1st Time Grower // Strain: White Rhino // Starting from seeds

Hey declectic ur grow looks great man. I have a question though about your germination and vegg. Let me get this right it took 2 days for ur seeds to sprout? And u did not put them into a cup of water for 24 hours? And did u veg under 24/0 light while they were seedlings under that fluorescent u had? Subbed man
bcurwi1, thanks for tuning in and for the kind words.

To answer your questions… yes it took 2 days for the seeds to sprout (can take 2-3 days, I checked on day two I was excited!).

I'm not sure what you mean by
And u did not put them into a cup of water for 24 hours?
as I've never heard of that…

After my seeds sprouted >> I put them into a 2.72L pot >>then I repotted into something smaller, 16oz dixie party cups >> then back into the 2.72L pots when I felt they were too big for the 16oz cups.

And that one 2ft t5HO I have… just left it on 24/7 and kept misting the them about 2-3 times a day. When I felt they were ready for vegging 18/6, I threw them in the tent under my 400w HPS.

Hope that helps, LMK if u got any other ?'s
Thanks man, yeah ha actually I do...Once you germinated and the tap root sprouted and was showing you planted them into your medium but did u put them directly under lights? or did you leave them in darkness until they sprouted? I a currently in my 1st grow and enjoying yours a lot.
Yah man totally… in my first post under "Date 08/11/11" You'll see me holding one of the seeds that sprouted… the very next picture is them under the light after being planted.

So essentially… once they sprouted… I planted them and then placed them under my T5 for 24hours a day for 27 days until I put them in an 18/6 cycle under my HPS.

Got a link to ur journal? Also, it's kind of … weird I guess… that you have these questions but got a 'complete noob tutorial' link in ur sig of a post by you, that appears (haven't gotten a chance to read through it all yet) to be comprehensive… may I ask…… sup with that?!
Done a lot of research... but theres nothing like learning when you actually begin your grow....a whole new aspect to marijuana horticulture arises. Sometimes i need help, not afraid to admit it. And im glad ppl like you are here to help :D
Here are the girls as of 10/26/11. Today (10/27/11) they start their 5th week of flowering! w00t w00t!




lil … Depth of Field action…

whhooooaaaa a psychedelic :leaf::-P

LOL but really, here is a sturdier shot… this one is already starting to get a li lorangy on the tips! crazy; i wasn't expecting to see ANY of that for at least another week or two… but this is only 1 of a SMALL handful of bud sites that actually started getting some orange tips

Now… I'm not sure what's up with this… but this was the ONLY one doing this (one of the 3 untopped ones). This happened on 10/21/11 but after sleep and wake again the next day it was gone… dunno what was going on there lol

The "Dreaded Eagle Claw" (R3!)

Clone Update: I have two really strong ones, taken off really well and 1 more really good and 1 thats doing ok and one that's barely hangin in there and another in the dixie cup cuz I just can't trash it! lol… but in all reality I only need one STRONG survivor to become my mother, so Only one of these will live in for sure… the rest… some i might veg and some I might not…
Hey looks great! This is an inspiring grow bro, do you have any updates?

Thanks for the kind comments PSmurf! At your request,

Date 11/12/11
Been awhile since my last update. Just been extremely busy with work (lots of mandatory OT) and not really feeling like updating lol (since really not much has changed, all is well in terms of a 1st grow goes). Thought that even though I continually take pics, I should share where they are at now.

First… a Clone Update: Back row… left is the best growing clone so far… thinking I might have her be the mother. On the right… just gonna grow them out as they are perfectly good clones. Front row… left is what I considered one of the other great growing clones that might be a candidate for a mother but… so far i'm sticking with the aforementioned as my mother.

Onto the actual girls themselves… these shots were taken on 11/10/11… with puts them at
94 days - from seed germination
92 days - from planting germinated seeds
44 days - of flowering (in it's 7th week of flowering & approx 20~ish more days to go!)
Here are 5 and 6, the two that I topped to check out UB's topping method.


And here is #3, it's the best growing … natural (non topped … nothing just growing as it normally would)

Close up on her main cola, looks to be about 7½" tall… *

Still got a ways to go… I'm watering all 5 girls with 4 cups of water every 2 days… I have also seen signs of spider mites under a few of the large fan leaves… easy to clean out though. So realistically; I've been lucky and haven't really had a major bug problems (Salutes, Major Bug Problems… again with the HIMYM reference LOL). Really not much to update in the grand scheme of things, on the last leg of my first grow here and hope to be chopping them down sometime in the 1st half of December.

I've got a LOT of learning ahead of me to do! I feel like this grow could have gone SO MUCH BETTER but at the same time it's not too shabby of a first grow IMHO.
Thats awesome man, you should be proud. I'm doing my first grow as well, so this gives me hope. You've worked hard and done your homework, props bro.
Things are looking good. That spider mite problem is going to get worse. You are going to have an all out war on your hands. I always bug bomb during the first week of flower. I know that a lot of people worry about chems on their plants, but I don't like smoking little bugs. I just make sure the bomb is off before the flowers appear.

I'm happy to come along and ride with this one out with you. I grew WR on my last go around and it was fantastic. I used a single 600w light and only grew 4 plants (didn't have good luck with mother nature and her deciding to give me only a few females).

did good for your first time give it a year and u will be yeilding double that on the regular
awesome thanks bongsmilie

Things are looking good. That spider mite problem is going to get worse. You are going to have an all out war on your hands. I always bug bomb during the first week of flower. I know that a lot of people worry about chems on their plants, but I don't like smoking little bugs. I just make sure the bomb is off before the flowers appear.
Thanks for the tip. I actually used "Safer® Brand EndALL™ Insect Killer" and have since staved them off…*luckily it was confined to that one girl though, no others appear to be effected (but their damage was done, luckily it wasn't too bad IMHO)

I'm happy to come along and ride with this one out with you. I grew WR on my last go around and it was fantastic. I used a single 600w light and only grew 4 plants (didn't have good luck with mother nature and her deciding to give me only a few females).

Awesome to hear!! So far I've only heard positive things about White Rhino! The smell in the tent is SOOO amazing…*I can't pinpoint the "smells like" but I just love it!!
Date 11/21/11
Everything is still going great!!!! The aroma in the tent is just amazing!!! Smells like some sort of fruit … but iono I can't pin point it but it's just bomb smelling in there!!

in fact my clones are doing well enough that I'll transfer them into the tent while the light is on to get a better light shining down on it as opposed to the 1 2ft T5HO light I have. I figured there is room, why not! In the morning I move the clones into the tent and about an hour b4 lights off I move them back under the T5.

#4 from afar in the above pic looks fine, but up close… she's been battling spider mites that I have staved off, but their damage has been done…


So this is 1 of the 5 clones I'll have ready for the next 'season' … (I'll be starting a new journal after this harvest of course, should be big changes). And I thought this one is kind of an interesting one… At first I didn't think it'd survive but it hung in there and I think she'll be an interesting looking one come flower time for her. If you look at the last pic in the Date 10/27/11 update… she's back row middle pot… and then in the Date 11/12/11 update she's front row middle

Here she is 11/17/11


and here she is tonight (11/21/11) front middle with the other 4 that will up for next season… and back row middle is going to mum in training'

Also purchased 1 'GroTall Single Plant Support' today

Installed it on only 1 of them for now… Which I know now is not at all the best time to be putting on in but I wanted to see if it'd work for my environment

Seems to be great, really creating more space for each plant by being contained in there… so I'll be purchasing 4 more for the next 'season' as well as switching over to 3.7 gallon pots as opposed to the 5 gallon pots i'm using now.

Also picked up some wiring to help some of the branches that need a lil support… 2 or 3 top colas either got to heavy and couldn't support themselves or I must have rubbed it the wrong way when putting in and taking out the clones… because they are almost snapped off… looks like it was squished in a door :(

As of tomorrow (11/22/11) they will END their 8th week of flower…
Flowering Time Total Will Be: 56 days
Time from seed germination: 106 days
Just thought I'd a few close up on the colas… shots are edited by means of HDR with different styles applied. By far not my best photography work, was just quick and dirty to get ideas for future pictures


Pretty decent for your first grow. Things are happy and green. The only criticism I have is that your lighting sucks. Your tent is too big and you have too many plants for a 400w light. Look at all that ventilation and all that great work you've put into it. I'm CERTAIN you could run a 600w or even a 1000w in that tent and you would STOMP your current yields. I started with a 400w HPS, they are a waste of time. The 600w gives you nearly double the lumens for 200 more watts. My suggestion is to buy a 1000w dimmable ballast and not play around. You can run 600w on warmer nights and 1000w when it gets cold. That size tent will produce MUCH better that way.

All in all good grow, it would reward you TREMENDOUSLY to upgrade.
Thanks laserbrn. The problem I see with running an HPS more than 400w is my electricity bill. I already was quite shocked to see how much it went up from the norm prior to growing… ($60 b4 growing - $140-$170 while growing, I'm still working on ways to be efficient with what I go) so I don't think that I'll be using anything higher than that. In fact, I plan to switch to LED (regardless of what anyone here has to say about it) as it's much more energy efficient and should have the same final product. I'm specifically looking into the LumiGrow ES330.

Here is the unit I'm talking about; Toward the end it shows a comparison of the ES330 spanking a 600w HPS in what the plant needs… P.A.R. (not lumens)