Mystery purps! cold weather grow

hey guys,

this is my mystery plant that ive had growing for quite ahwile now, i think i planted her in the beginning of august. needless to say she is still growing and flowering quite nicely. however ive been dealing with 35F nights a few times now and 50F days. i have no idea what strain this is but i do know it has good genetics as it was ordered from europe by a buddy. lemme know what you think! how much time you think i have left? i think shes around 95 days old.



Well-Known Member
i think more than two weeks i would let her go till just before the frost gets the best of her then snip snip
i wish i could man but my forecast for the next ten days is rain every other day and 34 degree nights...ill loe my plant is 2 days if i leave her out there :(