most brutal form of Slavery in history
2.Were government owned
3.Our media is BIASED
4.Killed off an entire race(natives)
5.Our Judicial system is bizarre(all the years)
6.Racist society (stares for being other than white)
7.Inner city is fucked up and government officials could care less
8.and Corporations rule this country