What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom


Active Member
Ok, so I told myself after my last grow (cured in mid August) that I would absolutely not buy any more weed until my next crop was done. Unfortunately, that harvest was really shitty and the weed was very weak so I ended up going through it in about a month. I've been pretty much smoke-free since mid-September and my next harvest probably won't come until early-mid December (day 10 of flower right now, they JUST showed pre-flowers a day or 2 ago).

So now, I'm stuck not knowing what to do with myself for the next 2 months. I suffer from pretty chronic stomach pain and occasional migraines, as well as massive anxiety. I'm also an insomniac when I can't smoke. So I'm just unsure of what to do... I know I CAN wait the 2 or so months for my harvest because really there are no physical drawbacks to me not smoking other than I won't be able to alleviate my pain. But I really don't want to, especially since I'm in my last semester of grad school and my stress level seems to rise by the day, which just induces more headaches and stomach pain...

Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do in the meantime? Are there any alternatives to just sucking it up and spending money on weed? I'm a poor college student and weed here is crazy expensive (60 bucks for an 8th of only decent grade weed). Please, if anyone has any suggestions on what to do it would be much appreciated.

Oh, and unfortunately I live in a state that hasn't passed medical MJ laws yet, so that's not an option. Sorry for an odd post, I really didn't know where to put this.


Well-Known Member
waiting for harvest will be a rewarding experience, your tolerance drops to 0 and once you get hands on your home made bud you will be able to appreciate it even more. In the meantime you could research horticulture and/or think about some experiments (trying new techniques such as LST to increase light distribution etc.) which will bring you higher quality of smoke and even quantity hence less dry days. As for suppressing pain and anxiety kratom is a worthy substance to contemplate, although for the price you might get rather weed. You could always go to a doctor and ask for anxiety medication such as pregabalin, which is usually prescribed for neuropathic pain, but is great for anxiety (GABA analogue) just like benzodiazepines although it does not share their addictive or cognitive-numbing potential. Alleviating the psychological pain will also allow you to attenuate the physical pain as well since it is not uncommon for anxiety and depression to enhance perception of pain.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
kind of the same deal with myself
shitty last harvest, not weak, very strong but strong in a very bad way
so i went on half rations, you can make do with very little weed if you vape and use just enough


Active Member
Thank you for the advice. This is only my 3rd REAL grow, and money is tight so I'm trying to do as much as I can with as little as I have. It's a CFL grow, and I did a bit of LST on my first plant with much success thus far. Tomorrow I am going to be taking some cuttings and cloning them so that I can start a perpetual grow. I've been spending much of my free time on the forums here learning as much as possible and I just love how nice everyone here is. Also, thank you for the advice on the meds, as of now I don't have health insurance so I know I can't afford much in that direction but it might be something helpful for the future if there comes a time when MJ stops being effective.

I am pretty stoked about resetting my tolerance as I was building it up quite a bit when I was smoking. Again, thanks for the suggestions, +rep.


Active Member
kind of the same deal with myself
shitty last harvest, not weak, very strong but strong in a very bad way
so i went on half rations, you can make do with very little weed if you vape and use just enough
Unfortunately I have no weed at all right now, so that option is out. I suppose I could think of maybe buying ONE bag and just spacing it out as much as possible... but the problem always ends up being that if I HAVE weed, I smoke it. I've never been good at rationing things. =P

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Get some nugs right around swell time so you don't get chop happy and ruin all your hard work. Trust me this is the best advice. Right when the triches are golf teein buy a bag to get you thru the hardest time

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Try setting up a perpetual grow for the future and learn "the hard way" from your previous mistakes. At least with a perpetual the down time will be weeks instead of months. Of course I have no idea what your room size light or anything is so this may not be feasable.


Active Member
Try setting up a perpetual grow for the future and learn "the hard way" from your previous mistakes. At least with a perpetual the down time will be weeks instead of months. Of course I have no idea what your room size light or anything is so this may not be feasable.
Yeah, that's what I'm working towards now. I have some kind of lemon variety that I'm going to try and keep as my mother plant and just take 2 clones from her every 2 weeks or so. I'll prob even try to make a mother out of the thc bomb strain I'm growing if it turns out nice. And yeah, that's good advice on the bag right before harvest... that was part of the mistake on my last grow, I didn't chop too early but I kept "testing" buds from it every couple days and really hurt my yield.


Well-Known Member
I can join the club..havent smoked in a couple months and mine want be ready till near christmas....im going to have a good christmas....


Active Member
This might actually be as good a place as any to ask this, but is there a forum or anywhere on here where people talk about trading seeds? They are so expensive, but I'd really like to try out some variety and have a few I'd be willing to part with. Sorry if that's against forum rules, I didn't see it anywhere.


Active Member
I've heard mixed reviews, but the majority of what I've seen has been good. It also helps that I got the 10 seeds for like 35 bucks including shipping (non-feminized) plus 5 free seeds. Honestly, anything will be better than my last grow. I could smoke a whole blunt myself of that stuff and never get higher than smoking a bowl. It sucked (and is the reason I went through it so fast). It also only kept me high for an hour TOPS and that's if I smoked a lot. So we'll see. My next grow I'm going to try for some AK-47 seeds if I can afford em.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I think maybe should get into a more sativa heavy breed. like an 80/20 or 90/10. You'd use less and be able to stretch it out further. Of course the down side is prolonged flower period, BUT if you did perpetual you could manage it.