Lumberjack Needs Some Trees To Cut Down Again...


lol goddamn look at lj policien his shit...well i'll go ahead an take credit for this..ima a FUCKING moron...when i hung the 1k i didn't put it up high enough an now i have semi fucked will take about a week to repair what i did....also i have pushed a little hard on the pk boosters an combined with the light kinda smoked the tips...heheh...grow an learn i always say...this is a new system so bumps are bound to happen...grow on an keep em green...peace az
what'd you do to my lovely plants :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

see ya in a couple days... that scissor hash is gonna be sweet.... :mrgreen:

how bad of a burn did ya give them???? and how close was it????


Well-Known Member
other then the nute burn there mostly fine..except 1-2 have singed top bud i said we lost a week or a lil yeild...but new system new i still got a big fat dank bud of the heri to be smoked along with the s-hash...peace az


so some pains... my bubble cloner's air pump decided to shit out on me at about 5 this morning, waking me up with a horrible noise of things going wrong with the parts inside... so i had to take my pump from the res and stick it in my cloner for temp use...

i'll be able to fix it, but boy that was just a bitch, and a bad wake up call... 5 or so of the DGH are rooted now, and will be transplanted prolly tonight into perlite...


i like how males look... we just don't want them in the garden...

a look at the girls flowering... some have only been in here for 1 week... others 4 and still others at 6 - most of the older ones are rafts... except for 1 DGH, and the younger plants are a variety of things.... you can see some burn from that 1000w hps.... got a little too close... oh well... in another couple weeks that damage won't be so noticeable...

and heres some herijuana that az did all on his own, but i have cuts of these vegging, and i helped manicure, so i thought i'd include the pics here...



Well-Known Member
haha..i was hoping you were gonna get bored an post those you can see in sevral plants the light burn...o well 2 weeks wont even know they were az


Well-Known Member
lol know we got your back...all it takes is a simple helped my homie learn an come for that i thank you...anything you need we can touch,,peace az
i have no cuttings.


still smokin' that raft i see. i ran out. i have no cuttings. plenty of beans though. maybe next time.
i love the raft my friend... i'm going to keep a mom around for a long while...

plus theres them beans... i'll eventually find a male from the f3's and hit up an f2 mom.... i might steal your genetics... haha:fire:

i am eternally thankful for all the help you've been to me though, you've been a good friend :hug:

i'm wondering when some hijack seeds are gonna find there way down south... that'd be something fun:shock:


haha..i was hoping you were gonna get bored an post those you can see in sevral plants the light burn...o well 2 weeks wont even know they were az

yeah i woke up all early and ran out of threads to read...

oh, and i just smoked one of the smaller buds off of that sample...

i'm fucking sssstttttonnnnnnnnned:weed::weed::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
i love the raft my friend... i'm going to keep a mom around for a long while...

plus theres them beans... i'll eventually find a male from the f3's and hit up an f2 mom.... i might steal your genetics... haha:fire:

i am eternally thankful for all the help you've been to me though, you've been a good friend :hug:

i'm wondering when some hijack seeds are gonna find there way down south... that'd be something fun:shock:

no hijack is going out. i don't want it stolen. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya im pretty happy the way the heri's turned out....lets see what happens with the rest..peace az


Well-Known Member
Yes, let's! ;)

Hey, so without searching too much, what's the word on Raft?? Who's it from? Where's it from? fdd, did you provide it??? lol answers much appreciated!!