Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Some asshole at CVS pharmacy told me I need a 'doctor's prescription' for it. What's that shit?

Was he just being a douche?
Yup, try the grocery store. I've seen it at the WaySafe.

most iso oil tastes worse, because 97% of people making it, dont have an effing clue what they are doing ;)

Same with BHO, lets be honest... A bunch of high school drop out fiends are making BHO from youtube how-tos. But iso isn't killing people the way BHO explosions are.

Like these isotards vvvvv if they were using 'tane that video would not be funny. They would be in the hospital or dead.
I hate to be a donny and thought i might say hi to everyone one and ask a question to the thread . . . . .. . ?

my friend has high % alcohol made from sugar, i think 95%

question is can i make extract with that and how long do i want to wash with it? and can i do multiple washes
I hate to be a donny and thought i might say hi to everyone one and ask a question to the thread . . . . .. . ?

my friend has high % alcohol made from sugar, i think 95%

question is can i make extract with that and how long do i want to wash with it? and can i do multiple washes

Ethanol has rather more solvent power than isopropanol. It is also more polar, making it easier for it to pick up sugars, chlorophyll and other undesirables. I imagine you could try a super quick wash, but you're caught on the horns of a dilemma: do you want quality (one very quick wash), or efficient recovery (multiple washes, with unavoidable impurities)? cn
i would like to find a comfortable medium, as im told their is a lot of this stuff if i want it, is it possible to do a mutliple washes and then filter with a syringe and a .02 micron screen?
I'n not aware of anyone who makes a .02 micron (20 nm!) screen. Filtration won't have any effect in terms of avoiding or remedying extraction of yuckies. I do recommend a different solvent. cn
Wow Matt this is great info !! I feel like this thread is forming my opinions and methods for solvent based extracts for years to come!!! I have made them for quite a while but this is going to the next level! I am a fan of concretes! Dabs o Crete on my vaape
that is pretty much spot on. The concrete plant waxes are polar like cannabinoids, and are why we call bho "budder" "wax" "comb". All these textures are from slightly different combinations of plant waxes, crystalline cannabinoids, and oily terpenoids.

Iso washed BHO is the "purest" in terms of cannabinoids, BUT that is an oversimplified view of cannabis science. Pure, in the cannabis world, has to include the terpenoids, as they greatly affect the overall high. Some terpenoids acts just like THC, some act against THC. There is a lot more going on than just cannabinoids. This is why BHO is actually the #1 solvent for cannabis extracts. An isowashed BHO is wax free, but also terpenoid free. The best iso washed BHO has essential oil added to the extract right at the end, to replace the iso removed terpenoids. But I only know one guy doing that, and he is a crazy old chemist.
I'n not aware of anyone who makes a .02 micron (20 nm!) screen. Filtration won't have any effect in terms of avoiding or remedying extraction of yuckies. I do recommend a different solvent. cn

thanks i appreicieate it, i have found .02 micron screens

i normally make BHO, nice lovely red glass, but i assume that a crack down on butane is on the way, and am looking for new ways to extract . .. . . i will most likely just use my bubble bags
i would like to find a comfortable medium, as im told their is a lot of this stuff if i want it, is it possible to do a mutliple washes and then filter with a syringe and a .02 micron screen?

I make iso hash from old bubble and use a large 200ml syringe to skim off the top of the extraction leaving the hash in solution for another wash with 10 min of settle time I uslly leave about 16/20% behind and it has no phycoactive powers just mostly cellulose.. I get clean washes with a steady hand and a syringe but at first I used a gold plated coffee filter
Some of us are getting extracts comparable to bho from ice water, it just a lot harder and less yield. :)
Ice water extracted wax.... aka Ice Wax
I make iso hash from old bubble and use a large 200ml syringe to skim off the top of the extraction leaving the hash in solution for another wash with 10 min of settle time I uslly leave about 16/20% behind and it has no phycoactive powers just mostly cellulose.. I get clean washes with a steady hand and a syringe but at first I used a gold plated coffee filter

gold plated, nice, but why, more chemistry i assume

why does 16/20% stay behind?
Yup, try the grocery store. I've seen it at the WaySafe.

Same with BHO, lets be honest... A bunch of high school drop out fiends are making BHO from youtube how-tos. But iso isn't killing people the way BHO explosions are.

Like these isotards vvvvv if they were using 'tane that video would not be funny. They would be in the hospital or dead.

wow that was amazing! i knew it was going to happen but still jumped
"MOM the house is on fire" .. lol why did they shut the camera off it was just getting good...

I accidentally did something like that once, well not that stupid but it sounded like it. Had a glass pot lid on a flame on the burner for a little while lol didn't see it, put it in the sink and put cold water on it (yeah great idea) BANG! glass alll down the garbage disposal.
Yup, try the grocery store. I've seen it at the WaySafe.

Same with BHO, lets be honest... A bunch of high school drop out fiends are making BHO from youtube how-tos. But iso isn't killing people the way BHO explosions are.

Like these isotards vvvvv if they were using 'tane that video would not be funny. They would be in the hospital or dead.

wow those guys are idiots

"gimme a newport"

