Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Well-Known Member
And now the big girls :)
3rd day of Flowering, loving life as always, sorry for the big ego lol just nothing but good things i can say :)
cleaned the water pumps today and i have noticed loads of difference with the water keeping cleaner due to the water pumps, loads of gunk when i cleaned them, the res's cleaned straight up as soon as i put the clean pumps back in :)
looking very good m8 and fuck me there massive
up dates m8


Well-Known Member
Your plants scare me. Monsters they are...
In flower you are using 2 - 600watters? What strain are you running? No venting eh?


Well-Known Member
love the roots shots its lookin very nice wiimb some amazin photos, i gotta get into doin cuttings one-day. did try and roots sum but forgot about them and they died on me but the gud thing was they did root lol.....


New Member
love the roots shots its lookin very nice wiimb some amazin photos, i gotta get into doin cuttings one-day. did try and roots sum but forgot about them and they died on me but the gud thing was they did root lol.....
Patience is the key m8, im not but i have to be, no point in stressing when they is fuk all i can do bwt it expect set a seed of :)


Well-Known Member
Strain Lineage / Genealogy / Family Tree

break that down m8 i dont understand ya :)


New Member
wow m8 i dint expect that :lol: i was on abou what you were putting in your next grow you said 2 strains and then in bracket you said wwxbb
thats what i dint understand :)


Active Member
Props to you my friend. I love your bushes wiimb you have inspired me to try DWC. I love your clones too. Those double headers are fukin awesome bro!! I just noticed we have the same tent, LOL. I cant wait to see how your yields come out with only that 600. Are your doing recirculating DWC? Is that what the tube is that comes out of your bucket? Im sorry I havent read all your dwc thread but im becoming a believer and will use your thread to help me get by my first actual dwc/bubbleponics. Thanks pal happy growing!

Awesome roots btw! looking great as always.



Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, I thought you were horsing around, lol. Blue Venom alongside Moby Dick and Nebula. I'm on a widow cross theme for the next indoor grow. Following this thread for results and it looks like I made a good choice so far. :peace:

wow m8 i dint expect that :lol: i was on abou what you were putting in your next grow you said 2 strains and then in bracket you said wwxbb
thats what i dint understand :)


New Member
thanks m8
Im glad i have inspired you, you do excellent in soil and dwc will be great and rewarding for you :)
Double headed Cutting is gonna be awesome when she roots and gets her own dwc 5 galloner :) gonna concentrate loads on this one :)
single recirculating DWC yes but not the other way, next time i think i might
any questions you need answering fire away m8 :)
Roots are doing grand better than the last lot, just not as big as my previous large plant, mother to these:)

Thanks for stopping by :)
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