Clone supplier was wrong about genetics, should I be angry?


Well-Known Member
At the end of September I ordered 5 Pineapple Express and 5 Skywalker clones.

In October I planted them and they are growing great.

However, yesterday I met with my supplier because he had a crop from the same cloned plants mine came from. It turns out that he made a mistake. The clones are Afgoo and Super Silver Blueberry.

I'm already committed to 3 weeks of growing. The plants look nice, and the fruit they will produce is very pretty and tasty.

I just was hoping on passing my "extra medication" to the dispensaries for a few bucks. If the strains he gave me don't have as much demand as the two I thought they were, I could lose up to $1000. This bothers me.

The supplier of my clones said he would give me my next batch of clones for free. But $100 consolation for his mistake doesn't equal what I could lose if the strains don't sell as well as the first two I picked.

I chose not to get angry, I figure for my first grow I can learn how to cure, manicure, and just grow in general...and then just have an awesome supply to smoke. And I may get lucky to find that I DID grow some awesome shit and the dispensaries want to give me a little money for it.


Well-Known Member
sometimes those are the breaks. you gotta just roll up your sleeves and tough it out, or whatever feels right to you. his recognizing his mistake and being willing to make due is plenty enough on his part in my opinion.

on your losing money, don't count your chickens before they hatch. you never know what can happen at any point in your grow. mistake can be made that would ruin everything even if you had your desired strains. not getting irate and taking this as a learning experience is a great way to look at things on your part.


Well-Known Member
Ditto on the chickens thing.

First grow? I would be more concerned with actually completing it to harvest without fucking up too much, over the strains, yield, or $$$$ that are dancing in your head.



Well-Known Member
Afgoo generally has pretty decent demand in all the clubs I know. Blows about getting scammed - Ive had the same happen to me and boy was it annoying.


Well-Known Member
I don't feel he was 'scammed'. The clone supplier made a mistake and owned up to it. It's easy to do when there are multiple strains around and he is going to make it right with free clones.

Besides, what he did get is not something you'd throw rocks at.



Well-Known Member
I am guilty! I am counting my chickens before they hatch. I kind of know it too. I agree with you guys...just surviving my first grow is important enough...I might as well have saved the $100 and went straight for bag seed and CFL's in order to learn. Instead I have dumped around $2000 into this gig on hopes that it can pay for itself many times over and give me free top shelf buds for life.

Point taken though...I'll just focus on getting through this first grow alive, and be happy with what I can learn in the process!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me am i the only 1 that would b angry fuming violent lol to be fair the lad did own up for his mistake bit it could b a costly 1 at the end of the day id want back wot i was gonna lose end of either your shit sells or the lad who made the mistake has to cough up wot he lost ya !!


Well-Known Member
I am guilty! I am counting my chickens before they hatch. I kind of know it too. I agree with you guys...just surviving my first grow is important enough...I might as well have saved the $100 and went straight for bag seed and CFL's in order to learn. Instead I have dumped around $2000 into this gig on hopes that it can pay for itself many times over and give me free top shelf buds for life.

Point taken though...I'll just focus on getting through this first grow alive, and be happy with what I can learn in the process!
$2000 sounds like you have decent equipment. You will be learning this along with the plants. It's a good thing.

Trust me, I've been growing 'stuff' outside for close to 40 years and even had my own orchid nursery. I sorta know what I'm doing.... Outside.

Coming inside however was a whole new learning curve and many things I had to learn all over again. I'm glad I got good equipment from the get go and learned how to utilize it as grows went on, without having to upgrade everything.

Just get through this grow, you'll learn tons. About the plants and your set up.



Well-Known Member
You want the real strain, grow from seed! You never know what you're getting with clones!!! Clubs will lie!!! They get the clone from joe guy that grows them, If they look good enough they take them! Last time I was at a club there were "209 Kush" clones there... A bullshit strain that joe grower gave to the clubs because he didn't know the real strain! Unless you know who started the seeds, you get what you get pretty much, Be glad they are even growing for you! I've seen some CRAP clones being pushed out of the clubs!!


Well-Known Member
You want the real strain, grow from seed! You never know what you're getting with clones!!! Clubs will lie!!! They get the clone from joe guy that grows them, If they look good enough they take them! Last time I was at a club there were "209 Kush" clones there... A bullshit strain that joe grower gave to the clubs because he didn't know the real strain! Unless you know who started the seeds, you get what you get pretty much, Be glad they are even growing for you! I've seen some CRAP clones being pushed out of the clubs!!
Point well taken. If I want good genetics, start with seeds. I'm afraid I might have a couple 209 kush type strains that I thought were the highly prized Skywalker OG from LA. Live and learn!

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Dude, dont even worry. From my experience, it doesnt matter what the name is if its grown well, peoples desire changes.real quick and prefer a frosty nugget over an inferior one with a name they like. Super silver blueberry? Isnt that blue dream? So afgoo and blue dream and you wanna know if you should be upset? Lol. Dont worry, grow it well and if it comes out nice you could call it moldy poopsickle haze amd people will line up for it. Just rember, if this is your first time, flush every 3 weeks even if you dont think you need to. In the end when you got the chron diggities, youll be glad you did.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Also, while strain is important, way way way more important is how well you grow it. I can ruin a cup winning strain or take a no name, grow it right, and hear people ask what this badass new strain is. Take blue dream, run with it. Its a really good one to help you learn with, and THAT my friend can be what costs or saves you thousands of dollars. A plant that is easy to grow. I cant tell you how much I have lost because I wanted to grow a tricky cool strain. seriously, like I shouldnt even say how much. Iv not grown strains like super lemon haze or xj13 that I KNOW I make come out great because I wanted to grow something different like acapulco gold or pineapple chunk. Dont make the same mistakes, grow an easy plant instead of a plant that earns you respect points.


Well-Known Member
Wow--thanks Phil, that's a great way to look at things. I am going to really focus to do the best job I can regardless of what strain it is.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Try to keep in mind that ,in my oppinion at least, the hugeajority of growing problems are due to ph being off. The first solution to this is easy, make sure you nutrients going In are in the proper range. The second part, which accounts for most ph problems, involves the ph of the rootzone. When the ph is off nutrients build up quicker and excellerate ph fucked-up-edness. It can be a clusterfuck ,imo, trying to go a whole bloom and never flushing and still getting A plus weed. Easiest solution....flush regularly, and befor they need it. Think of it as a child:better to give it attention BEFOR it starts getting nasrey or else you spend three times as much time to deal with a kid with an attitude thats still shitty. Quick of it all...flush regularly. Best advice I can give without showing you stuff...