Cant sleep bored out me head!!!!!


New Member
anything people can reccomend me to do lol bored shitless n cnt sleep. aaarrrgghh!!!!!!!!

dp sux

New Member
Answer mindless questions on here all night while taken rip after rip of the bong till yer tired like me!! (I know there not mindless questions I was kidden).


Well-Known Member
dude i just got done watching end game. INFO OVERLOAD, astounding unbelievable i knew we were build viruses i just didnt think it went as far as motaba (ebola watch outbreak, morgan freeman and dustin hoffman) the pills and the scans. amero and the coming of american EU known along with its super highway just didnt no all the details. shit plus there is now an oil pipe line going to go from canada to texas threw montana,SD, kansas, nebraska, oklahoma and i think thats it. keep an eye on the news. o did you check out peace talks with israel and palistien .