Will Spider mites survive and feed on curing budds??


Well-Known Member
I have been keeping mites at bay through out my grow, and am now close to harvest, and am worried that while my budds are hanging out to dry, the mites will be sucking the life out of my lovely budd.

Has anyone got any facts, knowledge, or good old fashion experience on this?? Any advice would be appreciated as I don't want the lose the battle so close to the end.

Happy growing :)
I have been keeping mites at bay through out my grow, and am now close to harvest, and am worried that while my budds are hanging out to dry, the mites will be sucking the life out of my lovely budd.

Has anyone got any facts, knowledge, or good old fashion experience on this?? Any advice would be appreciated as I don't want the lose the battle so close to the end.

Happy growing :)

Hey HM,

1.) Mites are like leeches, they feast on live prey. Once a plant is harvested, the leaves begin to dry out and the flow stops. Thus, the juice or intestial fluid is gone, and they can not feed.

The mites will look for other food - if they can not feed. Some will hang around, but then will die.

Ultiumately, Mites do not suck out THC. So what's built up on and in ones buds is still gonna be there, regardless of any minor temporary sucking like maybe a day after picking).

Prudence would suggest, that a farmer that has to harvest a plant with mites, does not dry nor cure his crop near other growing plants - as mite walk, and they will just walk-on-over to the live plants.

Practical knowledge: I have taken infested leaves, put them in a jar with a sealed lid, and come back in two days... and all mites are dead.

Peace be with you,

not sure but my friend gave me some outdoor and they have been curing in the jars..so days later i take em out to trim them a bit better,and as im trimming i find a catapiller,dont know much about them but i thought most things would have died from being in the jars suffocating lol
not sure but my friend gave me some outdoor and they have been curing in the jars..so days later i take em out to trim them a bit better,and as im trimming i find a catapiller,dont know much about them but i thought most things would have died from being in the jars suffocating lol

Insects are weird dude... I live in AZ catch scorpions in the house all the time I put them in Mason jars with no breathing holes those fuckers live for weeks before they die.
id say if worst comes to worst grind that shit !!!!!!!! but i dont think they wud live long!! shake da fuck outta ur plants before u trim maybe that will help a bit ...
Given the option to toke or NOT? pass me that mite shit man.:weed:bongsmilie:blsmoke:
I'll try almost anything once.

Hell the FDA has an approved level of insect parts that can be in food products.
compared to some of the stuff we are exposed to eating smoking breathing ect in everyday life smoking a few mites dont seem to bad???? i had a bad experiance with mites but kept ontop of them once flowing i reduced my treatment but added nutes that made the plants produce extra sticky resins and it worked for me you should be fine if youve kept ontop upto harrvest just dry and cure properly give them chance to run away. just a thort but y not introduce a plant that is healthy anything cheap and cheerful that you dont treat few days before harvest and they might migrate to that then take it outside and burn it??? all just ideas any input to them taken greatfully
A few mites on the buds isn't a huge problem. Hang the whole branches upside down and in a few days all of the mites will be at the tip of the stem building webs. Cut the stem off and most of the mites are gone. Those little fuckers hate being upside down on a dried up plant in the dark. By the time you remove the trim, there will be a few dead mites and dead eggs still on the buds, but 99% will be gone.

Azamax is wonderful to snuff them out in veg.
Holy fuck, make your own choices,
but realize that EATING things is COMPLETELY different from SMOKING things.

You are smoking disease, from the mite poop, which is just as dirty as human poop.
Imagine that bud you're smoking having fallen upon your own turd.
Still gonna smoke it?
Holy fuck, make your own choices,
but realize that EATING things is COMPLETELY different from SMOKING things.

You are smoking disease, from the mite poop, which is just as dirty as human poop.
Imagine that bud you're smoking having fallen upon your own turd.
Still gonna smoke it?

Does the 5 sec rule apply here?:twisted: